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Practitioner mauled by tiger at temple sanctuary in Nakhon Pathom


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I have been to several of these "sanctuary's", with the family, maybe even at this same wat. I would consider them more as animal dumps, since all the animals are crammed into small dirty cages. I was told these animals have been "rescued", but looks more like they were acquired just to make money. Its a shame that people who pretend to hold life so dear, can do this to animals, and the people that visit these places, enjoying the suffering. Makes no sense to me. I really dont think many farang would go to these places, unless tricked by a tour operator, by telling they were going to a Sanctuary, or in my case, Thai family, wanting to see wildlife.

you criticize it but you went there with the whole family to support it... blink.png

does not really make sense ( okay, TiT, so things don't need to make sense...)

If nobody went and reported back these dumps no one would know they were dumps

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Why are they being kept at a temple other than to bring in money.

Release them back to the wild where they belong

That is the $64 000 question! They call them Tiger 'sanctuaries', but in reality it is just a money spinner for head Monks. This is how they start on their way to private jets and Louis Vuitton bags!

Just how many Monks have private jets and Louis Vuitton bags?

to the best of my knowledge one.

This is Thailand the Louis Vuitton bag could have been a knock off.

I agree that Tigers are kept in some pretty confining places but what gets me is they will keep them sedated.

Just out of curiosity why can they not run free in Thailand? Why do they need these so called sanctuaries.

I think we all know the answer, shot for the Chinese market or for food or any reason really even just for fun.....no doubt!!

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If you have these fantastic cats in an enclosure, Try LONGLEAT if thats the right spelling, -- it's not perfect BUT it gives the cats a large amount of space.

Just look at the PEN, they are kept in. not fit for any animal.

Maybe these cats cannot be released to the wild, they may have lost the art of fending for themselves, or a.n. other BUT treat them with respect with PROPER keepers.

There you go and ruin it. There are a lot of people who prefer to bash and are not in the least interested in Common sense.

Talks cheap.

Reminds me of my mother definatly anti abortion but would not say a word against it.

Her reasoning was well I am not going to do any thing to help those unwanted children if they get born and neither are the protestors.

If I was I would protest. She was in her 70s.

The same thing as we have here with the tigers. Ignore sensible solutions and just blame it all on Monks making money.

I know it was not popular because it was true but I really believe people should read sunshine51 post number 60.

It is not a good situation no matter what we do.

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