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Thai farmers to protest against drop in guaranteed price


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How can these farmers complain? They've been paid far higher than market rates for a long time and will still be paid far more than market rates even at the new reduced level. What exactly do they think they are entitled to and how can posters here say they have been ripped off?

As for complaining about the 15K having been a guarantee, they are Thai and this is Thailand, don't they know the word guarantee means nothing in Thailand? As a "falang" that has Thai's try to overcharge me, lie and cheat me every single day and in the most trivial ways I actually find this kind of funny.

God,you must know some awfull people as a "falang",,i never get overcharged ,lied to or cheated by Thai people ,in fact i have only once ever been cheated in all my years here ,i cannot understand some of you who post on thaivisa ,you live in a different world to me and my family.

Sorry, you are right, there is never any attempt to charge falangs more, Thais are fine, honest, upstanding people, they would never cheat or lie.

I had been talking about the other Thailand, not the one you live in.

I Claudius, My guess is you live marooned on a remote island off the Thai coast somewhere,

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"Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said Friday that the MPs would explain to farmers in their constituencies on the necessary revision. They would also gather farmers proposals on how the government can help. The proposals would be presented to the government next week, he said."
He noted that the government has considered supporting measures, primarily to help reduce the production cost and increase rice quality."

We have lost THB 136 on expenditures of 352 billion over 2011/2012 already and 2012/2013 will only see us improve in losses, somehow. Surely you understand that we need to cut back on you to avoid these type of losses we cannot explain yet, but cutting the price you get should help. Furthermore we're considering a temporary exemption on 300B/day and a higher credit limit to your government issued credit card.

Surely all this will satisfy even the most doubtful Thomas Somchai?

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Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said Friday that the MPs would explain to farmers in their constituencies on the necessary revision

Don't know that I would want that job.

Fronting up to a mob of angry farmers when you have just cut their income by 20% could be bad for the health.

Would seem that Pompong did not want the job either as he has delegated it.

Little wonder 3 of the PT MP's have come out on the side of the farmers.

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I can't seem to locate the articles covering Yingluck on the campaign trail when she made the mistake of agreeing to her supporters shouting for 20,000B per tonne when the party message was 15,000

Her "mistake" ended up costing billions of taxpayers' money

Ironically, it's the hom Mali they are managing to sell. It's the genetic white stuff that's the most over priced

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Wouldn't it be best to pay the farmer for NOT growing rice for a year, so the old stuff can be used, Maybe cheaper this way.smile.png

While what you say is true, it shows a lack of understanding of the purpose of this scam.

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How can these farmers complain? They've been paid far higher than market rates for a long time and will still be paid far more than market rates even at the new reduced level. What exactly do they think they are entitled to and how can posters here say they have been ripped off?

As for complaining about the 15K having been a guarantee, they are Thai and this is Thailand, don't they know the word guarantee means nothing in Thailand? As a "falang" that has Thai's try to overcharge me, lie and cheat me every single day and in the most trivial ways I actually find this kind of funny.

God,you must know some awfull people as a "falang",,i never get overcharged ,lied to or cheated by Thai people ,in fact i have only once ever been cheated in all my years here ,i cannot understand some of you who post on thaivisa ,you live in a different world to me and my family.

I can not totally agree with you but for the most part I agree with you. Every so often I get overcharged on a songhtel here in Chiang Mai but it is my choice to except it or wait for another one. If one is going to be doing business in a tourist area they will try to get as much money out of him as they can. Just the same as he does in his job.

It must be a horrible life he lives with all that going on around him.

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Wouldn't it be best to pay the farmer for NOT growing rice for a year, so the old stuff can be used, Maybe cheaper this way.smile.png

It would probably be better to start burning the oldest moldiest stuff. At least customers will know that if they buy the over priced stuff, at least it's still edible and valuable.

They need to get rid of the old stuff, it's only getting less valuable by the day.

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How can these farmers complain? They've been paid far higher than market rates for a long time and will still be paid far more than market rates even at the new reduced level. What exactly do they think they are entitled to and how can posters here say they have been ripped off?

As for complaining about the 15K having been a guarantee, they are Thai and this is Thailand, don't they know the word guarantee means nothing in Thailand? As a "falang" that has Thai's try to overcharge me, lie and cheat me every single day and in the most trivial ways I actually find this kind of funny.

God,you must know some awfull people as a "falang",,i never get overcharged ,lied to or cheated by Thai people ,in fact i have only once ever been cheated in all my years here ,i cannot understand some of you who post on thaivisa ,you live in a different world to me and my family.

