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Workplace drama among thai employees


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My girlfriend is working for about a month for a pharmacist who is running a few shops with a crew of about 6 assistants.

She gets along very well with the boss, who seems to be happy about her work and trusted her quickly to run a shop alone. However she feels that the other assistants do not like her, especially the senior one, miss b*tch, who is straight out nasty with her.

In the last two weeks, miss b*tch proceeded to

- ask her if she worked in a bar before (and apparently told the other girls that she did)

- explained her wrongly about how to file the stock on the system, then put the blame on her when the boss saw the mistake

- made her lose face in front of a customer telling him her medicine advise was completly wrong (it wasn't)

- and today, she just posted an horrible message on her facebook wall, something like "who does she thinks she is, what a snitch! Her past is going to come back. She'll know how I am when i'm pissed off. I'm gonna slap her in the face tomorrow" without naming her but the target was obvious and the message liked and "555" commented by the other assistants.

Apparently, the fb post comes from a small incident in a shop. My gf sold an outdated medicine to a customer, from the shop which stock miss b*tch is responsible to manage. Customer came back to the shop and yelled at my gf. She wanted to tell the event to her boss, but she typed it on the wrong skype channel and all the coworkers saw that she "snitched" to the boss.

As you can see, huge drama brewing laugh.png

My reaction would be to tell the b*tch to stop being a 5 year old kid and to get a life, and just ignore her for the rest of my work days. But my gf is not a cynic like me, she's very sensitive and cried all night because of this, and she's already talking about quitting her job. She doesn't understand what's happening, she made good friends in all of her previous work experiences (not in a bar), and she's very polite and respectful. From what I can gather, the only "mistake" she could have made is to help a customer when miss b*tch was struglling with explanations in english. The customer then complimented my gf on her english, so it seems it was a major loss of face for the b*tch (ridiculous imho but TIT).

Seems to me there are a few options

- talk to the b*tch, try to be "pakwan", say she's sorry she caused problems to her, that she just try to do her best, lets be friend from now ok?

- snitch to the boss, showing her the facebook ridiculous message (but I doubt it could do anything good, the boss will not side for her against a senior employee)

- suck it up and ignore the crazy woman (seems hard to do in the long run when nobody seems to want to talk to her)

- quit (seems weak, and not many other employment options in the area)

- confront the b*tch and let her know she has to show some respect

Not sure any of this will show a positive result, but then, I know nothing about work relations between women, work relations in thailand, and work relations between thai women. I doubt many TV posters do know about this either, but I guess some have management experience or a wife who would know how to handle this situation.

Cliffnotes : gf's coworker is being a major b*tch, threathen to slap her in the face on facebook, gf is sad and wants to quit

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You should get off Facebook...

I'm not even on facebook, she showed me the message, which by the way the b*tch typed knowing that my gf could read it, how immature is that?

Let your GF sort it out herself.

Meh, she really wants to quit, and already saying "maybe phuket is not a good place for me, I should go back home". She lasted 6 months in her previous job in another pharmacy network, her boss made her work 70+ hours a week. Now she found a nice boss but her coworkers seem retarded. Tough luck.

The pakwan option is best for her as long your gf knows for herself that she does not mean it. If yout gf is a better worker than her b...ch eventually her boss should notice it.

Well for sure she will never mean it. Maybe some gift or something would be a good peace offering?

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Come on, take a deep breath and take it easy.ph34r.png

If anyone call my partner a prostitute in Thailand, even a girl, honestly my best answer will be something like that:


Edited by Bender
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I have a lady friend back in the US who is 101% workplace drama; reason why we never got much beyond a few dates and shags but remain freinds. She is on her third job in maybe 10 years and every day, she has issues either with her (invariably) female supervisors or (invariably) female co-workers. Meanwhile she says that all the guys at all the jobs are great and easy to get along with, bosses or otherwise. I think that ALL women's workplaces are cursed with this sort of sh!t regardless of country or culture.

Having said that, the OP can only be supportive but it is something that the GF needs to sort out herself. That last comment about not being happy in Phuket... is she there because the OP is there? Maybe she thinks that Phuket sucks but (typically Thai) doesn't want to say as much to her BF in case he gets upset. Just a thought.

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I have a lady friend back in the US who is 101% workplace drama; reason why we never got much beyond a few dates and shags but remain freinds. She is on her third job in maybe 10 years and every day, she has issues either with her (invariably) female supervisors or (invariably) female co-workers. Meanwhile she says that all the guys at all the jobs are great and easy to get along with, bosses or otherwise. I think that ALL women's workplaces are cursed with this sort of sh!t regardless of country or culture.

