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Australian beaten by 7-man gang behind South Pattaya Market

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Simply a bunch of kids who think a gay is an easy target, easy money.

Live in the biggest brothel in the world you are gonna meet these people

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Never mind the ladyboy bit, 7 guys on three bikes ride past a random farang and set up a road block to steal his bike.

Sounds like a bs story to me.

Unless it was a Harley or something.....even then you'd think one would follow him home and they'd blag it later.


What purpose would it serve to lie about the incident? What motivation?


Perfect recruiting material for this:

Desperately in need of over 4,000 tour guides, Govt lowers education criteria to 4th grade

Maybe off topic, but isn't tour guide a restricted job for falangs? I mean, I have a high enough education to beat out a forth grader.


Never mind the ladyboy bit, 7 guys on three bikes ride past a random farang and set up a road block to steal his bike.

Sounds like a bs story to me.

Unless it was a Harley or something.....even then you'd think one would follow him home and they'd blag it later.


7 guys 3 bikes, I agree....... Now 7 guys 1 bike or 2 perhaps at the most, that's plausible.


7 Vs 1 ...... WOW such courage , just a bunch of cowards for me. I dont see the point of telling in the article that the girl friend is a transsexual, I dont think it will change anything if it was a man or not. I just see 7 stupid guys .... Pattaya is not safe anymore.

'Anymore' ?

I hung out there in the late 80s and never felt threatened. And in my younger days I ran around the streets and alleys a lot.


This could be a case of attempted robbery or a set up by the Australian`s ladyboy partner. We don`t know how long the guy has know this ladyboy? He could have picked him up on the very night of the robbery.

Whatever, my advice is; if you are fortunate enough not to live or work in Pattaya, than avoid the place, as it is becoming too dangerous. Serious crimes are committed against farangs there frequently.



Never mind the ladyboy bit, 7 guys on three bikes ride past a random farang and set up a road block to steal his bike.

Sounds like a bs story to me.

Unless it was a Harley or something.....even then you'd think one would follow him home and they'd blag it later.


The TV idiot brigade has once again jumped into a news story. Perhaps if you keyboard warrior clowns had any real idea what is going on around you, then you wouldn't be making totally asinine assumptions that you know something when in reality you don't know sh!t!

The current conditions in Pattaya leave no reason to doubt this is probably real. Need a motorbike, sure, why not just steal one. Local teenagers and young Thai men are often lawless and out of control. They often act with the mentality of a pack of wild dogs and follow their leader without regard to what is right, wrong or illegal. They can turn a situation into something really ugly in an instant. Pattaya can be a very dangerous place.

The police don't have the day to day situation under control. Pattaya is in a downward spiral and all the police do is talk about how they are going fix it. The only thing that happens is that it just gets worse.

You had me until you used the word probably. You don't know what you're talking about, you're only guessing and ranting. .

Let's be having a few posts from farang members in Pattaya that have came up to a road block in Pattaya, and had there bike stolen from below them.

So far I have seen none, and heard of none.

Any member that has had this experience can feel free to link us to the post he made on Thaivisa warning us about it. I predict not one member can do so.

So give it up with the ranting, you are the keyboard warrior here.

thebleather, another TV member that fits the description. Your profile says you are in Chiang Mai, not Pattaya. Please refer to this paragraph:

The TV idiot brigade has once again jumped into a news story. Perhaps if you keyboard warrior clowns had any real idea what is going on around you, then you wouldn't be making totally asinine assumptions that you know something when in reality you don't know sh!t!


Any excuse will do if they want to pick on a falang and I've seen Thai boys mocking katoeys so universal acceptance of the third sex is a fallacy and a falang that goes with lady boys is probably considered fair game if he is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What an absolutely puerile statement! He's seen a few Thai youths, which he decries in his 1st paragraph, 'mocking' katoeys and therefore, of course, has an excuse for his own bigotry.

I read in the paper the other day of an American phedopile being arrested. Be warned TV members! Don't let an American within 100 miles of your child's school!

What are talking about you dim witted ignoramus. Are you so politically correct and thick that you've got to read bigotry into a post where none exists

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7 Vs 1 ...... WOW such courage , just a bunch of cowards for me. I dont see the point of telling in the article that the girl friend is a transsexual, I dont think it will change anything if it was a man or not. I just see 7 stupid guys .... Pattaya is not safe anymore.

'Anymore' ?

I hung out there in the late 80s and never felt threatened. And in my younger days I ran around the streets and alleys a lot.

