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10-year-old girl gives birth in Nakhon Panom


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This case is one of abuse-pure and simple. A ten year old mother is a child that has been raped into the condition.

The general epedemic of teenage pregnancy now sweeping Thailand is not due to rape but to consentual careless sex between young people. I read an article in the BKP recently bemoaning the carelessness of young Thai males and calling for more responsibility on their part. The lady was correct in all that she wrote but was herself negligent in what she left out-the urgent need for the girls to act responsibily also. If I were a mother of a Thai teenage son I'd be hoping that his female sex partners would show some restraint too.

You are quite right, of course. However, the norm in Thailand has always been that parents must protect the daughters from the boy's and the girls must go along on that effort - including being careful not to dress provocatively or provide any reason or opportunity for a boy to make a move; while at the same time there is typically NO effort towards teaching the boys the dangers of getting a girl pregnant and moreover any lack of responsibility in terms of sexual activity is not his fault because he's a male.

After, 'only bad girls want sex but any normal boy does'.

Well looks like a another national failure-"the parents must protect their daughters from the boys and THE GIRLS MUST GO ALONG ON THAT EFFORT". What remote thai island do you live on? Hand on heart I can say that nowhere have I seen more slutty girls than in Thailand. Not in Cambodia, not in Myanmar, not in Lao, nowhere. If you want to know how "up for it " the young ladies here are ask the disco owners, the teachers, the parents.

I've lived here for nearly three decades. A portion of that DJing and managing bars and discos - I need not consult anyone on "up for it" young ladies are, especially given that I spent my youth enjoying that phenomena.

You need to read my post again and see if you can work it out. I personally don't regard women who are open to sex as "slutty" nor do I think and did not imply that all girls DO go along with the traditional mores that their parents tried to impose; I am VERY. Aware of the incidence of sexual activity amongst young women in contradiction with what they are supposed to want and do. Having said that, I Iive in the THAI society of every day normal middle to upper class Thais and have done so for decades. As such my experience and perspective is broader than someone whose familiarity with Thai and SEA society is perhaps limited to bars and discos and I can tell you that not all young Thai women are represented by those found in such places.

Is it not a fact that teenage pregnancy is at crisis levels here in Thailand? It's caused by casual unprotected sex involving boys AND girls. One side is no more to blame than the other but that is rarely stated. I had a shophouse renovated recently and I witnessed groups of young mathyom female students arriving all the time offering sex for fun to some of the young cambodian workers. I noticed that these guys acted awkwardly during these conversations because it quite simply not part of Cambodian culture for young women to throw themselves at the boys for sex. It's of course not universal here but it's very commom. Ok, don't ask the disco owners, the parents or the teachers-ask the BOYS.
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Unless her parents make a complaint, no investigation will be made.

Perhaps the police will be informed by the hospital or the school, and will then proceed with their investigation, regardless whether the family complained or not because the matter is illegal.

Some families are reluctant to complain about this because it is embarrassing for them to mentioned it, moreover the pregnancy might have occurred within the family, either father or brother(s).

But it is illegality and the police have to investigate it, and the court has to penalize, law is law.

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The babies hather is one sick bastard, who needs castrating. The girls father should be shot for allowing it to happen.

If the father is not yet identified?? Are you seriously advocating castration as a punishment for sexually active 12 year old boys???

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Unless her parents make a complaint, no investigation will be made.

Are you suggesting statutory rape and being a pedophile are not criminal acts? I am sure they are and therefore the BIB should not require any complaint from anyone to investigate and subsequently charge the offender.

I personally know a guy who was stabbed 12 times by his former GF and required life saving surgery. The BiB declared it a domestic, and refused to get involved. She tried the same thing 6 months later, but he managed to wrestle the knife from her, with the help of his staff.

He DID complain to the police, they ignored him. Criminal act or not, they decide, not you, not the law.

There is a bizarre reluctance for the police to get involved in domestic violence here.

Why the police cannot act in this particular case, I cannot understand. A criminal law was clearly broken. This requirement for a complaint to be made has to change in Thailand.