Having said that, the OP can only be supportive but it is something that the GF needs to sort out herself. That last comment about not being happy in Phuket... is she there because the OP is there? Maybe she thinks that Phuket sucks but (typically Thai) doesn't want to say as much to her BF in case he gets upset. Just a thought.

Yep looks like 100% women workplaces are prone to nasty gossips, back stabbing and general crappy atmosphere everywhere in the world.

Obviously I can't get involved in this, I can be supportive but I also want to show her different options. If she's gonna quit her job everytime there is some kind of problem, she's never going to keep any job more than a few months. Better to learn how to deal with this kind of shit than to run away from it. Current job is well paid, with a nice boss and 3 minutes away from home, that would be a pity to give it up just because of some retard.

About phuket, actually we are both kind of bored with the place and are talking about moving. That will not be done immediately for various reasons and we haven't found somewhere else to move yet anyway.

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When I have had to address similar situations, I just tell them this is what rookies/newbies/freshmen go through anywhere in the world and is the same treatment that those giving it out received when they were in a similar newly arrived position so they are happy to return the favor.

They are trying to break the newbie and to just tough it out until the boss can see what a good job is being done.

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If she is good with the boss let her have a serious talk with the boss, if possible a diner. Let gf pass the problem to the boss to let her handle it.

In Thai culture it is NOT DONE to make someones work impossible and these rotten minds should learn a hard lesson.

Perhaps buy your gf a video spy-pen to collect some evidence and lateron confront the bitch or anyway show the boss.

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It would seem to me that covert operations to show the boss what is happening is unnecessary as the boss more than likely already knows just that the boss cannot micro-manage every one of his/her multiple locations and needs for the workers to settle things among themselves.

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Has your girlfriend actually asked you to help her or are you just assuming that you ought to take over and run her life for her?

Yeah actually I should have told her I didn't give a crap and that it was her **** problem.

It is her problem. You're living in a country whose language and customs you don't have a clue about.

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Has your girlfriend actually asked you to help her or are you just assuming that you ought to take over and run her life for her?

Yeah actually I should have told her I didn't give a crap and that it was her **** problem.
It is her problem. You're living in a country whose language and customs you don't have a clue about.
No shit Sherlock.

Do you have any other insightful idea that I could print and give to eat to my pet rabbit?

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... and today, she just posted an horrible message on her facebook wall, something like "who does she thinks she is, what a snitch! Her past is going to come back. She'll know how I am when i'm pissed off. I'm gonna slap her in the face tomorrow" without naming her but the target was obvious and the message liked and "555" commented by the other assistants.

Apparently, the fb post comes from a small incident in a shop. My gf sold an outdated medicine to a customer, from the shop which stock miss b*tch is responsible to manage. Customer came back to the shop and yelled at my gf. She wanted to tell the event to her boss, but she typed it on the wrong skype channel and all the coworkers saw that she "snitched" to the boss.....

The situation baffles me - I envision walking into the pharmacy and find all staff hunched over each their smartphone .... Apparently the oldfashioned means of communication such as speach is now outdated. It all has to go over Facebook nowadays - even when the parties are all in the same room.

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If you wanted to be really evils. get a friend on board, wait till gf tells you that the boss & the btch are both in the same location as gf, then send friend in to deal with the btch as a customer, have said friend be a bit difficult & then kick up a fuss about the btch not giving correct advice, poor customer service etc, demand to speak to boss, btch gets in serious trouble with gf no where involved.

Might not resolve the issue gf is having but will make her feel better. :D

Or else have gf blank btch at all times, just act as if she isn't there, it will wind btch up no end & gf will be happier due to no interaction with the btch.

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OP I am starting a business that allows for farang to have their spouses examined and accredited to having been free of working in a bar. Upon completion of the accreditation, they will be given a ribbon with a code on it that they can wear whenever they leave the house. This code will be matched up to our website which will have a search feature and allow users to verify that the ribbon is not a fake or copy. This way everyone everywhere with internet access will automatically know the social status of your gf.

Would this be a service you would be interested in? Just think, you would not have to tell us so many times that she was not a bar girl. You could simply tell us her individually assigned code or give us a url to her profile on our website which will list her accreditation.

In doing so, you will be able to sleep easy at night knowing the record has been set straight once and for all.

This is a work in progress. I recommend you PM me now to get to the top of the waiting list.

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If you wanted to be really evils. get a friend on board, wait till gf tells you that the boss & the btch are both in the same location as gf, then send friend in to deal with the btch as a customer, have said friend be a bit difficult & then kick up a fuss about the btch not giving correct advice, poor customer service etc, demand to speak to boss, btch gets in serious trouble with gf no where involved.

Might not resolve the issue gf is having but will make her feel better. biggrin.png

Or else have gf blank btch at all times, just act as if she isn't there, it will wind btch up no end & gf will be happier due to no interaction with the btch.

