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Chinese Tourists walking in traffic


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I went to Kunming and Li Chiang etc.. I see the opposite. The place is very clean no spitting and no bicycles. Road is clean and people obey the law.

In China,pedestrians are at the bottom of the pecking order, even if you are a foreigner/western/laowai. They must give way to bikes and scooters, who must give way to cars and so on. A pedestrian crossing means nothing (except a target), as does a red light most of the time, so when in China, you have to give up all western ideas, that the traffic is going to stop for you.

As for spitting, the Chinese believe it is unhealthy to have gunk in your lungs, so they cough it up and spit it out. They laugh at us for spitting the gunk into a hankie or tissue then putting it back into our pockets. Many Chinese are poor, so they do not buy tissues, or if they have money, they are not in the habit of using tissues or putting anything in rubbish bins.

The traffic drives on the US/European side of the road in China, so they must have assumed Thailand was the same. I doubt if they had international licenses either, as the Chinese think their driver's/rider's licenses are good in any country (<deleted>?).

And finally the Chinese tourists wandering down the middle of the road like brown's cows is normal here in China, as the footpaths are so busy or full of electric bikes and scooters, or so badly broken up they are dangerous to walk on. They are tone deaf to horns, and a nudge will, as another TVer wrote, result in a compo payout. Best to give them a scare, but from experience, that doesn't always mean that they will actually LEARN anything from the experience.

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So I think the good news is that China is raising itself at an inedible pace. Tour group cattle aside, I keep meeting Chinese visitors with absolutely stunning English, top education and good/interesting jobs. (and did I mention cute?)

I for one would be super sad if Chinese people stopped coming. As opposed to if any Western nationality -including my own- vanished overnight: don't care.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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this is the case with many indians in Pattaya as well.

they will just stand in groups blocking off almost the whole lane waiting for something.

often, that something is not crossing the street, because they don't move when there is an opening, prefering to discuss between them.

I nearly hit one a couple of times.

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I went to Kunming and Li Chiang etc.. I see the opposite. The place is very clean no spitting and no bicycles.

I lived in Kunming for 2/12 years and saw lots of it. Maybe Kunming has changed.......

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As for spitting, the Chinese believe it is unhealthy to have gunk in your lungs, so they cough it up and spit it out. They laugh at us for spitting the gunk into a hankie or tissue then putting it back into our pockets. Many Chinese are poor, so they do not buy tissues, or if they have money, they are not in the habit of using tissues or putting anything in rubbish bins.

I believe emptying the bowels daily is good for one's health. Don't want to get constipated. I would considered doing so in the street or middle of supermarket a trifle impolite giggle.gif

ha ha! The kids have big splits in the back of their pants and no diapers, and their parents/grandparents squat them on the footpath for them to do #1 AND #2. I often see adult men pissing up against the wall, which saves them 2 mao at a public toilet. Occasionally I see the evidence of a big human crap on the footpath or in the gutter:sick:

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Heheh I have to laugh because the OP is so true

& I see this often. But also I would like to know how to say

"excuse me" in Chinese will have to look it up wink.png

Because so often when walking I find myself behind a pack of Chinese tourist blocking

the way into somewhere & I just cannot seem to get their attention.

Of course I try Kor Tort & excuse me but no reaction. smile.png

Then again they are usually chattering away with each other & they sure speak loudly.

Makes me smile wondering if they also have a lot of Wat loud speakers where they live. smile.png

Edited by mania
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Heheh I have to laugh because the OP is so true

& I see this often. But also I would like to know how to say

"excuse me" in Chinese will have to look it up wink.png

Because so often when walking I find myself behind a pack of Chinese tourist blocking

the way into somewhere & I just cannot seem to get their attention.

Of course I try Kor Tort & excuse me but no reaction. smile.png

Then again they are usually chattering away with each other & they sure speak loudly.

Makes me smile wondering if they also have a lot of Wat loud speakers where they live. smile.png

Just barge straight through them...that's what they are used to.

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Heheh I have to laugh because the OP is so true

& I see this often. But also I would like to know how to say

"excuse me" in Chinese will have to look it up wink.png

Because so often when walking I find myself behind a pack of Chinese tourist blocking

the way into somewhere & I just cannot seem to get their attention.

Of course I try Kor Tort & excuse me but no reaction. smile.png

Then again they are usually chattering away with each other & they sure speak loudly.

Makes me smile wondering if they also have a lot of Wat loud speakers where they live. smile.png

Just barge straight through them...that's what they are used to.

Indeed, they wouldn't give this a thought or be offended....you could even let an oyster go on your way through to show that you understand the culture.

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Heheh I have to laugh because the OP is so true

& I see this often. But also I would like to know how to say

"excuse me" in Chinese will have to look it up wink.png

Because so often when walking I find myself behind a pack of Chinese tourist blocking

the way into somewhere & I just cannot seem to get their attention.

