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Push for anti-coup law: Thailand


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This is quite subversive. Yingluck becomes DM and now enjoys "good relations" with the top brass. Now they try to bring in a law that she (with big brother's approval) must endorse future promotions to the rank of general. Guess what, only their relatives, friends, cronies and paid sympathisers will ever get promoted. Once the military are under control the pesky Red Stormtroopers will be surplus to requirements and can be dumped. Emergency decree brings big brother home and he becomes leader. The police and military are under control, and the democratically elected governement can now pass any laws they want, borrow trillions off budget and really get super amply rich. Sweet.

Look to history. Hitler did the same - used the SA brown shirts as private army, until he got control of the military and police. Then bye bye SA and anyone else who wasn't wanted or disagreed. Stalin purged the military to keep control and through is meglania paranoia, so did all the other dictators.

This strategy is hardly subtle yet no one seems to worry about the consequences.

It is not always the Generals who initiate the coups.

To many Thaksinite generals can demoralize the rest of the army.

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Well, if all appointees have to be approved by the defence minister in future, that would mean, a coup wouldn't be particularly good for your future career.

Quite a subtle and clever move.

And we know who suddenly was made Defense Minister, regardless of absolutely no qualifications..

This would tie the bow around things nicely.

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In 60's -70's those some coup done by power crazy Generals but nowdays Generals are very caring for the people

like big flood the armies helped the people, in southern they die for the people to protect this wonderful country so that we can lived in peace.

You don't have to affraid of coup if the government done noting wrong to the country.

If you cross the line then the army have to interfere, so don't cross the line. Passing the law doesn't actually help to stop from future coup.

Edited by Bkungbank
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It is amazing that people coming from democratic countries keep defending military coups! Maybe they don't understand democracy either?

Of course we all know that generals are honest in comparison to politicians, right? If they rule the country there would be no more corruption, right? Knowing that is enough to justify a military coup!

And I mean in every real democratic country the government never get's involved in military affaris, right? No civilian governmet ever approves the nomination of a general, right? So why should Thailand do?

Wake up guys, you've been in Thailand for too long to believe that soldiers are bettter than civilians!

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Funny stuff..... Everyone knows that coups are an integral part of the Thai political process.

Step 1. Get your party into office by using vote buying and promises.

Step 2. Appoint cronies and relative into positions of power

Step 3. Loot the country as fast and as hard as you can

Step 4. The military steps in, throws everyone out ,takes control for a while, a new party comes in, and the whole process

starts again.

And Thailand wonders why other countries do not take them seriously. :-)

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Funny stuff..... Everyone knows that coups are an integral part of the Thai political process.

Step 1. Get your party into office by using vote buying and promises.

Step 2. Appoint cronies and relative into positions of power

Step 3. Loot the country as fast and as hard as you can

Step 4. The military steps in, throws everyone out ,takes control for a while, a new party comes in, and the whole process

starts again.

And Thailand wonders why other countries do not take them seriously. :-)

You seem to be right.

Haven't coups in Thailand been a regular occurrence for the past century? I remember seeing something that gave the impression there is one approximately every 5 or 6 years (on average).

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why are there so many generals in thailand ? and why are they all so rich ?

because they can be bought or hired and have deep fingers in all illegal activity

There are a mere 1700 generals in Thailand, and this for a country that has in essence never been at war in modern times, and most likely never will be. When I first came to Thailand, a very long term expat told me all corruption activities are divided up between the police and the military, and in essence there is no " Thai mafia".

And apparently there are even some joint ventures such as the selling of the Burmese refugees that were captured in the Ranong area. Sort of bizarre to think that the military is the only thing standing between us and a dictatorship by Thaksin..... :-)

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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why are there so many generals in thailand ? and why are they all so rich ?

because they can be bought or hired and have deep fingers in all illegal activity

There are a mere 1700 generals in Thailand, and this for a country that has in essence never been at war in modern times, and most likely never will be. When I first came to Thailand, a very long term expat told me all corruption activities are divided up between the police and the military, and in essence there is no " Thai mafia".

