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Question for Non Smokers - A night out in the GoGos, what do you do to prepare?


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I recently returned from Bangkok, and had the pleasure to experience Rainbow 4 at Nana. I've gone in there for years but on my most recent

trip I was pleasantly surprised on quality and everything else about the bar. I'll even go out on a limb and say in 20 years I've never seen

better selection or a better run bar. Sorry I digerss, let me explain the best thing about it, it was Non Smoking.

And I don't mean that pseudo-non smoking that happens in most bars. Outside of Rainbow 4 were all the smokers, it was awesome. Inside

it was packed, music not too loud, and a great viewing (and picking) experience.

What do you non smokers do to prepare for the constant chain smokers you sit next to in the GoGo's? For us non smokers who wake up the

next day feeling horrible, and the taste of nicotine in our mouth.. I'm wondering if there are any tricks besides changing seats and/or leaving

for another GoGo when it gets too smoky.

Does anyone know of a non smoking bar in Pattaya?

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Sugar Baby on Soi Diamond off Walking st. is supposed to be non-smoking. For your other questions : I do not go into any estabishment where anyone smokes Thats restaurants, even if the kitchen staff smoke the place is contaminated. And of coarse no go go-go;s where these smokers are. I stay as far away as possible from these reeking contaminated sick people. Was in a checkout line and this smoker walks up and it was like being blasted with cigarette smoke just being next in line..

By the way you are better off just staying in Bangklok , quite while you are ahead. Because about 85 % of the Pattaya population smoke cigarettes.

Thats all Asian males do all day. Thats all the Russians do all day As well as the other 85%

Edited by morrobay
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Rainbow 4 was thriving, the place was packed and everyone looked happy. Even the smokers out front did not seem to mind to step out. I asked a couple girls and they loved it.

Hopefully this will catch on everywhere.

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Fully agreed. Disgusting habit and most of the smokers are disrespectful and feel they have the right to contaminate everybody around them. Same in hotel pools, coughing and spitting with their smokers cough. Disgusting!!!!bah.gif Most of the times I change tables or I leave. Unfortunately we live in place where laws are not enforced and is frequented by mostly people who are not educated enough to respect laws and their fellows next table. Try Walking Street Pub! Great smell from the entrance to the inside. And not to forget Sugar..Sugar on LK Metro. Both Non-Smoking! Any others out there???

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"have the right to contaminate everybody around them" "reeking contaminated sick people"

Wow.. The anti smoking brigade are out in force with their intelligent comments again I see. I smoke and take slight offense to these remarks. I agree it should not be allowed in the go-go bars, but to be fair I personally don't see that many here and the air conditioning units seem to do a good job.IMO

If all else fails, stick to rainbow 4 as suggested above. It doesn't get much better than that place in many aspects. :)

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I'm a firm believer in individual freedom....bar owners should not be free to ignore the laws that prohibit smoking in their establishments -

So the bar owners are not free to exercise the same level of freedom that you claim for yourself? A far better option than a blanket prohibition would be to allow the establishment owners to choose whether they want smoking or not, and post a sign with their decision prominently at the entrance. Then you get to exercise your freedom and decide whether or not to enter.

That's why it's the cesspool that it is.

If it such a cesspool, why do you choose to live here? Surely ther many other places in Thailand and in other countries which would meet your standards.

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I don't worry that much about the smoke in bars myself, but the staff are there all evening every evening, and especially for those on stage it is a problem as the smoke accumulates up near the ceiling, and many bars have low ceilings. I can just leave, but the staff are stuck there unless of course they quit their job, so for that reason people should refrain from smoking in bars and other indoor places.

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Sugar Baby on Soi Diamond off Walking st. is supposed to be non-smoking. For your other questions : I do not go into any estabishment where anyone smokes Thats restaurants, even if the kitchen staff smoke the place is contaminated. And of coarse no go go-go;s where these smokers are. I stay as far away as possible from these reeking contaminated sick people. Was in a checkout line and this smoker walks up and it was like being blasted with cigarette smoke just being next in line..

By the way you are better off just staying in Bangklok , quite while you are ahead. Because about 85 % of the Pattaya population smoke cigarettes.

Thats all Asian males do all day. Thats all the Russians do all day As well as the other 85%

Thank you for not generalizing!!

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I'm a firm believer in individual freedom. But that freedom must always be limited by the inclusion of a caveat stating that you are not free to do what you want IF that action causes harm to other human beings. That is the beginning and end of my position on "no smoking" rules.

It's nothing to do with harm, IMO that's blowing it way out of proportion.... it's all about comfort. It's just a very unpleasant experience for a non-smoker to be near smokers. As a non-smoker I don't enjoy it either, but I don't fear for my life.

If you're paranoid about your health when breathing smoke filled air in a bar... just imagine the danger walking down the road and breathing exhaust fumes.... or in Pattaya... the sewer gas.