Have you ever heard of Eddie Haskell from American TV late 1950s - early 60s? (Polite in front of his friend's parents and then tells his friend's younger brother: Beat it, squirt. Eddie would typically instigate a situation and then, when the whole thing blew up, make sure that someone else was sure to get the blame.)


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If you wanted to be really evils. get a friend on board, wait till gf tells you that the boss & the btch are both in the same location as gf, then send friend in to deal with the btch as a customer, have said friend be a bit difficult & then kick up a fuss about the btch not giving correct advice, poor customer service etc, demand to speak to boss, btch gets in serious trouble with gf no where involved.

Might not resolve the issue gf is having but will make her feel better. biggrin.png

Or else have gf blank btch at all times, just act as if she isn't there, it will wind btch up no end & gf will be happier due to no interaction with the btch.

hahahehe cheesy.gif

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Having spent nearly twenty years as a Pharmacist I can tell you the drama won't stop, I've dealt with more techs over the years and it was one of my biggest head aches.

I can tell you Thai Pharmacists are given a course on dealing with techs and grading etc, I attended Mahidol as a guest invigilator three years ago and I was impressed at the depth they went into, I can honestly say I wish was given the staff training they get here.

I will also mention senior techs eat the young, some are wanna be Pharmacists a some are just evil, they feel they are in a position of power. Dont get me wrong they are vital to the operation, I also owned a compounding pharmacy and had 8 of the best techs on the planet.

The absolute best techs I've hired over the years got their start in brand new Pharmacy's so no bad habits from cranky old know it all techs, if your GF is serious a out the profession I suggest she starts looking at a chain where a new shoppe is opening and there is a chain of command that won't allow those games. Get some experience in her current role and move on. The dispensing error is a biggie and should be documented it's a small industry and that could follow her for years and it will leave the pharmacist no choice but to show her (gf) the door.

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If you wanted to be really evils. get a friend on board, wait till gf tells you that the boss & the btch are both in the same location as gf, then send friend in to deal with the btch as a customer, have said friend be a bit difficult & then kick up a fuss about the btch not giving correct advice, poor customer service etc, demand to speak to boss, btch gets in serious trouble with gf no where involved.

Might not resolve the issue gf is having but will make her feel better. biggrin.png

Or else have gf blank btch at all times, just act as if she isn't there, it will wind btch up no end & gf will be happier due to no interaction with the btch.

Have you ever heard of Eddie Haskell from American TV late 1950s - early 60s? (Polite in front of his friend's parents and then tells his friend's younger brother: Beat it, squirt. Eddie would typically instigate a situation and then, when the whole thing blew up, make sure that someone else was sure to get the blame.)


Wow you are old indeed. Leave it to beaver being used as socially relevant example. Never thought I would see the day

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If you wanted to be really evils. get a friend on board, wait till gf tells you that the boss & the btch are both in the same location as gf, then send friend in to deal with the btch as a customer, have said friend be a bit difficult & then kick up a fuss about the btch not giving correct advice, poor customer service etc, demand to speak to boss, btch gets in serious trouble with gf no where involved.

Might not resolve the issue gf is having but will make her feel better. :D

Or else have gf blank btch at all times, just act as if she isn't there, it will wind btch up no end & gf will be happier due to no interaction with the btch.

Quick pharmacy story - we've seen all the tricks from staff trying to stab each other in the back. My all time favourite was a lab tech who ordered 6 cases of kwelada shampoo used to treat crabs and lice, protocol states the manufacturer or dispensing pharmacist must inform the local communicable disease management team there is a potential outbreak in the region, after doing so the department investigated in likely places, school , day care, hospices and nursing homes and found there was no outbreak.

When I asked the tech why she ordered so much she said its because xxxxxxx (our newest tech) buys a bottle a week for her and her boyfriend and she thought we should stock up.......nice

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OP you say your G/F gave advice on medicine,,, Is she a pharmacist? and sold out of date med's, was the products she sold over the counter product or controled med's? and checked by a pharmacist?

is that not the job of a qualified pharmacist,,, not a sales assitant?whistling.gif

Sorry but to many unqulified people selling med's in LOL just put's lives at risk.

P.S your g/f needs to stand up for herself or get out, NOT "PAKWAN" or grovel, she is a human and should be respected as such, good luck in the futurethumbsup.gif

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Most people doing jobs like a pharmacist would be fired on the spot for playing around on facebook with smartphones whilst on the job in most country's even for other jobs,but Thailand is not most country's of course .

No cctv in most of the boss his pharmacy shops so he could watch what his staff is up to realtime online ,talk about micro management.Or is the boss afraid he will not get enough likes on facebook.

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