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when you have a government that won't step down failure after failure then there is only one solution

any other civilised country in the world the government would have stepped down long ago with performance like PTP - they are obviously not fit for purpose and make a mockery of democracy and the law

not to mention having a leader that fled the country to avoid prison and is running things from another country, if it wasn't so serious it would be funny

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This is quite subversive. Yingluck becomes DM and now enjoys "good relations" with the top brass. Now they try to bring in a law that she (with big brother's approval) must endorse future promotions to the rank of general. Guess what, only their relatives, friends, cronies and paid sympathisers will ever get promoted. Once the military are under control the pesky Red Stormtroopers will be surplus to requirements and can be dumped. Emergency decree brings big brother home and he becomes leader. The police and military are under control, and the democratically elected governement can now pass any laws they want, borrow trillions off budget and really get super amply rich. Sweet.

Look to history. Hitler did the same - used the SA brown shirts as private army, until he got control of the military and police. Then bye bye SA and anyone else who wasn't wanted or disagreed. Stalin purged the military to keep control and through is meglania paranoia, so did all the other dictators.

This strategy is hardly subtle yet no one seems to worry about the consequences.

It is not always the Generals who initiate the coups.

To many Thaksinite generals can demoralize the rest of the army.

The Wikileaks cables from the US Ambassador back to Washington and a few other sources explain who ordered the Thaksin coup.

Wonder why The Nation didn't cover it?

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Well, if all appointees have to be approved by the defence minister in future, that would mean, a coup wouldn't be particularly good for your future career.

Quite a subtle and clever move.

And we know who suddenly was made Defense Minister, regardless of absolutely no qualifications..

This would tie the bow around things nicely.

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Well, if all appointees have to be approved by the defence minister in future, that would mean, a coup wouldn't be particularly good for your future career.

Quite a subtle and clever move.

And we know who suddenly was made Defense Minister, regardless of absolutely no qualifications..

This would tie the bow around things nicely.

The thing is, if the other side proposed it, we'd all support it.

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Asked whether the armed forces had agreed to embrace the bill, Prasop said all soldiers had to respect laws.

However it would seem that MP's and cabinet ministers and those wearing red shirts do not.


"Asked whether the armed forces had agreed to embrace the bill, Prasop said all soldiers had to respect laws."

Well pt and mr. prasop, you should get your own picture of credibility and righteousness in order before you try to throw stones at others.

The pt mob and many of the pt senior members, in parliament, the one directing parliament from his mansion abroad, and the red machine leaders have zero respect for the law, no hesitation to break or ignore the law and perhaps even more important don't have any moral values which protects and encourages respect for the law, and/or fair justice for all Thai citizens.

In essence they are just looking at anything that just might help in some way to get the whitewash through.

Put it all another way, if push really came to shove and things got way out of hand, corruption rising even further, circumventing of fair elections (even more vote buying), more populist polices which break the bank and benefit only the manipulated voters, more nepotism (the family now occupies nearly all the powerful positions, all totally blatant - no shame to put all the family in the big seats), etc etc., then I wonder whether the military would eventually just go ahead with another coup, regardless of the law.

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an anti-coup law is an oxymoron

Exactly. Consider what a coup IS by definition! Does the current charter provide in some manner for "coups"? Of course not. It's like passing a law against breaking the law. It DOES sound like some sort of attempt to cement the current regime's hold on power.

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when you have a government that won't step down failure after failure then there is only one solution

any other civilised country in the world the government would have stepped down long ago with performance like PTP - they are obviously not fit for purpose and make a mockery of democracy and the law

not to mention having a leader that fled the country to avoid prison and is running things from another country, if it wasn't so serious it would be funny

Did GW step down?

Did Tony Blair step down?

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In 60's -70's those some coup done by power crazy Generals but nowdays Generals are very caring for the people

like big flood the armies helped the people, in southern they die for the people to protect this wonderful country so that we can lived in peace.