Edited by tropo
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"have the right to contaminate everybody around them" "reeking contaminated sick people"

Wow.. The anti smoking brigade are out in force with their intelligent comments again I see. I smoke and take slight offense to these remarks. I agree it should not be allowed in the go-go bars, but to be fair I personally don't see that many here and the air conditioning units seem to do a good job.IMO

If all else fails, stick to rainbow 4 as suggested above. It doesn't get much better than that place in many aspects. smile.png

I'm a non-smoker too, but we're not all as fervently opposed as Morrobay. He'd be best off living in an isolated oxygen tent away from all other life forms.

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I don't worry that much about the smoke in bars myself, but the staff are there all evening every evening, and especially for those on stage it is a problem as the smoke accumulates up near the ceiling, and many bars have low ceilings. I can just leave, but the staff are stuck there unless of course they quit their job, so for that reason people should refrain from smoking in bars and other indoor places.

The staff will long be gone with all the drugs and alcohol they consume before passive smoking becomes an issue, do you think they all drink water and never do drugs :rolleyes: Edited by yoslim
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The staff will long be gone with all the drugs and alcohol they consume before passive smoking becomes an issue, do you think they all drink water and never do drugs rolleyes.gif

You must frequent low-life bars where the dregs of society work.

Most bar owners never hire a drug users, and most lady drinks that staff consume as part of their employment, are nothing but lolly water.

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I don't spend my money in establishments that allow smoking inside closed doors. If by chance I'm in a place that says NO SMOKING but they bring out ash trays or bottles and allow a group to smoke, I'll leave right away. I go out of my way to avoid businesses that allow inside smoking. Bars, restaurants, whatever. There are plenty of places who welcome non-smokers and that is where I spend my money.

This is also why I don't hang out with many Thai males, as most of them are chain smokers. My few Thai friends are not. Neither are my farang friends. So I never go home smelling like smoke. It is annoying and difficult sometimes, but I'm happier if I'm not around it.

Thailand's an acquired taste. If you don't like it - leave.

So is cancer. Enjoy.

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How can anyone not care that their shirts reek of smoke, and breathing in all that crap for hours? It's amazing to me. I guess some people don't care about

hygiene, I've seen (and smelled) them before.. I just don't get it.

I'll give the Metro a try, thank's for all the help with suggestions.

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Don't live in Thailand. Come back to the west and you'll be fine, oakweb and morrobay.

Thailand's an acquired taste. If you don't like it - leave.

how refreshingly original!

i have never seen that sentiment stated so eloquently on TV

i am almost moved to start packing now..

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'By the way you are better off just staying in Bangklok , quite while you are ahead. Because about 85 % of the Pattaya population smoke cigarettes.'

Staying in BKK is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigs a day just by walking in the road. The traffic pollution is carcinogenic.

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I'm a firm believer in individual freedom. But that freedom must always be limited by the inclusion of a caveat stating that you are not free to do what you want IF that action causes harm to other human beings. That is the beginning and end of my position on "no smoking" rules.

It's nothing to do with harm, IMO that's blowing it way out of proportion.... it's all about comfort. It's just a very unpleasant experience for a non-smoker to be near smokers. As a non-smoker I don't enjoy it either, but I don't fear for my life.

If you're paranoid about your health when breathing smoke filled air in a bar... just imagine the danger walking down the road and breathing exhaust fumes.... or in Pattaya... the sewer gas.

'Its all about comfort & just a very unpleasant experience'

I wish i had your problems. After breathing cigarette smoke I have an intermittent cough for about 8 hours.

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"have the right to contaminate everybody around them" "reeking contaminated sick people"

Wow.. The anti smoking brigade are out in force with their intelligent comments again I see. I smoke and take slight offense to these remarks. I agree it should not be allowed in the go-go bars, but to be fair I personally don't see that many here and the air conditioning units seem to do a good job.IMO

If all else fails, stick to rainbow 4 as suggested above. It doesn't get much better than that place in many aspects. smile.png

Sugar Baby on Soi Diamond off Walking st. is supposed to be non-smoking. For your other questions : I do not go into any estabishment where anyone smokes Thats restaurants, even if the kitchen staff smoke the place is contaminated. And of coarse no go go-go;s where these smokers are. I stay as far away as possible from these reeking contaminated sick people. Was in a checkout line and this smoker walks up and it was like being blasted with cigarette smoke just being next in line..

By the way you are better off just staying in Bangklok , quite while you are ahead. Because about 85 % of the Pattaya population smoke cigarettes.

Thats all Asian males do all day.Thats all Russians do all day. As well as the other 85%.

OK that was a little overboard, line 3 edit : I stay as far away as possible from these smokers

Edited by morrobay
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I don't worry that much about the smoke in bars myself, but the staff are there all evening every evening, and especially for those on stage it is a problem as the smoke accumulates up near the ceiling, and many bars have low ceilings. I can just leave, but the staff are stuck there unless of course they quit their job, so for that reason people should refrain from smoking in bars and other indoor places.

