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Google Apps - how to contact with a problem?


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I registered a dot com domain with Google, but my credit card date validity had expired, so I received a suspension notice from [email protected] advising me to set up new billing instruction to keep it going.

I did this, including a back up credit card, and nothing happened, despite several tries, so the domain name will now be cancelled.

When I try to contact Google Apps for help, the "Documentation and Support" contact page http://contact.googleapps.com/?&rd=1 takes me to "Troubleshoot an issue now" which looks hopeful with a tools icon, but there is no link there to click on...= Dead Page! Does anyone get a live link there?

Filled in a help form with above details, was told there would be no reply, but it might be posted on a help site! I've anyway tried the endlessly frustrating Google 'help' forums, and still drew a blank.

Anybody know how to contact a live human being?

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impossible to resolve anything with google and a phone call to the local office results in 'send us an email instead', which never gets answered, so you have to find a way to sort it yourself or give up as a bad life lesson.

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