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Chonburi teacher murdered by her ex-lover


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Chonburi Teacher Murdered By Her Ex-Lover

CHONBURI: -- A Navy officer killed his ex-lover and committed suicide soon afterwards, witnesses and police say.

Police in Chonburi province received the report about the incident a school in Banglamung District. In the building behind the school, police found found bodies of Ms. Manita Rittlamlert, 30, a part-time teacher at the school, and Petty Officer Prathan Sawangaron, 37, a navy officer from Sattahip district.

A pistol was found in Po. Prathan′s hands, believed to be the weapon Po. Prathan used to kill Ms. Manita before he shot himself to death.

Mr. Prakit Kalpakarnchai, 34, Ms. Manita’s colleague, told the police that at around 18.30 he saw Po. Prathan barging into the school, furiously looking for Ms. Manita. He later saw Po.Prathan arguing with Ms. Manita. "He was trying to convince her to get back into the relationship with him," Mr. Prakit said.

The heated argument between the two, which lasted over an hour, was witnessed by many teachers and students, according to Mr. Prakit.

Mr. Prakit then encouraged Ms. Manita to hide inside his house, where she would be accompanied by another teacher, but the enraged Po. Prathan suddenly followed Ms. Manita inside and locked the door.

Full story: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNM05UZzJOVFkzTVE9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-08-07

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What a way to lose an argument about nothing more than a life choice.

As MaxLee points out, guns can be bought everywhere, even in countries that have laws against it,

like Australia.

The tragedy is the choices made in this situation. This man had obviously never heard the phrase.

A door closes and a window opens.

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A very sad story which prove one more time than guns cannot be given to mentally challenged people.

Mentally Challenged? Sounds to me more like a typical case of out of control Thai Male Ego at work. But then, yes, I guess you could call that "mentally challenged" after all. cheesy.gif

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Anyone that owns a gun except for farm use or hunting is mentally challenged to begin with

What about the cops ? cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

Cops use guns to hunt criminals. Military use them to hunt other humans tongue.png

I'll agree with farm use but, to hunt and kill wild animals? The mentally challenged sentiment still applies!

Are you a vegetarian or do you think meat grows in nice packages on supermarket shelves.

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A very sad story which prove one more time than guns cannot be given to mentally challenged people.

Anyone that owns a gun except for farm use or hunting is mentally challenged to begin with

I'll agree with farm use but, to hunt and kill wild animals? The mentally challenged sentiment still applies!

The heck, did I leave ThaiVisa and stumble into the PansyForums or something?

So I guess to you fishing poles should be made illegal too or a butcher's knife.

As for the other guy who thinks only farmers should own them....

First, owning a gun protects you from criminals who DO NOT OBEY the law and own guns anyways. It even protects you from deranged police or military officers like the one in this story. Had the woman been carrying a gun she might be alive or at least had a CHANCE at defending herself. Guns are the best anti-rape defense women have available. Not many other things can equalize the power differential between genders. There have been horror stories where a guy didn't go down after being tazed and proceeded to rape the victim, and tazers cannot be used effectively against multiple asssailants nor do they inspire much fear, whereas even a single bullet in a gun would be able to generally keep off multiple attackers just by pointing it at whomever gets uppity.

Second, guns offer protection against government, which is the largest murderer. Had the Jews in Germany been armed things would of went down much differently. Had the millions of Chinese or Russians sent to gulags/re-education camps had guns, they may be alive. Heck even the Native Americans suffered greatly for lack of guns. They quickly learned they needed guns to be taken seriously by Western governments.

As Mao said, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun". Those without guns had no power with which to contest their own demise.

Statistically speaking in the 20th century, there were about ~150 million people killed by their own governments, but only 8 million murders (and many of those by govt). And of those murders, less than half used a gun. So in the past century you were 40x more likely to be killed by a government worker carrying a gun, than by a fellow citizen with a gun.

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Live by the gun : die by the gun !. In 90 % of cases you are harmed by your own weapon. Have nothing to do with them. Charlton Heston and yankees are a stupid race.

It comes out to a perfect 90.00% huh? Do you enjoy making up statistics?

Each year there are about 20,000 firearm "accidents", the majority not being fatal (shooting self in foot for example). Whereas the last time self-defense was studied, under BILL CLINTON in 1994, the DOJ reported that there were roughly 1.5 million times per year that guns were used in self-defence to protect from assailants.

So there are 75 times a gun protects someone for every 1 time a gun accidentally harms someone.

It's also worth noting that knives cause more accidental injuries than guns.

Edited by Jingo
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A very sad story which prove one more time than guns cannot be given to mentally challenged people.