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This case is one of abuse-pure and simple. A ten year old mother is a child that has been raped into the condition.

The general epedemic of teenage pregnancy now sweeping Thailand is not due to rape but to consentual careless sex between young people. I read an article in the BKP recently bemoaning the carelessness of young Thai males and calling for more responsibility on their part. The lady was correct in all that she wrote but was herself negligent in what she left out-the urgent need for the girls to act responsibily also. If I were a mother of a Thai teenage son I'd be hoping that his female sex partners would show some restraint too.

You are quite right, of course. However, the norm in Thailand has always been that parents must protect the daughters from the boy's and the girls must go along on that effort - including being careful not to dress provocatively or provide any reason or opportunity for a boy to make a move; while at the same time there is typically NO effort towards teaching the boys the dangers of getting a girl pregnant and moreover any lack of responsibility in terms of sexual activity is not his fault because he's a male.

After, 'only bad girls want sex but any normal boy does'.

Well looks like a another national failure-"the parents must protect their daughters from the boys and THE GIRLS MUST GO ALONG ON THAT EFFORT". What remote thai island do you live on? Hand on heart I can say that nowhere have I seen more slutty girls than in Thailand. Not in Cambodia, not in Myanmar, not in Lao, nowhere. If you want to know how "up for it " the young ladies here are ask the disco owners, the teachers, the parents.

I've lived here for nearly three decades. A portion of that DJing and managing bars and discos - I need not consult anyone on "up for it" young ladies are, especially given that I spent my youth enjoying that phenomena.

You need to read my post again and see if you can work it out. I personally don't regard women who are open to sex as "slutty" nor do I think and did not imply that all girls DO go along with the traditional mores that their parents tried to impose; I am VERY. Aware of the incidence of sexual activity amongst young women in contradiction with what they are supposed to want and do. Having said that, I Iive in the THAI society of every day normal middle to upper class Thais and have done so for decades. As such my experience and perspective is broader than someone whose familiarity with Thai and SEA society is perhaps limited to bars and discos and I can tell you that not all young Thai women are represented by those found in such places.

Is it not a fact that teenage pregnancy is at crisis levels here in Thailand? It's caused by casual unprotected sex involving boys AND girls. One side is no more to blame than the other but that is rarely stated. I had a shophouse renovated recently and I witnessed groups of young mathyom female students arriving all the time offering sex for fun to some of the young cambodian workers. I noticed that these guys acted awkwardly during these conversations because it quite simply not part of Cambodian culture for young women to throw themselves at the boys for sex. It's of course not universal here but it's very commom. Ok, don't ask the disco owners, the parents or the teachers-ask the BOYS.

I really don't understand what posit it is you are trying to support. What is your argument trying to prove? Taking it point by point, I can't see it.

"Is it not a fact that teenage pregnancy is at crisis levels here in Thailand?"

I don't know what that means. Is the rate far higher than desirable? No doubt. I imagine that is true, to a lesser or greater extent, of many or most countries. Do you have any data that shows how Thailand compares per capita to other countries? And if so, what does that prove?

"It's caused by casual unprotected sex involving boys AND girls."

Well, there's a real news flash.

"I had a shophouse renovated recently and I witnessed groups of young mathyom female students arriving all the time offering sex for fun to some of the young cambodian workers. I noticed that these guys acted awkwardly during these conversations because it quite simply not part of Cambodian culture for young women to throw themselves at the boys for sex."

Hmm...that's interesting study you've done there. I'm afraid it's not quite as sound in its conclusions as you'd like to think even if it is quite as you described (you saw - all the time - students offering sex for fun? What were you doing - peeking around corners and listening to their conversations somehow?). For me thing, it's not unknown for young men to be awkward around young women - especially forward women from another more sophisticated culture...

But in any case, why are you telling me this? How is it relevant to anything I've posted?

"It's of course not universal here but it's very commom. Ok, don't ask the disco owners, the parents or the teachers-ask the BOYS."