In the '80s Pattaya was only Beach Rd and so very few streets and alleys. I first went there in 1984 and saw only two ladyboys and not a single policeman in the 16 days I was there. There was no need for motor cycle taxis because the baht buses provided the only necessary transport so there were very few young Thai men apart from hotel and the occasional bar worker. Apart from in the very few gogo bars all the staff were women. Neither was there much accommodation in existence for unemployed Thai men as the bars provided it for their staff and no men were allowed on the premises.


Never mind the ladyboy bit, 7 guys on three bikes ride past a random farang and set up a road block to steal his bike.

Sounds like a bs story to me.

Unless it was a Harley or something.....even then you'd think one would follow him home and they'd blag it later.


The TV idiot brigade has once again jumped into a news story. Perhaps if you keyboard warrior clowns had any real idea what is going on around you, then you wouldn't be making totally asinine assumptions that you know something when in reality you don't know sh!t!

The current conditions in Pattaya leave no reason to doubt this is probably real. Need a motorbike, sure, why not just steal one. Local teenagers and young Thai men are often lawless and out of control. They often act with the mentality of a pack of wild dogs and follow their leader without regard to what is right, wrong or illegal. They can turn a situation into something really ugly in an instant. Pattaya can be a very dangerous place.

The police don't have the day to day situation under control. Pattaya is in a downward spiral and all the police do is talk about how they are going fix it. The only thing that happens is that it just gets worse.

You had me until you used the word probably. You don't know what you're talking about, you're only guessing and ranting. .

Let's be having a few posts from farang members in Pattaya that have came up to a road block in Pattaya, and had there bike stolen from below them.

So far I have seen none, and heard of none.

Any member that has had this experience can feel free to link us to the post he made on Thaivisa warning us about it. I predict not one member can do so.

So give it up with the ranting, you are the keyboard warrior here.

thebleather, another TV member that fits the description. Your profile says you are in Chiang Mai, not Pattaya. Please refer to this paragraph:

The TV idiot brigade has once again jumped into a news story. Perhaps if you keyboard warrior clowns had any real idea what is going on around you, then you wouldn't be making totally asinine assumptions that you know something when in reality you don't know sh!t!

I know what's going on around me. If seven Thais had set about this guy he would have been hospitalized and minus a bike.

There lies the fatal flaw in this bs story, you and every one else reading this thread knows that to be true.


7 Vs 1 ...... WOW such courage , just a bunch of cowards for me. I dont see the point of telling in the article that the girl friend is a transsexual, I dont think it will change anything if it was a man or not. I just see 7 stupid guys .... Pattaya is not safe anymore.

Yes I do not see the relevance of highlighting the gender of a person, especially if chosen to be.... I guess it's to either implied that the other seven were the jealous friends or to give the impression that the Aussie is a perve.....it's like making a statement to the police that the lady who had her watch stolen wore red underwear.. Sorry editor very poor! In regards to Thailand it's a gamble living there as I say to everyone going there don't waster your money it's not worth the adventure. Lovely country but too much shit going on and it cannot be rectified through the police who benefit from it or with the legal system, who are deprived to only understanding Thais.... In the end you pay for everything! A teacher who dedicated his life to teaching Thais to English.... Beaten up. A man who has brought his whole life savings looses it to a cop. Results laws and more laws and explanations, ..... smile.png

I think it's known as giving the story impact, you have to admit that people will find it a more interesting read if there is something they find sinister, funny, shocking, etc.

The LB adds that to this story, so don't blame the editor for doing his job, which is to try and sell papers, or advertising (if it's a free paper).

yes I agree... Point agreed and accepted, my apologies to the editor and his editorial staff!


I don't believe the story at all....

You can always rely on a transexual lifting the lid on the toilet seat of life.

Why do all the bigots on here instantly assume that the LB still had her meat & 2 veg? And instantly assume that all LBs should be universally regarded as criminals and of low moral standards.

Thai law does not allow LBs who have had the full change to change the gender on their ID cards or passports. Hence the BiB and the reporter knowing she was an LB

A persons sex is defined by their chromosomes (XY or XX for male, YY for female).

As far as I know there is no operation that can change that.

AS for the OP

Being out in the early hours of the morning in the company of a man dressed up as a woman, will get you a beating in many cities of the world. Less likely to happen in Thailand IMHO.

Off topic i know but must correct you here. Males have an XY chromosome and females XX. There are rare varients to this but this is the overwhelming way of nature. It can be seen from this that it is there fore the male who is responsible for the sex of any offspring as they can contribute either the X or Y to the equation.


7 Vs 1 ...... WOW such courage , just a bunch of cowards for me. I dont see the point of telling in the article that the girl friend is a transsexual, I dont think it will change anything if it was a man or not. I just see 7 stupid guys .... Pattaya is not safe anymore.

Has Pattaya ever been safe ?? Especially in the night and wee hours when all those Punk youngsters/gangs are terrorising all over ?