You must not get out much/interact with vendors or service providers. I'd like to watch you try to get a fair price from a Tuk Tuk driver at Hualumpong Station or MBK. Try to get a 'Thai' price on street merchandise sold in tourist areas. Thailand is the HUB of scams; go on the internet to see the very long list. I'm not saying you have to be scammed but there are many things unavailable to the Farang at the 'Thai' price. BTW, how would you ever know you have never been lied to or cheated? Hell, even my GF lies to me in the name of 'grieng jai' LOL.

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Wouldn't it be best to pay the farmer for NOT growing rice for a year, so the old stuff can be used, Maybe cheaper this way.smile.png

It would probably be better to start burning the oldest moldiest stuff. At least customers will know that if they buy the over priced stuff, at least it's still edible and valuable.

They need to get rid of the old stuff, it's only getting less valuable by the day.


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Wouldn't it be best to pay the farmer for NOT growing rice for a year, so the old stuff can be used, Maybe cheaper this way.smile.png

It would probably be better to start burning the oldest moldiest stuff. At least customers will know that if they buy the over priced stuff, at least it's still edible and valuable.

They need to get rid of the old stuff, it's only getting less valuable by the day.


Can you make fuel out of rat shit?

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Wouldn't it be best to pay the farmer for NOT growing rice for a year, so the old stuff can be used, Maybe cheaper this way.smile.png

It would probably be better to start burning the oldest moldiest stuff. At least customers will know that if they buy the over priced stuff, at least it's still edible and valuable.

They need to get rid of the old stuff, it's only getting less valuable by the day.


Can you make fuel out of rat shit?

You can get methane from cow/pig shit but depends on how much rat shit you have to work with. Maybe rat farming with the old rice? Just trying to help.

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It would probably be better to start burning the oldest moldiest stuff. At least customers will know that if they buy the over priced stuff, at least it's still edible and valuable.

They need to get rid of the old stuff, it's only getting less valuable by the day.


Can you make fuel out of rat shit?

You can get methane from cow/pig shit but depends on how much rat shit you have to work with. Maybe rat farming with the old rice? Just trying to help.

Biogas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biogas

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It would probably be better to start burning the oldest moldiest stuff. At least customers will know that if they buy the over priced stuff, at least it's still edible and valuable.

They need to get rid of the old stuff, it's only getting less valuable by the day.


Can you make fuel out of rat shit?

You can get methane from cow/pig shit but depends on how much rat shit you have to work with. Maybe rat farming with the old rice? Just trying to help.

Biogas, it's even considered a renewable fuel which qualifies for renewable energy subsidies in some parts of the world.


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"Farmers' groups in 10 provinces are preparing to hold rallies to voice their opposition against the government's decision to cut the minimum price of rice under its rice-pledging scheme to Bt12,000 per tonne."

This is what happens when you 'buy' loyalty; it exists only as long as you are paying for it.

The PT party can hardly wait for August session of Parliament to begin as it will be their last chance to get Dr. Thaksin 'amnestied' and returned. PM Yingluck was correct that the press is mostly negative and their 'mandate from the People' is deteriorating and under threat from many directions I think the government understands that this unworkable rice scheme is hurting their credit/credibility and they are under a lot of pressure from the 'Boss' to get that 2.2-2.5 trillion Baht Infrastructure Improvement loan before the whole 'House of Cards' falls. I'm sure that, behind the scenes, there is a lot of hand-holding, hand-wringing, and worry. I'm beginning to think the PM won't be able to handle the stress for another two years. I'm going to make some more popcorn as this show is really getting interesting.

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I have never had it explained to me how the 15,000 baht a ton helped the average farmer. I have heard it helped the large land owning farmers but no one else it was mostly the middle man receiving the money. Particularly the ones who owned the warehouses where it was stored.

Who is going to eat this 3,000 baht decrease in price. Seems like a lot of money to take from a small farmer who is barley hanging in there as is.

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I have never had it explained to me how the 15,000 baht a ton helped the average farmer. I have heard it helped the large land owning farmers but no one else it was mostly the middle man receiving the money. Particularly the ones who owned the warehouses where it was stored.

Who is going to eat this 3,000 baht decrease in price. Seems like a lot of money to take from a small farmer who is barley hanging in there as is.

The reason that you haven't heard about the 15,000 baht/ton helping the poor farmers is quite obvious really.

It DOESN'T!!!!!

If they had continued the much more sensible Democrat policy of 'the rice mortgage scheme' which was far more open to transparency and efficient at distributing money to those poor farmers that need it (they even admitted before the election that they DID benefit from Abhisit's government's scheme) - plus the subsidy didn't result in anywhere near the losses that this scheme has incurred and didn't leave Thailand with millions of tons of unsaleable rice festering in warehouses throughout the country!!

