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Any Good Theme Restaurants In Bangkok?


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I'm arranging a workshop for our Asia-Pacific team that will be held in Bangkok. To start it off, we'd like to have a dinner that involves some type of participation (and no, I don't mean one of the no-hands restaurants!)

From asking colleagues, all I can find are places that have dancing, shows, etc. which is nice but not really what I'm looking for. Does anyone know of any theme restaurants in Bangkok? Back in Europe there are e.g. medieval restaurants where they provide outfits for people to dress up and act medieval. Is there anything similar here?

The workshop will be towards the end of May if that makes any difference to your suggestions. The team has male and female members of various ages and various nationalities.

It's quite possible that this type of thing doesn't exist but I thought I'd ask the collective wisdom of Thaivisa.

Thanks! :o

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Best bet is the dinner cruise .... can do large groups pretty cheap with some of them

Dinner cruise is an option (done that a couple of times with work groups) but again not really what I'm looking for - on a dinner cruise, either the scenery just floats by or we could go on one of the disco boats but it would just be dancing to someone else's entertainment. Karaoke is not really what I'm looking for either.

Most of the people coming have been to Bangkok before and there is a good chance we'll organise a dinner cruise for one night anyway so I'm looking for something unusual that they won't have done before. Ideally, it would be something that the Thais in the team had also not done before so that we all get to experience something new.

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You COULD consider The Colliseum on Suk at Thong Lor .... Dinner drinking ... stage show (singing dancing comedy) Live bands etc

ALMOST a disco ... but not (not dancing for the audience basically)

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Something a bit different, albeit not theme related. There are several wineries towards Pak Chong (Khao Yai) that are within roughly two hours drive from Bangkok. You can arrange to hold meetings there, spend the night and yes, sample the local "fare." If people from your group are all city types (like me), then it is a bit different.

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