Agreed. I know several nonsmoking ex-bar workers who now suffer from severe respiratory diseases from working in smoke filled bars. Smokers think that it is only they that suffer the consequences.

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I don't worry that much about the smoke in bars myself, but the staff are there all evening every evening, and especially for those on stage it is a problem as the smoke accumulates up near the ceiling, and many bars have low ceilings. I can just leave, but the staff are stuck there unless of course they quit their job, so for that reason people should refrain from smoking in bars and other indoor places.

Agreed. I know several nonsmoking ex-bar workers who now suffer from severe respiratory diseases from working in smoke filled bars. Smokers think that it is only they that suffer the consequences.

What severe respiratory diseases did these ex-bar workers develop? How long had they been working to contract these diseases? How many do you know?

Smokers don't think about much - they just need their nicotine fix. Obviously they're not too concerned about their own health.

Edited by tropo
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I don't worry that much about the smoke in bars myself, but the staff are there all evening every evening, and especially for those on stage it is a problem as the smoke accumulates up near the ceiling, and many bars have low ceilings. I can just leave, but the staff are stuck there unless of course they quit their job, so for that reason people should refrain from smoking in bars and other indoor places.

Agreed. I know several nonsmoking ex-bar workers who now suffer from severe respiratory diseases from working in smoke filled bars. Smokers think that it is only they that suffer the consequences.

What severe respiratory diseases did these ex-bar workers develop? How long had they been working to contract these diseases? How many do you know?

Smokers don't think about much - they just need their nicotine fix. Obviously they're not too concerned about their own health.

You can tell the barworkers affected by the smoke and ingesting nicotine all night every night. They start to look unfit. I used to see it here in Sydney in some of the clubs before they changed the smoking rules. If people want to smoke that's ok as long as I don't have to breathe it in.

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The main cause of smoking being allowed in Pattaya go-go bars is that the bar owner/manager is a smoker himself. Because he has a constant craving for a nicotine hit, he believes that his customers feel the same way.

It's his job to stay inside the premises to keep a close eye on the business, therefore, for him to walk outside for his nicotine hit, is far too much trouble and not worth doing. It wouldn't be fair if he smoked inside and his minority smoking customers were forced to walk outside for their hit, so he puts out the ashtrays and to hell with the NO SMOKING regulations....and to hell with non-smoking customers too.

He has probably been smoking for most of his life so he doesn't know how a room full of tobacco smoke can spoil the atmosphere for the majority of his customers and his staff.

If the NO SMOKING law applies to the premises that he owns/manages, he has no right to overrule the regulations. In that regard, non-smoking customers should voice their objections to him, loud and clear, before exciting the premises. If his business starts to go downhill as a result of having a room full of empty seats, he just might start to get the message.

I'd like to see the owners/managers of those few go-go bars that enforce the NO SMOKING regulations put a sign to that effect outside their premises. I'm confident that their business would thrive as a result.

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The main cause of smoking being allowed in Pattaya go-go bars is that the bar owner/manager is a smoker himself. Because he has a constant craving for a nicotine hit, he believes that his customers feel the same way.

It's his job to stay inside the premises to keep a close eye on the business, therefore, for him to walk outside for his nicotine hit, is far too much trouble and not worth doing. It wouldn't be fair if he smoked inside and his minority smoking customers were forced to walk outside for their hit, so he puts out the ashtrays and to hell with the NO SMOKING regulations....and to hell with non-smoking customers too.

He has probably been smoking for most of his life so he doesn't know how a room full of tobacco smoke can spoil the atmosphere for the majority of his customers and his staff.

If the NO SMOKING law applies to the premises that he owns/manages, he has no right to overrule the regulations. In that regard, non-smoking customers should voice their objections to him, loud and clear, before exciting the premises. If his business starts to go downhill as a result of having a room full of empty seats, he just might start to get the message.

I'd like to see the owners/managers of those few go-go bars that enforce the NO SMOKING regulations put a sign to that effect outside their premises. I'm confident that their business would thrive as a result.


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Sugar Baby on Soi Diamond off Walking st. is supposed to be non-smoking. For your other questions : I do not go into any estabishment where anyone smokes Thats restaurants, even if the kitchen staff smoke the place is contaminated. And of coarse no go go-go;s where these smokers are. I stay as far away as possible from these reeking contaminated sick people. Was in a checkout line and this smoker walks up and it was like being blasted with cigarette smoke just being next in line..

By the way you are better off just staying in Bangklok , quite while you are ahead. Because about 85 % of the Pattaya population smoke cigarettes.

Thats all Asian males do all day. Thats all the Russians do all day As well as the other 85%

Are you seriously trying to suggest that 85% of Pattaya Thais smoke, but Bangkok has a better class of Thai that don't smoke ?

This is one of the most feeble attempts at Pattaya bashing I have seen. Come on you can do better than that.

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