Really wondering that police/government dont do anything on that !! First thing: close ALL those karaokes where they hang around all night, and when they boring they drive to other Karaokes armed with guns, machetes etc.....

Secondly get them from their bed or wherever they sleep in the DAYTIME doing.... NOTHING ! Send them to the army or wherever they can be "teached a lesson" !!

JEESSSSS when are those poo yais in City Hall gonna use their brains (i know what some here are gonna answer... "not easy having no brains"... lol ) xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

Believe it or not, I found that when there were no restrictions on closing times, ie, 24/7/365 drinking if that was your want, the place was safe. The place ticked along with very, very little trouble; everybody enjoying themselves as tourists are meant to do.

I know and acknowledge that a lot of other changes have upset the balance there used to be, too much development going on, more isolated attacks and robberies, increased drug use/abuse, the jet-ski scams, etc, etc, etc. The logic of the whole place to me seems ridiculous, the people in power know what needs to be done but seem to shy away from the responsibilities of their office, whether through alleged corruption or pure laziness I don't know.

Pattaya will never die, but it will never return to what it once was unless heads are withdrawn from rectums and the hammer dropped on those that need to be cleared out.

IMHO of course...............

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Off topic i know but must correct you here. Males have an XY chromosome and females XX. There are rare varients to this but this is the overwhelming way of nature. It can be seen from this that it is there fore the male who is responsible for the sex of any offspring as they can contribute either the X or Y to the equation.

You are right of course Canman; research to-date has determined the role of chromosomes in determining the sex of a baby [from conception]. But they are still a long way from knowing the full gene map. Chromosomes alone cannot explain why a significant number of people know they are gay or know that they are a woman in a man's body (& vice versa of course). With the exception of a few cultures it cannot be that these people choose to be that way. It sounds patronising but all I'm saying is that Surely in the 21st century we can all be a wee bit more tolerant of such.


I wouldnt mind playing hide the sav with the LB

Thank God for the comedians among us laugh.png

If it was a girl on his bike, the girl would have been called a girl, or a woman, or a wife or a secretary. A lady boy is a lady boy. What's wrong with that?

Anybody in any country that needs to act in a group, of any sort, especially to do a petty crime, is a coward by definition.

There is a perceived safety in numbers. Regrettable that these petty criminals are about.

I've stood in the middle of the street in a village when a drunken group of hooligans on motorbikes were about to exact some

punishment on a family member and wondered what the f... I was doing there. There are better places to be for sure.


To theblether: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/blether Blether, this definition says a lot about the user.

Like I said before, you don't know sh!t, you just think you do. So typical of of the average TV member. The fatal flaw is when idiots make assumptions based on what they think they would like the facts to be. You people make it up as you go along and present it as the real facts. You, theblether, are naive at best.

Why would someone make a false police report and then be all over the web with his ladyboy? That makes even less sense than your assumption that the events didn't happen as reported. You think maybe the guy is a masochist and he did it just to get the TV clowns to degrade him? Refer to the first paragraph.

Many Thai youth learn their behavior from the violence that is constantly presented on television. Their parents have had years of the same training. Just about every movie and series is centered on extreme violence, rape, weapons and bad behavior. I believe the youth find it normal and often try to emulate what they watch. I have seen them change from non agressive and fun loving to extremely violent or gang like, in seconds. Weapons have suddenly appeared. It might even be described as schizophrenic.


Smart Alec comments removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

I wouldnt mind playing hide the sav with the LB

And where, pray tell, would you hide the sav mickjn ? In her handbag ? rolleyes.gif

No in his anus.I will stand corrected Sir but I thought LBs were males but I could be wrong I have not been coming to this country for very long.I thought it was his handbag not hers.Have a nice day

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I wouldnt mind playing hide the sav with the LB

And I wouldn't mind having a really good long crap while surrounded by scented candles... but I am pretty sure nobody cares but me.

Would you mind if I came over and watched while you were having it,thanks,I care


7guys one thre bikes. obviously needed another being asafety concious group.. . what 7 Men couldn't take a ladyboy lover they figure. then they met one bad ass Aussie pole hopper . 7 lowlife pussies had to run away.

When I went to high school in Miami my high school was 75% black 20 % hispanic and 5% all other. I am white. I constantly got jumped by 3-5 black guys. Never the same group twice. I I was not a tugh kid but i was smart and had learned in junior high. Never give in or your screwed.

Pick out the leader and nail him. Then the lieutenent , and then the guy that still looked determined. The others run away thinking yur crazy I never lost and found myself even looking forward to the next time.

Now when one guy decided to come at me (or as in one occassion his girlfriend) then I knew I had something to worry about.

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