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Farmers fret over excessive chemicals, low yields

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William Shakespere got it right a very long time ago;

All that glisters is not gold;
Often have you heard that told:
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold:
Gilded tombs do worms enfold.
Had you been as wise as bold,
Young in limbs, in judgement old
Your answer had not been inscroll'd
Fare you well, your suit is cold.

Big corporations with massive financial power corrupt politicians and public servants.
They employ Spin Doctors using psycological tricks to fool and brainwash the governments and the public.
They corrupt scientists to find a study that gives them the answer they want.
They use blackmail, threaten to ruin a man’s life if he does not comply.

Just look at the changes in the person who becomes a President or Prime Minister after they attain their position.
They employ Spin Doctors and coaches. Remember how Maggie started using the Royal "We"?

Strangely, we are the only species who pay to live on this planet. Why is that?
Why must we always want more?

The farmers are powerless in the face of the strength of the big corporations and corrupt governments.
They are lied to and entrapped.
Many are well educated in the ways of the land but not in the ways of the world and are therefore easily duped.

GMO is OK as a fuel source.
It is not acceptable for consumption.

However, the companies whose GMO strategies lead to the rapid development of Super Weeds and Super Bugs must be held responsible and made to pay to clean up the mess they have made.

Of course it is unlikely to happen because of the levels of corruption already in place.
No wonder there are so many conspiracy theories about.

Then again, particularly in France and Spain, when the people don´t like what the "System" is doing to them, they rise up with massive demonstrations and get laws changed.

Is it time to man up and rebel?

The answer is to noisely boycott every product that contains even traces of GMO produce.
If it won´t sell, the manufacturers will be forced to change their buying practices.

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Seems like a good time to contact Monsanto or another global agra conglomerate to provide some genetically modified seed. They have done wonders for crops around the world where yields go up while requiring less land for planting, less water and most important, less chemical fertilizer. Some people balk at this technique, but you cannot argue with the yields. Just look at corn yields in the last few years for an example.

Surely you have to be joking with this statement? There is more and more evidence coming to light that the pesticide Monsanto uses to kill the weeds in the farmers fields is horribly toxic. Furthermore they insert a gene into their seeds which allows the plant to absorb this pesticide without affecting it, however it is still contained within the plant. That chemical/pesticide is called glyphosphate and it ravages the human body.

Now, testing shows that people in 18 countries across Europe have glyphosate in their bodies1, while yet another study reveals that the chemical has estrogenic properties and drives breast cancer proliferation in the parts-per-trillion range2. As reported by GreenMedinfo.com:.............“Does this help explain the massive mammary tumors that the only long term animal feeding study on Roundup and GM corn ever performed recently found?”

In another study...........

"The second study pertains to the carcinogenic nature of this popular weed killer. Contrary to Monsanto’s claims that Roundup is “minimally toxic” to animal and humans, along with claims of it being environmentally friendly and biodegradable—claims found to be false in the highest court of law—Roundup is quite the disaster... As reported by GreenMedinfo.com8:

"The study, titled, 'Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors,' compared the effect of glyphosate on hormone-dependent and hormone-independent breast cancer cell lines, finding that glyphosate stimulates hormone-dependent cancer cell lines in what the study authors describe as 'low and environmentally relevant concentrations.'"

And yet more to worry about......

"Another groundbreaking report, published earlier this month in the journal Entropy9, argues that glyphosate residues, found in most commonly consumed foods in the US, “enhance the damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and toxins in the environment to disrupt normal body functions and induce disease.” As explained by the authors, Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Anthony Samsel:

"Glyphosate’s claimed mechanism of action in plants is the disruption of the shikimate pathway... The currently accepted dogma is that glyphosate is not harmful to humans or to any mammals because the shikimate pathway is absent in all animals. However, this pathway is present in gut bacteria, which play an important and heretofore largely overlooked role in human physiology through an integrated biosemiotic relationship with the human host. In addition to aiding digestion, the gut microbiota synthesize vitamins, detoxify xenobiotics, and participitate in immune system homeostasis and gastrointestinal tract permeability. Furthermore, dietary factors modulate the microbial composition of the gut.”

If you add to the research above the fact that huge Roundup (the Monsanto weedkiller containing glyphosphate) resistant weeds are being found in the very fields that are being sprayed with it, and that farmers have to buy more of this weedkiller just to retain the status quo, then you will get an idea of the magnitude of the stupidity that we are engaging in.

Some 50 years or more down the track I am pretty sure that scientists will look back at this era and ask themselves, "what the hell were we doing and how could we have been so stupid as to let this happen".

When the future scientists (that is those who are not on the payroll) ask how we could have been so stupid, the eventual answer may be, because scientists allowed thier objectivity be clouded by multinational corporations with an agenda who paid huge sums of money for scientific research to show the results they wanted.

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Unfortunately, the only reality we know is the one polluted by money and greed. If the world knew how many of our "scientific findings" were bankrolled by corporate and political interests, faith in science would collapse.

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Unkomoncents here:

Unfortunately, the only reality we know is the one polluted by money and greed. If the world knew how many of our "scientific findings" were bankrolled by corporate and political interests, faith in science would collapse.

Oh wow, science is everything.......

Unless it´s "Scientific" it cannot be believed.


There was life way before science........

In those days they were so in touch with life that they knew the meridians for acupuncture, knew what flower essences could do to help you.

and a host of other skills.

Science has taken that away from us.

Shame on Science - back to nature?

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Unkomoncents here:

Unfortunately, the only reality we know is the one polluted by money and greed. If the world knew how many of our "scientific findings" were bankrolled by corporate and political interests, faith in science would collapse.

Oh wow, science is everything.......

Unless it´s "Scientific" it cannot be believed.


There was life way before science........

In those days they were so in touch with life that they knew the meridians for acupuncture, knew what flower essences could do to help you.

and a host of other skills.

Science has taken that away from us.

Shame on Science - back to nature?

I'd say I'm on board, but before science, life expectancy wasn't more than a few decades. If you're older than thirty-five, you'd probably be dead. I, for one, enjoy living.

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