Anyone that owns a gun except for farm use or hunting is mentally challenged to begin with

I'll agree with farm use but, to hunt and kill wild animals? The mentally challenged sentiment still applies!

The heck, did I leave ThaiVisa and stumble into the PansyForums or something?

So I guess to you fishing poles should be made illegal too or a butcher's knife.

As for the other guy who thinks only farmers should own them....

First, owning a gun protects you from criminals who DO NOT OBEY the law and own guns anyways. It even protects you from deranged police or military officers like the one in this story. Had the woman been carrying a gun she might be alive or at least had a CHANCE at defending herself. Guns are the best anti-rape defense women have available. Not many other things can equalize the power differential between genders. There have been horror stories where a guy didn't go down after being tazed and proceeded to rape the victim, and tazers cannot be used effectively against multiple asssailants nor do they inspire much fear, whereas even a single bullet in a gun would be able to generally keep off multiple attackers just by pointing it at whomever gets uppity.

Second, guns offer protection against government, which is the largest murderer. Had the Jews in Germany been armed things would of went down much differently. Had the millions of Chinese or Russians sent to gulags/re-education camps had guns, they may be alive. Heck even the Native Americans suffered greatly for lack of guns. They quickly learned they needed guns to be taken seriously by Western governments.

As Mao said, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun". Those without guns had no power with which to contest their own demise.

Statistically speaking in the 20th century, there were about ~150 million people killed by their own governments, but only 8 million murders (and many of those by govt). And of those murders, less than half used a gun. So in the past century you were 40x more likely to be killed by a government worker carrying a gun, than by a fellow citizen with a gun.

Guns never protected people, that sad story is the very proof of my affirmation (the Petty Officer did own a gun, and he died at the end of the day, did he not?).

Second, during my string in my country military, I discovered that not only guns fitted well indeed with mentally chalenged people, but also it was a compensation for a lack of selfesteem (spelling?) , or a supposed small size of genital organs (most funny being this supposition was wrong).

Last, in most counties, Government is an extension of the People, in democracy the Government is from the People, by the People and for the People. It is only the very definition of 'People' (notice pls the capital case for the letter P) that is challenged (read not understood by the same way, depending if it is so called hi-so or the servum pecus who is saying it!).

Speaking about the jews in Germany is a bit out of proportion and as much out of the subject as to speak about the very survival of palestinian kids during the intifada (remenber the images showing israeli soldiers braking in cold blood the 2 arms of a kid????). Speaking of the Shoa (I did loose several familly members to the concentrtion camp, namely 2 grand uncles, a third was lucky enought to come back) is a piss poor, repeat piss poor, argument ; almost as much as piss poor that advocating civil war (protect against a government)! You Sir, are a very dangerous individual, twisting honorable sayings made by honorable men in a time of darkness while said darkness (The supposed tyranny of King George) is fiish since a very long time; you twist those sayings because you simply desire a return to the good'old law : the strongest always is right! We moved forward long ago, and now we are governed by the 'rule of law', not anymore (I hope) by the 'strong arm' rule.

I said!

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A very sad story which prove one more time than guns cannot be given to mentally challenged people.

Mentally Challenged? Sounds to me more like a typical case of out of control Thai Male Ego at work. But then, yes, I guess you could call that "mentally challenged" after all. cheesy.gif

was trying to be polite . cheesy.gif

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I knew the man personally.

Not a bad guy

He helped many people during the flood

he helped as a volunteer in an ambulance

And believe me

there is more behind this sad story

R I P my friend

You knew this guy? And the woman? Would be interested to know what is "more behind this sad story." That would be a nice change from the usual pointless drivel from the other clueless folks.

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Guns never protected people, that sad story is the very proof of my affirmation (the Petty Officer did own a gun, and he died at the end of the day, did he not?)

The attacker had a gun (the petty officer), the victim did not. It is not proof "of your affirmation" (you need to work on your English skills as your posts are hard to understand).

If the female had a gun, she may be alive. The PO died because he killed himself. You don't need a gun to kill yourself, it's just faster and less painful. And nobody is arguing for disarming police and army officers. So there is no situation in which this guy wouldn't have access to a gun.

But people like you create a situation where LAW-ABIDING people like the female here don't own guns and thus become victims to those who do (government).

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Cases like this murder/suicide always make me wonder if it would not have happened if the guy did not have access to a firearm ?

If everyone on the planet were braindead, gun-toting rednecks......................what a shoot-em-up world it would be !

After the good guys have shot all the bad guys, what do they do with all the guns ?


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