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Pattaya GP surgery


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Are there doctor surgeries similar to the GP's that they have in the UK over here?

I don't really want to go to a hospital '& explain to a receptionist what issues I might have before she sends to the clinc she deems to be the correct one.


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"I don't really want to go to a hospital '& explain to a receptionist what issues I might have before she sends to the clinc"

If you mean you don't want to talk about the issue face-to-face with a receptionist, you can go to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya website and decide which department and which doctor you want to see and make an appointment online.


There are a lot of doctors operating out of store front offices, but you're taking a bit of a gamble (more so than at a major hospital) on who you end up with and his treatment methods.

If you want to deal with a farang doctor for some reason, there is Dr. Olivier Meyer who has an office in Day-Night Plaza (across from the forecourt of what used to be Day Night Hotel).

If you enter from Pattaya Tai it's down on the left hand side. I think he's Swiss. He speaks French, English and German.

I've seen him for minor things and been happy with the results, but obviously he doesn't have the resources available that a hospital would.


Tel.: 038-723600 , 038-723590

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Or you can go to a small hospital like the one on Soi Buakhao.

The receptionists do not ask what the problem is, they take your name, height, weight and temperature before you sit outside the doctors surgery itself and talk to him / her.

You can even close the door and get some privacy if you wish smile.png

Pay your 100 Baht + meds after seeing the doc.

Any blood tests or extras will be discussed at a desk to set a date for those.

Edited by pattayadingo
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Do you know pattaya well?

I have used the same doctor for 7 years, he is located on Soi Lengkee.

If you are coming from 3rd road he is on the right side and is the first unit.

If you are coming from Soi Buakhow, he is on the left side, the last unit.

The doctor speaks fluent English and I recommend him to everyone I know.

If something is serious the doctor will recommend the best hospital to go for your particular problem.

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I know the problem you mention about the Reception people trying to get involved in what kind of doctor you need.

Sometimes they are almost rude - almost.

Just say, politely but firmly, I do not wish to discuss my medical condition with you, please direct me to a General Practitioner aka Family Doctor.

You only have to do this once. When you see the Doctor, and like him/her - tell the Doctor that you would like him to be your Doctor and miss out on Reception.

Next time, you just walk straight to that Doctor's "surgery/consulting room" and tell the nurse that you made a telephone appointment to see Dr ZBC.


All the "chain" hospitals ramp up the price of their "out patient" medication enormously. Ask your GP for the names of your medication and the doses. YOU have to write these down.

When you leave, the FIRST stop is the Cashier which is often part of the Pharmacy. Keeping a COPY of the Invoice, just inform the Pharmacist that you will not take the medication.

You could ask for a Downtown Pharmacist.....they shouldn't but most of the qualified Pharmacists have a downtown "shop". If they won't give you a name (Oh - Ms Pharmacist, it's not for me it is for my friend) anyone will do. The prices for the SAME medication will cost about 50 - 70% less.

Even if you don't want this, LOOK at your list of meds. If they recommend Tylenol or any Paracetamol or Aspirin DON'T buy it there. Way too expensive.

Get well soon.

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I C,

Would they be the clinics that you see dotted about that look like pharmacies? They advertise their wares outside & make some bold claims at times?


Depending on what is wrong with you ,quite a few of the doctors advertise their speciality on the window ,to be honest for minor stuff most have been quite good ,unfortunatly DR Oliver wasn't ,but hey hoe ,if its a complicated or serious complaint ,do go to the hospital .

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I know the problem you mention about the Reception people trying to get involved in what kind of doctor you need.

Sometimes they are almost rude - almost.

Just say, politely but firmly, I do not wish to discuss my medical condition with you, please direct me to a General Practitioner aka Family Doctor.

You only have to do this once. When you see the Doctor, and like him/her - tell the Doctor that you would like him to be your Doctor and miss out on Reception.

Next time, you just walk straight to that Doctor's "surgery/consulting room" and tell the nurse that you made a telephone appointment to see Dr ZBC.


All the "chain" hospitals ramp up the price of their "out patient" medication enormously. Ask your GP for the names of your medication and the doses. YOU have to write these down.

When you leave, the FIRST stop is the Cashier which is often part of the Pharmacy. Keeping a COPY of the Invoice, just inform the Pharmacist that you will not take the medication.

You could ask for a Downtown Pharmacist.....they shouldn't but most of the qualified Pharmacists have a downtown "shop". If they won't give you a name (Oh - Ms Pharmacist, it's not for me it is for my friend) anyone will do. The prices for the SAME medication will cost about 50 - 70% less.

Even if you don't want this, LOOK at your list of meds. If they recommend Tylenol or any Paracetamol or Aspirin DON'T buy it there. Way too expensive.

Get well soon.

"Just say, politely but firmly, I do not wish to discuss my medical condition with you, please direct me to a General Practitioner aka Family Doctor."

In all fairness, hospitals like BPH are set up mainly based on specialists and sending people to general practioners just because the patient can't figure out which clinic would be best for his problem is just a waste of time since the GP will have to then send the patient along with a nurse to the specialist. The receptionists are doing their jobs, which includes not wasting the time of doctors who end up having to send the patient on to the appropriate doctor.

And if you're that shy ( or clueless) about discussing your problem, you're going to end up explaining it to even more people by the time you finish up with the correct doctor.

"You only have to do this once. When you see the Doctor, and like him/her - tell the Doctor that you would like him to be your Doctor and miss out on Reception"

I don't know what Norman Rockwell fantasy this is from. 90% of the time you're going to be sent to a specialist anyway, so you're wasting his/ her time and probably amping up your charges. Telling the doctor you like him will undoubtedly make his day, but will otherwise be pointless.

Of course remember the name of any specialist you see and have the courtesy to make an appointment with him by name rather than just dumping yourself in his office unannounced and insisting you want to see only him.

You could ask for a Downtown Pharmacist.....

Have you ever been in Pattaya?

Edited by Suradit69
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