You don't have to affraid of coup if the government done noting wrong to the country.

If you cross the line then the army have to interfere, so don't cross the line. Passing the law doesn't actually help to stop from future coup.

Pitiful post.

Forget the voters.

Let some billionaire Thai Army General decide.

Remember the very caring General they put in power last coup? You know..the one with the home in the national forest preserve.....

Cleanest guy they could find.

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This has all the hallmarks of the paymaster attempting to out-fox the foxes. An anti-coup law - yeah!

It's a smokescreen for PTP to take complete charge of military appointments (remember General Chaisit Shinawatra) and give rocket-propelled promotions to supporters and, especially, clan members. Just like what they do with the police.

In established democracies it is right for the military to be under civilian rule. There are enough checks & balances (not to mention media unrestrained by highly restrictive defamation laws) to mostly prevent nepotism & partiality.

Not in Thailand though.

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In 60's -70's those some coup done by power crazy Generals but nowdays Generals are very caring for the people

like big flood the armies helped the people, in southern they die for the people to protect this wonderful country so that we can lived in peace.

You don't have to affraid of coup if the government done noting wrong to the country.

If you cross the line then the army have to interfere, so don't cross the line. Passing the law doesn't actually help to stop from future coup.

Pitiful post.

Forget the voters.

Let some very caring billionaire Thai Army General decide?

Remember the very caring General they put in power last coup? You know..the one with the home in the national forest preserve.....and he put the economy in a tailspin.

Cleanest guy they could find. Guess where he is now.

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In 60's -70's those some coup done by power crazy Generals but nowdays Generals are very caring for the people

like big flood the armies helped the people, in southern they die for the people to protect this wonderful country so that we can lived in peace.

You don't have to affraid of coup if the government done noting wrong to the country.

If you cross the line then the army have to interfere, so don't cross the line. Passing the law doesn't actually help to stop from future coup.

Pitiful post.

Forget the voters.

Let some very caring billionaire Thai Army General decide?

Remember the very caring General they put in power last coup? You know..the one with the home in the national forest preserve.....and he put the economy in a tailspin.

Cleanest guy they could find. Guess where he is now.

Didn't he switch to the PTP?

Are you blaming him for the world recession.

I supose the world economy booming had niothing to do with Thaksin's good times he did it all by himself single handedly.

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when you have a government that won't step down failure after failure then there is only one solution

any other civilised country in the world the government would have stepped down long ago with performance like PTP - they are obviously not fit for purpose and make a mockery of democracy and the law

not to mention having a leader that fled the country to avoid prison and is running things from another country, if it wasn't so serious it would be funny

Did GW step down?

Did Tony Blair step down?

I thought GW was American and Tony Blair was British. How did they get here?

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when you have a government that won't step down failure after failure then there is only one solution

any other civilised country in the world the government would have stepped down long ago with performance like PTP - they are obviously not fit for purpose and make a mockery of democracy and the law

not to mention having a leader that fled the country to avoid prison and is running things from another country, if it wasn't so serious it would be funny

Did GW step down?

Did Tony Blair step down?

No, but many people believe they should have stepped down!

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In 60's -70's those some coup done by power crazy Generals but nowdays Generals are very caring for the people

like big flood the armies helped the people, in southern they die for the people to protect this wonderful country so that we can lived in peace.

You don't have to affraid of coup if the government done noting wrong to the country.

If you cross the line then the army have to interfere, so don't cross the line. Passing the law doesn't actually help to stop from future coup.

Pitiful post.

Forget the voters.

Let some very caring billionaire Thai Army General decide?

Remember the very caring General they put in power last coup? You know..the one with the home in the national forest preserve.....and he put the economy in a tailspin.

Cleanest guy they could find. Guess where he is now.

Indeed cleanest guy in Thailands politic as long as people can recall. That national forest preserve case is really nothing in compare to the huge corruption of everyone else.

As well he removed it at his own costs.

He did nothing with the economic neither good nor bad....

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