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North Korea Seeks Talks with US to Ease Tensions


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North Korea’s Foreign Minister Pak Ui-Chun, center, arrives for a retreat session during the 20th Asean Regional Forum in Bandar Seri Begawan on July 2, 2013. (Photo: Reuters / Ahim Rani)

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Brunei — North Korea’s top diplomat said the United States must accept its offer for dialogue without preconditions if it wants to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula. He drew a quick rebuttal from his South Korean counterpart, who said the international community has made clear that Pyongyang must give up its nuclear ambitions if it wants better relations.

The Koreas were among 27 nations at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Regional Forum in Brunei, where the North’s nuclear weapons program was a key topic, along with other hot-button regional issues such as South China Sea territorial disputes. Asia’s largest security forum includes the United States, North Korea and the four other countries involved in long-stalled nuclear talks on ending North Korea’s nuclear ambitions in return for aid.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that the United States, South Korea, Japan and China—North Korea’s chief ally—were “absolutely united†in their insistence on a denuclearized North Korea. Washington says Pyongyang must move in that direction before it will agree to talks, but North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Ui Chun said during the conference Tuesday that it is America that must act.

“The US must positively respond to our sincere and courageous decision [to offer talks] without preconditions if it is truly interested in ending the vicious circle of intensifying tension on the Korean Peninsula and safeguarding peace and stability,†Pak said, according to North Korean delegation official Choe Myong Nam.

Pak said that “a touch-and-go situation in which a war can break out anytime is fostered†on the Korean Peninsula, and that US hostility against the North was primarily responsible for that, Choe told reporters. Pak said the United States must sign a peace treaty with North Korea to formally end the 1950-53 Korean War and lift sanctions against the country, saying the North Korean nuclear standoff won’t be resolved unless the United States changes its tone, according to Choe. The war ended with a cease-fire, not a peace treaty.

Shortly after Choe spoke, South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se told reporters that most diplomats at the forum expressed a “very strong message†to the North Korean delegation that Pyongyang must scrap its nuclear program and refrain from another provocation.

“So they must have listened to this message very, very seriously,†he said.

A senior US State Department official said North Korea needed to comply with UN Security Council resolutions on denuclearizing and commit to actions as well as talks. “What is needed are credible and authentic negotiations to eliminate North Korea’s nuclear program,†said the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the issue and so spoke anonymously.

After the conference ended Tuesday, a statement by the forum chairman said ministers had reiterated their support for efforts to realize the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula peacefully. It said most ministers had “encouraged†North Korea to honor past disarmament pledges.

North Korea surprisingly offered to talk with the United States and rejoin long-stalled international nuclear disarmament talks last month after weeks of tension following its February nuclear test. US officials have responded coolly to North Korea’s overtures, and analysts say the impoverished country often raises tensions with provocative behavior then calls for talks in order to win outside concessions.

Kerry stepped up pressure on the North to abandon its atomic ambitions after meeting with his counterparts from China, South Korea and Japan. He emphasized Washington’s common cause with Beijing, which is North Korea’s longtime ally and main aid provider but has been angered by Pyongyang’s ramping up of tensions. China has supported tightening UN sanctions and cracked down on North Korean banking activity.

“China made clear to me they have made very firm statements and very firm steps that they have taken with respect to the implementation of that policy,†Kerry told reporters.

The nuclear disarmament talks have been stalled since North Korea quit the negotiations in 2009 to protest international condemnation over a rocket launch.

Yun’s office said Russia’s foreign minister also expressed his opposition to North Korea possessing nuclear weapons when he met with his South Korean counterpart on Monday.

On Tuesday, senior North Korean nuclear strategist and First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan left for Russia. Russia’s Interfax news agency quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov as saying he’ll meet with Kim in Moscow on Thursday to discuss the possibility of resuming the six-party talks.

Kim, who served as North Korea’s top nuclear negotiator, visited China last month and Chinese officials said he expressed his country’s intentions to resume the talks during his visit.

Since the Asean security forum includes all members of the six-party talks, it has previously been a venue for informal talks to break stalemates over the nuclear standoff. But there have been no reports that North Korea had similar talks with the United States or South Korea in Brunei.

On South China Sea disputes, meanwhile, the forum chairman’s statement said Chinese and Southeast Asian diplomats would meet in China in September to start official consultations on a proposed legally binding “code of conduct†aimed at preventing armed clashes over long-simmering territorial disputes in the area.

The step, however feeble, represented progress toward a longstanding call for China and the 10-nation Asean bloc to negotiate a nonaggression pact to prevent the disputes from turning violent. China, Taiwan and four Asean member countries—Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam—have overlapping territorial claims over resource-rich islands, islets and reefs and surrounding waters in the busy South China Sea.

In a meeting with his Southeast Asian counterparts Monday, Kerry said Washington wanted to see immediate progress on the proposed “code of conduct†between China and the Asean bloc to ensure regional stability. Kerry reiterated that it was in the US national interest that the disputes are resolved peacefully and freedom of navigation is ensured in the disputed waters.

Associated Press writers Jim Gomez in Manila, Philippines, and Nataliya Vasilyeva in Moscow contributed to this report.

Source: Irrawaddy.org
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