What exactly is common? Math atom students offering free sex to Cambodian construction workers? Ask the BOYS what?

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making her one of the youngest mothers in the country.

Please don't tell me there is a younger one somewhere?

The wife told me this morning that there was a 9 year old reported pregnant last year.

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Unless her parents make a complaint, no investigation will be made.

Maybe the father is the father!!bah.gif

comments like this without even a hint of such accusations in the OP is absolutely disgusting..... pathetic

And why would that be so?

Would you think it would be an insult to the "proud father' of the newborn?

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Unless her parents make a complaint, no investigation will be made.

Maybe the father is the father!!bah.gif

comments like this without even a hint of such accusations in the OP is absolutely disgusting..... pathetic

And why would that be so?

Would you think it would be an insult to the "proud father' of the newborn?

Let's wait and see who the father is, but odds are he isn't too far unrelated.

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Most sexual crimes against children are committed by people known to the victims and family members strongly represented in that group.

But that proves nothing about this case and what use is speculating on such a thing?

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story is being debunked on sanook website as false .... teacher is now saying he never said a 10 year old had a baby .

the BIB went to the hospital to ask about it and the hospital told them no baby was born to a 10 years old . channel 3 conducted the interviews ....

who knows

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Really...being a pedophile is a criminal act? Are you sure you're sure on that? lol

If you define "being a pedophile" as one who has committed acts of pedophilia, then most certainly. If you are inferring that one can "be" a pedophile without having (yet) committed those acts, then you may have a semantic argument, but only a thin semantic one.

The argument would be similar to the man who was arrested for burglary under the statutory provision that possession of burglary tools constitutes intent and guilt under the law. The defendant told the police that under that logic, they may as well arrest him for rape, too.

Pedophiles are special kinds of criminals, not just against the laws of the land, but against all things. It is my opinion that pedophiles should have a special system of justice to deal with them swiftly and finally.

It is a simple matter of fact that one can be a pedophile whether or not one has ever actually had a sex with a prepubescent child. Pedophilia is not defined as an act but as a psychological disorder.

It is NOT analogous to being a burglar or murderer or any other description based on the commission of a crime. This is not semantics but logic and scientific fact/forensic psychology.

I see what you are saying. You could have a strong desire to be a serial killer, but unless you actually do it, how can you be punished?

Imagine if authors were punished for what they wrote in their novels because they were illegal acts.

I would imagine there are a lot of people out there with twisted desires but who have figured out ways to fend themselves off from actually committing them. Should these people be punished? Should thought crimes be made punishable?

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Really...being a pedophile is a criminal act? Are you sure you're sure on that? lol

If you define "being a pedophile" as one who has committed acts of pedophilia, then most certainly. If you are inferring that one can "be" a pedophile without having (yet) committed those acts, then you may have a semantic argument, but only a thin semantic one.

The argument would be similar to the man who was arrested for burglary under the statutory provision that possession of burglary tools constitutes intent and guilt under the law. The defendant told the police that under that logic, they may as well arrest him for rape, too.

Pedophiles are special kinds of criminals, not just against the laws of the land, but against all things. It is my opinion that pedophiles should have a special system of justice to deal with them swiftly and finally.

It is a simple matter of fact that one can be a pedophile whether or not one has ever actually had a sex with a prepubescent child. Pedophilia is not defined as an act but as a psychological disorder.

It is NOT analogous to being a burglar or murderer or any other description based on the commission of a crime. This is not semantics but logic and scientific fact/forensic psychology.

I see what you are saying. You could have a strong desire to be a serial killer, but unless you actually do it, how can you be punished?

Imagine if authors were punished for what they wrote in their novels because they were illegal acts.

I would imagine there are a lot of people out there with twisted desires but who have figured out ways to fend themselves off from actually committing them. Should these people be punished? Should thought crimes be made punishable?

Well, I agree with you but that's not actually what I was saying...

