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i need to be put back inline with your words to calm me down...... :o

its now 11 weeks since we submitted our visa application, and im itchin to call the case officer to get a date of when i can expect to be with my fiance' .... i know if im thinking clearly ..common sense would tell me to sit and shut up and at least wait until after the 3 month point (25th april) before touching the phone ....... but im not thinking clearly ... im sick of work, and im sick of waiting ..... i just want things to happen so we can start living life together.....

thanks for letting me have a voice ..... my mrs has already told me that we have to wait ... i know its painful for her too..........



i need to be put back inline with your words to calm me down...... :o

its now 11 weeks since we submitted our visa application, and im itchin to call the case officer to get a date of when i can expect to be with my fiance' .... i know if im thinking clearly ..common sense would tell me to sit and shut up and at least wait until after the 3 month point (25th april) before touching the phone ....... but im not thinking clearly ... im sick of work, and im sick of waiting ..... i just want things to happen so we can start living life together.....

thanks for letting me have a voice ..... my mrs has already told me that we have to wait ... i know its painful for her too..........


Just hang in there bro... yeah it sux waiting and yer itching to get on with things, but it'll take as long as it takes. You'll get there in the end. Our's took 17 weeks, and a day didn't pass when I wasn't feeling the same as you are. There's light at the end of the tunnel tho! I know you're probably sick of people telling you to be patient (I sure was!), but... be patient, and she'll be right mate :D


This time next week it will be 12 weeks, and that's about the minimum you can expect to wait for a decision on a S/V application.

I don't know whether or not the embassy will stop processing applications over the Easter holiday period. If they do, that's almost another week added on to the normal wait.

I can understand your impatience and I bet you are not a chess player. :D

I'd wait another four weeks before you start making phone calls to your case officer but if you have her email address, I can't see any harm in sending a nicely worded request for an ETA on the decision.

All good things come to those who wait. Keep in mind that very soon you will be able to spend the rest of your life with this girl and a few more weeks apart won't hurt you.

Have you started growing the chilli plants, bought the rice cooker, bought the morter and pestle, stocked the cupboards with tinned Thai cooking ingredients?

If not, get out and get them. It will help fill in your time. :o



i need to be put back inline with your words to calm me down...... :o

its now 11 weeks since we submitted our visa application, and im itchin to call the case officer to get a date of when i can expect to be with my fiance' .... i know if im thinking clearly ..common sense would tell me to sit and shut up and at least wait until after the 3 month point (25th april) before touching the phone ....... but im not thinking clearly ... im sick of work, and im sick of waiting ..... i just want things to happen so we can start living life together.....

thanks for letting me have a voice ..... my mrs has already told me that we have to wait ... i know its painful for her too..........


Just hang in there bro... yeah it sux waiting and yer itching to get on with things, but it'll take as long as it takes. You'll get there in the end. Our's took 17 weeks, and a day didn't pass when I wasn't feeling the same as you are. There's light at the end of the tunnel tho! I know you're probably sick of people telling you to be patient (I sure was!), but... be patient, and she'll be right mate :D

Thanks chareehusbee

i'l just keep hanging ..... thank god i havent had many people telling me to be patient .. when people ask me how its going i just defuse the question by saying its hard .. the convo about the visa topic usually ends at that :D its easier for me that way ... so thank god i havent been hearing "be patient" 24/7 .... :D

This time next week it will be 12 weeks, and that's about the minimum you can expect to wait for a decision on a S/V application.

I don't know whether or not the embassy will stop processing applications over the Easter holiday period. If they do, that's almost another week added on to the normal wait.

I can understand your impatience and I bet you are not a chess player. :D

I'd wait another four weeks before you start making phone calls to your case officer but if you have her email address, I can't see any harm in sending a nicely worded request for an ETA on the decision.

All good things come to those who wait. Keep in mind that very soon you will be able to spend the rest of your life with this girl and a few more weeks apart won't hurt you.

Have you started growing the chilli plants, bought the rice cooker, bought the morter and pestle, stocked the cupboards with tinned Thai cooking ingredients?

If not, get out and get them. It will help fill in your time. :o

Thanks MM

you make me laugh... and ur right Im not a chess player.... :D

i've been filling in time by working 7 days a week ... putting away the cash .. but sometimes u start thinking "when is it going to end" and thats where i get to feeling from time to time ... like today ... but i pulled a sickie and just been kicking back at home ... probably a dum think too.... too much time to think

i'l just be praying everyday that she gets a call from the case officer

If neither of you have heard anything then it is progressing normally....and that is a good sign... :D

Good point gburns, if there were any probs they would have contacted the applicant by now. They are probably just going through the red tape processes. So to the OP, hang in there buddy, your not too far away now! And like Mighty said, it wouldn't hurt to send a FRIENDLY email to your case officer for a progress update.

Good luck mate. :o

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