I hope, that this is the catalyst for dissatisfaction setting in and the government will soon realise that populist policies are a ticking time bomb that will explode in their face eventually!!

A hard lesson learned can be the death of you!!

Let's hope that this besets the PTUP (Pheu Thai Useless Party).

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"Dear rice farmers of Thailand, you have been officially ripped off. Thank you very much for buying into our populist policies. And now excuse me, I've got to plan my nex shopping trip to the Maledives,... bye bye..."giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

Let the Bangkok rice farmer protest begin again...

Ah YES, T.I.T. where if a Politician isn't ripping you off, he isn't worth his salt...LOL

Farmers cutting their crop before the deadline here in the village, I'd imagine that is the same nationwide, so they can maximise profit.

I could hear the rice combines going all night they have so much work to do!

At the local shop/bar last night the guy who cut the paddy next to our house yesterday was complaining about broken promises and rising prices. Bet there are many more like him.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes and as this groundswell really gets going the government is in big trouble but I would bet they won't see it coming as they really do believe they can do no wrong in the eyes of their people.

Yes that is what I thought too but chatting with the guy, through wifey interpreting, I asked 'what about the Democrats?' He said most people in the village will never vote for them because they only care about the rich. That is what the Dems have to overcome.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Such is the way of Democrats, even in the USA, from the biginning the Democrats have been the party of the wealthy land owning, slave holding, racists.

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Quote //

Thai Farmers' Association chairman Prasit Bunchoey told the press yesterday that a date would soon be chosen on when farmers will hold a peaceful gathering outside the city halls in the 10 provinces. //

Expect traffic jams on that day. If I was a farmer I would mobilise every slow moving mechanical gizmo with wheels on and drive sedately to the city hall

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Wouldn't it be best to pay the farmer for NOT growing rice for a year, so the old stuff can be used, Maybe cheaper this way.smile.png

It would probably be better to start burning the oldest moldiest stuff. At least customers will know that if they buy the over priced stuff, at least it's still edible and valuable.

They need to get rid of the old stuff, it's only getting less valuable by the day.


Presumably. They should get the cheapest crappiest out of warehouse asap.

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"Dear rice farmers of Thailand, you have been officially ripped off. Thank you very much for buying into our populist policies. And now excuse me, I've got to plan my nex shopping trip to the Maledives,... bye bye..."Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image


Let the Bangkok rice farmer protest begin again...

Ah YES, T.I.T. where if a Politician isn't ripping you off, he isn't worth his salt...LOL


Farmers cutting their crop before the deadline here in the village, I'd imagine that is the same nationwide, so they can maximise profit.

I could hear the rice combines going all night they have so much work to do!

At the local shop/bar last night the guy who cut the paddy next to our house yesterday was complaining about broken promises and rising prices. Bet there are many more like him.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes and as this groundswell really gets going the government is in big trouble but I would bet they won't see it coming as they really do believe they can do no wrong in the eyes of their people.


Yes that is what I thought too but chatting with the guy, through wifey interpreting, I asked 'what about the Democrats?' He said most people in the village will never vote for them because they only care about the rich. That is what the Dems have to overcome.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Such is the way of Democrats, even in the USA, from the biginning the Democrats have been the party of the wealthy land owning, slave holding, racists.

But at least they can spell!

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

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Farmers cutting their crop before the deadline here in the village, I'd imagine that is the same nationwide, so they can maximise profit.

I could hear the rice combines going all night they have so much work to do!

At the local shop/bar last night the guy who cut the paddy next to our house yesterday was complaining about broken promises and rising prices. Bet there are many more like him.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes and as this groundswell really gets going the government is in big trouble but I would bet they won't see it coming as they really do believe they can do no wrong in the eyes of their people.

Yes that is what I thought too but chatting with the guy, through wifey interpreting, I asked 'what about the Democrats?' He said most people in the village will never vote for them because they only care about the rich. That is what the Dems have to overcome.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not unlike the UK where the great unwashed always vote Labour 'cos they're for the working class'. It takes a lot of political courage to rasie the tax on booze and fags. If doing so people won't vote the right way, in fact just won't vote rather than for the Tories who 'are for the rich and landed'. The idealistic young vote Labour using their hearts. Later on in life many change political sides after they have learned to vote using their brains.

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Such is the way of Democrats, even in the USA, from the biginning the Democrats have been the party of the wealthy land owning, slave holding, racists.

Good job that the North-eastern landowners, allies of Thaksin, are such fine upstanding chaps.
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