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Smokers Faces Fine In Indonesian Capital


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Smokers faces fine in Indonesian capital

JAKARTA: -- Some 4,000 officers were patrolling the streets of Jakarta to enforce a ban on public smoking that went into effect in the Indonesian capital Thursday, local media reports said.

City administration offices and other buildings along with main thoroughfares in the capital were slated to be the first places in Jakarta where the smoking ban, introduced a year ago, would be enforced.

"It has been a year and two months since we first introduced the smoking ban. If we wait until the mechanism is fully ready, I don't think the program will ever start," Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso was quoted by The Jakarta Post as saying.

The head of the City Public Order Agency said the task force would check buildings throughout Jakarta for violations. Violators face up to six months in prison and a 50 million rupiah (5,000 dollars) fine, according to the city bylaw.

Officials are still divided over sanctions. Currently inspectors will only take the name and address of violators and give the data to the police. Violators will have to face the courts, the Jakarta Post said.

The smoking ban was part of a bylaw on air pollution, which also included regular emissions tests for vehicles, and was passed by Jakarta's City Council last year as a step towards cleaning up one of the world's most polluted cities, also known as the "Big Smoke".

Indonesia has ranked fifth among the world's leading tobacco-consuming countries. About 60 per cent of men over 15 smoke.

Indonesia records more than 3 million illnesses and 400,000 deaths attributed to tobacco each year, and since there is little socialized medicine, cigarette consumers must pay their own hospital and funeral fees.

--DPA/Bangkok Post 2006-04-06

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Indonesia records more than 3 million illnesses and 400,000 deaths attributed to tobacco each year, and since there is little socialized medicine, cigarette consumers must pay their own hospital and funeral fees.

--DPA/Bangkok Post 2006-04-06

Seems fair individual responsibility for an individual action, or why should someone else pay for your stupidity

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"Some 4,000 officers were patrolling the streets of Jakarta to enforce a ban on public smoking that went into effect in the Indonesian capital Thursday, local media reports said."

Right...wait 'till they come after you for assembly of two or more in the street.

Big Brother is here... :o

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Indonesia records more than 3 million illnesses and 400,000 deaths attributed to tobacco each year, and since there is little socialized medicine, cigarette consumers must pay their own hospital and funeral fees.

--DPA/Bangkok Post 2006-04-06

Seems fair individual responsibility for an individual action, or why should someone else pay for your stupidity

So would you apply that to drinkers also? Just interested to know. I have heard this a few times from people the "ohh if they smoke they should pay for theiur own treatment" but when asked they think drink related illness should be paid for by the taxpayer. As far as i am concerened being a non smoker or drinker, i dont think i should be paying for anyone that has a drink or tobacco related illness :o

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Believe Oxygen masks are now on the menu in the Londoner.

Had a good session there with all our crowd on Wednesday night (b1 get 1 f) and could just about make out the band in the far corner through the haze.

It was just like being back in Chiang Mai with all the Slashers and Burners....Kof Kof...Big B is welcome..... :o

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