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Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap in Chiang Mai?

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As long as folks are searching for coal tar soaps, I wonder if anyone has noticed Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap on the shelves somewhere? I love to use that in hot, sticky weather as it really does cool me down. I've tried several of the menthol soaps sold in the supermarkets and they just don't do the job for me; neither cooling nor cleansing. Dr. Bronner's works, and I'd like to buy some locally. Any suggestions?

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I'd like to try this soap too. Is it an anti-bacteria deodorant soap? Tired of perfume soaps (Irish Spring) and creamy soaps (Dove). Open for suggestions.


Yes I remember Dr. Bronners soap. The label says it was good for, washing your hair,washing dishes,washing the car ,washing clothes,wash the walls,wash the floor and probably even brush your teeth. There was a time when all you needed to survive was a copy of Back to Eden and a bottle of Dr. Bronners. I too would love to find it here.


The founder Emanuel Bronner had interesting views on the world. Controversial for some.


And the subject of a Documentary.

Dr. Bronners Magic Soapbox

Documentary filmmaker Sara Lamm explores the life of the mental institute escapee, master soap-maker, and self-proclaimed rabbi whose all-natural soap would become a counter-culture cleaning product sensation and a staple of health food stores everywhere. In 1947 - after emigrating to the United States from Germany in order to escape the Third Reich and fleeing from a mental institution where he was forced to endure electroshock therapy - Dr. Emanuel Bonner finally realized his destiny. An experienced soap maker whose faith in humanity hadn't been shaken by the fact that his parents died in the Holocaust, Dr. Bonner began producing a multi-purpose cleaning product that would bring people together while providing them with tips for living a better live. The labels on Dr. Bronner's Soaps were filled with inspiring prose borrowed largely from Jewish and Christian sources, and his company was one of the first socially conscious organizations to mass produce a popular product. While Dr. Bronner himself may be long gone, his popular soap lives on. For viewers curious to hear the tale of a man who dedicated himself to the betterment of the human race through the use of all-natural cleaning products, this documentary presents Dr. Bronner's stranger-than-fiction story in greater detail than ever before.

Got great reviews too!!!


I have found the health food store Ban Suan Pak has pretty basic liquid soaps in a few different healthy ingredient choices.

Not expensive either.

Could probably add a little Peppermint oil to mimic the original

I'd like to try this soap too. Is it an anti-bacteria deodorant soap? Tired of perfume soaps (Irish Spring) and creamy soaps (Dove). Open for suggestions.

It's not anti-bacterial. I usually wash first with Dial or SafeGuard, then just give myself a quick once-over with Dr. Bronners for the good feeling it gives.

Yes I remember Dr. Bronners soap. The label says it was good for, washing your hair,washing dishes,washing the car ,washing clothes,wash the walls,wash the floor and probably even brush your teeth. There was a time when all you needed to survive was a copy of Back to Eden and a bottle of Dr. Bronners. I too would love to find it here.

Yes, we DID brush our teeth with it. We learned that trick from the 'Whole Earth Catalog" that was on the cable spool coffee table in everyone's tepee or loft.

I have found the health food store Ban Suan Pak has pretty basic liquid soaps in a few different healthy ingredient choices. Not expensive either. Could probably add a little Peppermint oil to mimic the original

I tried experimenting several years ago using pure liquid Castile soap and peppermint oil using different concentrations. Didn't even come close.... Bummer.... :o(


Ah, happy memories: camping out in the Sierras, or at the hot-springs at Geyserville, or Harbin Hot Springs. Days in the sun bare-naked. Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap: the wonderful mystic glossolalia on the label !

Would love to be able to buy in Chiang Mai.

But, Khun FolkGuitar, I hear that too-frequent use of anti-bacterial soap may not be really good for the commensality of critters that live with us a la dermis: https://www.google.com/search?q=frequent+use+of+antibacterial+soap&num=50&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHMO_thTH526TH526&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:y&sa=X&ei=WKXmUaq6N8mErgfZlYDYCQ&ved=0CB0QpwUoBQ&biw=1088&bih=544

But, for all I know, compared to all the things in Thailand, and Chiang Mai, that are hastening the end of the animation of this meat-package by two mind-souls in syzygy (in the Solovyovian, Jungian, and Gnostic sense), could be hardly a jot or a tittle.

thanks, ~o:37;


Ah, happy memories: camping out in the Sierras, or at the hot-springs at Geyserville, or Harbin Hot Springs. Days in the sun bare-naked. Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap: the wonderful mystic glossolalia on the label !

But, Khun FolkGuitar, I hear that too-frequent use of anti-bacterial soap may not be really good for the commensality of critters that live with us a la dermis;

Summer Solstice at Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite... no clothes, no violence, lots of love... and the smell of Dr. Bronner's soap in the air mixing with the burning herbs. Nice, nice memories...

I've often wondered about that... Dial soap was prescribed for me by a dermatologist when I was a young teen and suffering from raging Acne. I've been using it daily ever since... about 50+ years? Am I being unfair to all this fauna living on my skin? It certainly keeps me smelling pretty... at least no one moves away in elevators.

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