Of course I try Kor Tort & excuse me but no reaction. smile.png

Then again they are usually chattering away with each other & they sure speak loudly.

Makes me smile wondering if they also have a lot of Wat loud speakers where they live. smile.png

Just barge straight through them...that's what they are used to.

Indeed, they wouldn't give this a thought or be offended....you could even let an oyster go on your way through to show that you understand the culture.

Would it be ok to let it land on their toes?

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In a temple late yesterday afternoon up near Chiang Rai(Big white one)and loads of Chinese tourists doing the rounds ..following the red flag.. but all seem to be shouting at each other..unlike the quiet and polite Thais.

I could only assume that after 50 plus years of listening to BS in their old country they have all become completely "mutt and jeff".

Thought about offering them some of the batteries out of my hearing aids but that would have left me short...ho mum...nee hao...mpr

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Thais and Koreans don't walk down the middle of a street with lots of motor vehicles using it. tongue.png .

True and actually there is a sharp difference in looks between a Korean and Chinese However, the biggest difference is the part we can't see (inside between the ears) and although it pains me to say it, Koreans in general, are in a much higher league.

Are you talking soccer or for the British football? If so probably true.

Or as human beings? If you are you are being highly raciest.

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When I visited China last year I didn't see the Chinese behaving this way on the road. Everything is neat and in order. Why are they doing this here!

I think a lot of people really have no idea of how to keep an open mind on a nation of 1.3 billion people from many different cultures. In parts of China Genghis Khan is considered to be a hero even though he conquered China and killed a large number of people.

I know it is easy to Stereotype them as all the same. I know I do it and have to remind myself how different they can be,

Stop and consider if you are one in a thousand there is 1,300 Chinese just like you.

Edited by hellodolly
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In a temple late yesterday afternoon up near Chiang Rai(Big white one)and loads of Chinese tourists doing the rounds ..following the red flag.. but all seem to be shouting at each other..unlike the quiet and polite Thais.

I could only assume that after 50 plus years of listening to BS in their old country they have all become completely "mutt and jeff".

Thought about offering them some of the batteries out of my hearing aids but that would have left me short...ho mum...nee hao...mpr

You should have lent them the batteries if they were talking that loud. You would still have been able to hear them.smile.png It is not only a Chinese trait. There are often times i will watch the wife talking to her friends or on the phone in a loud voice. If I turn the TV up that loud she says it gives her a head ache.

Go figure.

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Certainly my last visit to China was an eye-opener. Zebra crossings are like a target for motorists, and even if the pedestrian light is green for crossing, motor cyclists and their version of a tuk-tuk just force people out of the way. Maybe they use the road as their footpaths are so crowded, and it's also easier to spit.

I kid you not, and just last week I heard and saw one clear his throat and spit onto the floor of TOPS supermarket. sick.gif

Could very well have been a Thai, as many Thai´s also have this bad habbit! Did he clear his throat, spit on the floor and speak Chinese at the same time??

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In CM recently, near Thapae Gate, a turn in the sidewalk narrows, enough so that 2 Chinese could not get through with their motorbikes. Rather than back out, they just parked them there, so nobody could walk on the sidewalk. Everyone had to go into the street to get around the corner. They went for lunch.

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I know this question will come back and bite me on the a... but. How do you know these are Chinese people? I can't seem to tell the difference between them and Koreans or Thais unless they are talking.

Because at TV we have different threads for different Asian-bashing. It's the fundamental concept of "separate but equal."

If you want to bash Koreans, start your own thread, although feel free to use the same interchangeable examples. Or if you want to see some spectacular fire works, start a bashing thread aimed at the less desirable stereotypical characteristics of Brits, Americans or Germans.

Thai bashing is, of course, ubiquitous no matter the tenuous connection to the subject of the thread.

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow catty,,,,,,

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How I miss Guandong and the massive sized double yolkers / throat oysters they used to hack up wherever they pleased. Charming race

Talking of Guandong Province:

"Note that rat meat, when properly disclosed, is not necessarily verboten for all Chinese. For some it’s a delicacy, and in the southern province of Guangdong, adjacent to Hong Kong, there’s a town famed for its rat restaurants. “The rat dishes are so popular that diners sometimes have to book in advance for a meal in some restaurants during peak hours,” China Daily reported in 2010 from the town of Zhongcun. “Rat meat can be roasted, braised in soy sauce, stewed or cooked in soup.”


I think the Chinese are merely wandering around CM, looking up, trying to find some food and are bemused that there are no rat restaurants. Hence they notice nothing else.

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Loud exhaust on a bike and a quick rev gets them out of my way.

That's what I've always like about Harley's with straight pipes. You can hear me coming two blocks away.. at least. biggrin.png

Yes, and so can all the other people around you. Then YOU become the object of scorn.

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