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No good deed: Chiang Mai ex-pat shot by man he tried to help

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The facts are these countries who do not have financial interior funding and legislation for compensating people for crimes committed against them within their own country by their own citizens, poor services, poor infrastructure, should be named and shamed. By advertising tourism and encouraging visitors, the country is responsible for these people they have won over in a very competitive market. The country of origin should also have legislation preventing any type of package holidays because these receiving countries have not got a rating that is a worldwide standard. These standards should include, medical assistance, repatriation and compensation that is a recognized settlement throughout the industry. Until the governmental sections of the tourism industry worldwide get together and insure these people within these countries. The incentive will never be there. As for people traveling alone the receiving country should be obliged to offer full comprehensive insurance at the point of entry. A country should insists its guests buy insurance if they do not have it already.

You missed 'compulsive nappy (diaper) changing'!!

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its this kind of thing that reminds me of how smart i am for not building a house in Thailand. after i get my social secirity check and retire, i will be moving BACK to Iowa to die there.

Hope you have a quiet life in gun mad USA.Give me Thailand anytime.


From my understanding of the situation, from both reading articles not mentioned here and secondhand knowledge (a friend of mine is a friend of the injured man) the shooter, who's parents are both Dentists in BKK, was out on bail from a very recent incident of similar behavior.

I lived on the wild side, roaming in some of the most dangerous places where I survived a kidnapping attempt in Columbia, knife to the throat in the jungles of Laos, Brazilian slums and visiting the inside of an inmate run prison in Ecuador, for a few examples, always by myself. But now I rarely go out after dark (I never was a drinker or fighter) and avoid drunks etc. and live very peacefully and happily here.


its this kind of thing that reminds me of how smart i am for not building a house in Thailand. after i get my social secirity check and retire, i will be moving BACK to Iowa to die there.

Some would say going back to Iowa is equivalent to death so you won't have to wait long.

For all it's faults, at least one knows one's alive in Thailand.


Breaking up a pub fight does not constitute being a good samaratin. bah.gif

Here in Thailand, breaking up a bar fight that involves a Thai is like saying, "Somchai, why don't you go home, get your gun, and shoot me?" Best to sit back, watch, and then vacate the premise.

Heck, Thai's can't even control themselves on the world stage, example: the exemplary behavior of two top seeded Thai badminton players at the Canadian Open recently. It should be a National disgrace, but these folks can blame any bad behavior on "lost of face".

Personally, I don't hang out with Thai men who have been drinking. It's asking for trouble. I limit that activity to my farang friends.


Holy crap!!! This is the same scumbag that shot three tourists last month. What is hell is him still doing on the street?

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Lots of Good Samaritan deeds can be done away from the bar. Unless some girl is attempted raped or a serious attack is on an unsuspecting person there is no benefit to anyone with you getting involved. Especially if you're a foreigner. Sad for the man though I'm sure he meant well and hope he recovers.


Holy crap!!! This is the same scumbag that shot three tourists last month. What is hell is him still doing on the street?

This is the same event. It happened last month and was posted here now.


Ya know what...who gives a rats ass about the shooter...he's in a mental hospital supposedly and will soon be in

court...also supposedly...I hope he burns. Hoverver Mr. Brown...seriously injured and at present paralysed in

hospital is facing a huge problem...finances...and recovery. This is not an unusual story...many tourists have no

insurance and many insurance companies most likely do not have a clause/option for coverage if one get's shot.

Mr. Brown just tried to help and along with others got shot...by a drunk local twit (rich or poor who cares) in a

drive by shooting. I've fired off some Baht for his fundraiser...perhaps others reading this thread should do likewise

instead of speculating about the outcome or other matters of this incident...because that's all irrelevant now ain't it.

Well said Sunshine.

Where did you sent the money, Sunshine? You and another person said you've provided some financial aid. Perhaps there are more of us who would like to help but don't have any idea how. I can't imagine that posting such benevolent information would be in breach of forum rules.


Lived in Chiang Mai for 30 years. Used to help out here and there. Have stopped after some silly incidents. My advice: Steer clear from

anything that might even slightly be explained as interfering. I used to stop for wounded people too. Sorry, not after I was taken to the police station one time and the drunk finally said I had nothing to do with it was I released. I stay away from where drunken people gather and never had any problems since..