I take as a given that thoughts or desires, no matter how horrific and unconscionable, can not and SHOULD NOT be prosecutable crimes, so I didn't even address that. I was merely posting out that in actual fact, being a pedophile may be a person that few of us can accept or even wish to let continue having a life let alone liberty, but being a pedophile is simply not a crime. No more than being someone who gets turned by the thought of some other repugnant and illegal act (ie rape) is a crime; a pedophile is such based on his/her desires, not deeds. Again, desires can not be and should not be illegal.

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I would imagine there are a lot of people out there with twisted desires but who have figured out ways to fend themselves off from actually committing them.

Forgot to say: even if they DON'T manage to fend themselves off, and eventually succumb (or they don't even try to resist) the commission is the criminal act, not the desire to commit.

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Alas, I do believe that sex with young children happens a lot more often than reported by the media. This time, it's reported because it led to a pregnancy, but how many cases are never mentioned in the news?

Among the cases that have been reported, I remember this other particularly disgusting case of child sex abuse that involved a 5-year old girl that had been raped by a senior Buddhist monk, her grandfather and uncles.


A social worker recalls a case in the northern province of Phayao which took place in 2000. It involved a five-year-old girl who was sexually abused by people around her - her grandfather, who took care of her after her parents divorced, her uncles and a senior monk in a temple which the girl visited and where she played with her older cousin.

The social worker said the girl liked to play at the temple as monks and temple-goers gave her food and toys.

One evening her aunt noticed the girl's private parts were red and swollen. She was taken to hospital, and the doctor concluded that she had been raped.

``When we interviewed her, the girl told us what the senior monk at the temple had done to her. But that's not all. She said her grandfather and uncles did the same thing.

``It seems like they saw her as a sex object with which they could do anything. What is worse is that the girl has become so familiar with sexual abuse that she thinks it is common, like eating rice.

``Once we had her draw pictures from her own imagination. What she drew was images of the penis in different sizes,'' she said.

After that, the social worker contacted the girl's mother, encouraging her to file complaints against the offenders. The mother did with reluctance because she did not want her own father to be punished. All except the monk were imprisoned. The grandfather eventually died in prison, while the uncles are still in jail. The monk, who faced the heaviest penalty of 81 years in jail, has appealed and has been free on bail until now. Since he is respected by people in the community, the monk still lives a normal life as if he did nothing wrong. His followers approach the girl's mother now and then with offers of money to drop the case. She has refused.

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Unless her parents make a complaint, no investigation will be made.

Are you suggesting statutory rape and being a pedophile are not criminal acts? I am sure they are and therefore the BIB should not require any complaint from anyone to investigate and subsequently charge the offender.

Unfortunately that is just not how it works in Thailand. The police rarely investigate crimes if no complaint has been made.

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making her one of the youngest mothers in the country.

Please don't tell me there is a younger one somewhere?

There have been many. The youngest was 5. She conceived at 4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers

Reading that however, that was in 1939. It would appear that this is one of the youngest births in the last few years.

Where is Yingluck with her women's rights?

She is currently taking serious steps to find and arrest whoever leaked this story to the media for damaging Thailands reputation.

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Having sex with a minor under the age of 15 is a criminal act.

However, if it is not the girls father who knocked her up, the guy who did it will usually be given the chance to marry the girl and cash out the family and he'll avoid jail. That's how they do it here for Thai on Thai sex crimes.

I agree with you, but since this marriage will be a "village marriage" and not a registered marrriage (which i suppose is illegal at age 10), is it not possible for her own father to marry her? Just curious?

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Having sex with a minor under the age of 15 is a criminal act.

However, if it is not the girls father who knocked her up, the guy who did it will usually be given the chance to marry the girl and cash out the family and he'll avoid jail. That's how they do it here for Thai on Thai sex crimes.

I agree with you, but since this marriage will be a "village marriage" and not a registered marrriage (which i suppose is illegal at age 10), is it not possible for her own father to marry her? Just curious?

Found the answer to my own question on wikipedia.

"Wanwisa Janmuk, legally married at 8, gave birth to a girl when she was 9 at a hospital in Phetchabun" (from 2001)

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