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Hi Forum.

I am down south in Thailand and it seems to me that for some weeks now we have serious problems with ADSL connections.

It seems that just SOOOO many people I know have problems. They can't see this site or that site but can see some other site. They don't get their mail. They cannnot send mail.

Main problem seems that many people tell me they get a "DNS failure" error.

And yet I know for sure that the server they are looking for and all overseas DNS systems related to it are working.

SO... I conclude that something is wrong with a big fat router up in Bangkok somehere and that "they" know about it and simply are not doing anything to fix it.

Any ideas, feedback or suggestions (other than the obvious please)

Cheers and thanx from down south


Hi Forum.

I am down south in Thailand and it seems to me that for some weeks now we have serious problems with ADSL connections.

It seems that just SOOOO many people I know have problems. They can't see this site or that site but can see some other site. They don't get their mail. They cannnot send mail.

Main problem seems that many people tell me they get a "DNS failure" error.

And yet I know for sure that the server they are looking for and all overseas DNS systems related to it are working.

SO... I conclude that something is wrong with a big fat router up in Bangkok somehere and that "they" know about it and simply are not doing anything to fix it.

Any ideas, feedback or suggestions (other than the obvious please)

Cheers and thanx from down south


Possible but unlikely I would have thought

- Routers use Routing Information Protocol (RIP) or more recently this is being phased out in favour of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

theyre kinda the same - but all you need to know is Public Routers on Public Networks are most likely to be running RIP - this is a method for Routers to exchange their Routing Tables amongst eachother.... so in theory if a particular route fails - the Router will look in its Routing Table to find an alternate "way round" if it doesnt have one it will forward the packets to the next hop to see if it knows an alternate route - once this is learned, the Router adds this as the new OSPF Route in its Table and forward to all others Routers on that Network.

you wanted some ideas - hope you aint just lost the will to go on...

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