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Secret no-fly list causes Bangkok holiday nightmare


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One can either BE an islamophobe, as you like to put it, or have a death wish, one or t'other.

Yes, I can see your problem. With 1.5 billion+ of those potential assassins in the world, I can only suggest you consider buying a big, new sofa.


Well, much as that might represent the limit of your capacity to contribute, most of the rest of us can just see the sense in no-fly lists and in cases like this one being handled the way it was. But perhaps some folks hiding behind their sofas went unreported, eh?

Plenty of opportunity there for partial quote and obscuration of context. Have fun!

Edited by hawker9000
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My guess is that it is his name that generated the concern, not his appearance.

I have a friend who has a name similar (or the same -- don't know) on a no-fly list and he always gets pulled over for extra questioning and scrutiny. He gets to the airport ahead of time because he knows he will have trouble.

Well, it was probably both. I had a similar experience but not so extreme: in 2004 I changed into a Nepali dress (daura surreal + dhaka topi) in the bathroom before decent to LAX from BKK. My mom was picking me up at the airport, and the show was for her, and the dress given to me by my in-laws. I was watched like a hawk as soon as I stepped out of the cabin toilet, and I had a hell of a time getting thru customs (detained, searched, and questioned endlessly). That was the last time I ever did that. T-shirt, baseball cap, and shorts for all future visits to the USA. So what does this say about America today? Intolerance to the extreme, where you can't wear what you want or look the way you want or heaven forbid you have a muslim name, travel freely. It's not the country I grew up in during the 60's, and not a place I would want to live now.

In the 60"s, the Twin Towers stood erect...

Or were being built actually...

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

American's who defend the governments actions since 9/11 make me physically ill. It's reached the point I can't read the news.

Probably their actions have prevented something of a similar nature happening again,vigilence also keeps people alive,or must we all agree with this outdated Liberal Tree hugging stuff ! and let's not forget the Terrorist perpetraters who made OTT heavy Security at Airports in particular,necessary, which have ramped up the price of flying! or are the Americans also to blame for that too?

Edited by MAJIC
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My guess is that it is his name that generated the concern, not his appearance.

I have a friend who has a name similar (or the same -- don't know) on a no-fly list and he always gets pulled over for extra questioning and scrutiny. He gets to the airport ahead of time because he knows he will have trouble.

Well, it was probably both. I had a similar experience but not so extreme: in 2004 I changed into a Nepali dress (daura surreal + dhaka topi) in the bathroom before decent to LAX from BKK. My mom was picking me up at the airport, and the show was for her, and the dress given to me by my in-laws. I was watched like a hawk as soon as I stepped out of the cabin toilet, and I had a hell of a time getting thru customs (detained, searched, and questioned endlessly). That was the last time I ever did that. T-shirt, baseball cap, and shorts for all future visits to the USA. So what does this say about America today? Intolerance to the extreme, where you can't wear what you want or look the way you want or heaven forbid you have a muslim name, travel freely. It's not the country I grew up in during the 60's, and not a place I would want to live now.

In the 60"s, the Twin Towers stood erect...

Or were being built actually...

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

American's who defend the governments actions since 9/11 make me physically ill. It's reached the point I can't read the news.

Americans who defend this make you "physically ill" to the point of not being able to read the news, but your illness allows you to read & even respond to the same thing, in concentrated form, here? LOL. Well, drink plenty of liquids (or maybe you should cut down on the ones you're already drinking...), and get well soon!

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Probably their actions have prevented something of a similar nature happening again,vigilence also keeps people alive,or must we all agree with this outdated Liberal Tree hugging stuff ! and let's not forget the Terrorist perpetraters who made OTT heavy Security at Airports in particular,necessary, which have ramped up the price of flying! or are the Americans also to blame for that too?

No. The people who have reacted so irrationally to a perceived terrorist threat are to blame for that.

If I came and fitted locks on the door of your house on the grounds that someone might try to burgle you and refused give you the key to them would that be OK?

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