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Never interfere, never try to be a referee, never try to be a hero. If you do, be very very certain you have a good grasp of the situation. In another words, be informed and know who your dealing with.

Try reversing the situation. What if you were in a quarrel in your own country with someone. Then to have some stranger insert themselves into the situation. That person in which he/she cannot speak your language, is a foreigner, different culture, different ethnic background, and probably a bit tipsy on alcohol with an over inflated sense of confidence/handsome/I'm special demeanor.(you can thank the hookers and the nice currency exchange rates for that).

Think about it now....imagine...how would you feel?

First thing that pops into my mind is annoyance and i'd be thinking...who the <deleted> is this guy? Not even from my own country and culture and he trying to be a hero/referee etc... Blah blah....Probably just another dipshit here to drink and pay for companionship...

See where im going with this?

Moral of the story....mind your own business, unless your asked for help. Your a visitor/guest in another country. Remember that, always, even if you think your a seasoned thailand dweller for years. If and when you do interfer, you better darn sure be able to speak thai politely, english even...And be informed.

P.S. 10-20 years of thailand travels and language experiencefrom bar girls is no excuse either for trying to play hero. It will grate them even more actually, you'll quickly be labeled as just another sex mongering dipshit who forgot their manners/common sense back home. Some Thais may not be educated, doesn't mean they are stupid, and will quickly infer/read into your personality type from you tone of voice(bar roamer for example) as soon as you open your mouth.(just like in your own country where you can read someone fairly quickly by how they speak whether they are educated(well mannered), or your typical dirtbag.

I don't see the reasoning behind blaming this on Thai culture as this type of thing happens all the time in America (please no excess American bashing). Even in Hawaii which must be one of the safest places in the country if not the world where I spent much of my life, shootings, stabbings and beatings happen all too frequently when some have had too much to drink. Not only participants get hurt but bystanders and those who try to step in to help. Humans are a violent bunch.

Yea happened in Melbourne Australia also where a passer by broke up an attack by 3 Thai's against a single Aussie. The 3 Thai's then left and returned with knives and stabbed the aussie to death, they then fled back to Thailand where two are apparently connected and extradition was not granted on the grounds that Aussies are racist and they would not get a fair trial.
Yep you are very correct Thai's do exactly the same thing in Australia also and it is not just Thailand.

I think Thais and Thailand are very violent and dangerous. I've posted many times the graph that shows that Thailand has ten times the gun murder rate per capita as the US does, so I disagree with the first poster I quoted. Thailand is ranked way up there among countries with the most gun murders per 100,000 people.

I'm always on guard in Thailand and steer way clear of any potential trouble.


Never interfere, never try to be a referee, never try to be a hero. If you do, be very very certain you have a good grasp of the situation. In another words, be informed and know who your dealing with.

Try reversing the situation. What if you were in a quarrel in your own country with someone. Then to have some stranger insert themselves into the situation. That person in which he/she cannot speak your language, is a foreigner, different culture, different ethnic background, and probably a bit tipsy on alcohol with an over inflated sense of confidence/handsome/I'm special demeanor.(you can thank the hookers and the nice currency exchange rates for that).

Think about it now....imagine...how would you feel?

First thing that pops into my mind is annoyance and i'd be thinking...who the fuc_k is this guy? Not even from my own country and culture and he trying to be a hero/referee etc... Blah blah....Probably just another dipshit here to drink and pay for companionship...

See where im going with this?

Moral of the story....mind your own business, unless your asked for help. Your a visitor/guest in another country. Remember that, always, even if you think your a seasoned thailand dweller for years. If and when you do interfer, you better darn sure be able to speak thai politely, english even...And be informed.

P.S. 10-20 years of thailand travels and language experiencefrom bar girls is no excuse either for trying to play hero. It will grate them even more actually, you'll quickly be labeled as just another sex mongering dipshit who forgot their manners/common sense back home. Some Thais may not be educated, doesn't mean they are stupid, and will quickly infer/read into your personality type from you tone of voice(bar roamer for example) as soon as you open your mouth.(just like in your own country where you can read someone fairly quickly by how they speak whether they are educated(well mannered), or your typical dirtbag.

Your opinion of some of the farang here is almost as low as mine!

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