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Pattaya Tourist Police arrest German fake policeman and suspected child molester

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As for the posters here who are criticizing men in their 40s, 50s, or 60s for dating women in their 20s (and using offensive terms like "geezers"), I make the following points:

  • There is a world of difference between a 20yrs-50yrs (woman-man) relationship and 14yrs-44yrs 'relationship', legally and morally. The legal distinction is based on the notion that both partners must be consenting adults, and society dictates that a 14yr-old generally is not developed enough to freely and fully consent to such a situation. Most 20 year-olds can, however, think for themselves and so a relationship with a 60 year old man is no more 'exploitative' than one with a 25-year-old man. How could it be?
  • One 30-year-old poster here has asked what a 50-year-old would have in common with a 20-year-old. Maybe he needs to wait another 20 years to realise that just because you're 50 or 60 doesn't mean you can't relate to people in their 20s. My gf and I met when she was 28 and I was 48 (four years back) ... we have a great time, I can do more laps at the track than her, I know all the music she knows, I can stay on the dance floor longer than her etc etc. And even if I were physically inferior to her, there would no difference in how we connect. As I move into my 50s, I've learned that we're still that 20-30 year-old inside, albeit with a little more knowledge of life.
  • I've talked to a number of women (as friends, not potential partners) from a number of Asian countries about this issue. Most have told me they prefer an older man because they believe them to be less prone to violence, less likely to 'butterfly', and generally more respectful and gentle. I don't know how valid these beliefs are, but this is what they believe.
  • Finally, it is incredibly shallow to suggest that there is something wrong with two fully mature and consenting adults (e.g., 25/45) to have a relationship when they differ in age by 20+ years. You are basically saying that love is impossible when one person has more wrinkles or grey hair than the other. That's the pinnacle of shallowness...
Anyway, that's just how I see it.

I promise that when these idiots are "geezers" they will not hesitate to spend time with a younger woman. They are just hypocrites. In the US as anywhere older men date younger women all the time. Usually they have money and can afford it. Then the idiots say. God, what a lucky guy.

In Thailand even poorer geezers can have young ladies. But that bothers some aholes for unknown reasons. Maybe jealousy.

You promise? Very funny. By the time I'm 50, I would be hoping I have a family and raising children. So no, I have no plan to spend time with young 20 year olds when I'm in my 50's. Hypocrite is someone who says something and does the opposite. Clearly not hypocrites, but you could claim that in 20-30 years, but we'd have to wait and see.

I rarely see much older men dating younger women in Australia. It would be very rare to see a 20 year old with a 50 year old, so rare in fact, I've never seen it in my life growing up in Aus. It just isn't socially accepted and the girls there don't need to do it to get money, they just go make it themselves. A 30+ year old and a 50+ year old...maybe...the age difference is less significant.

Don't know how it could be jealously......the older guys can have all the paid girls they want (or the ones that are with them for financial security). Personally that's not for me. If you can't see the hypocrisy in stating that it's love if you are financially supporting your younger partner in return for that love...well then. Now if she is working every day and you are helping, that's different.


As for the posters here who are criticizing men in their 40s, 50s, or 60s for dating women in their 20s (and using offensive terms like "geezers"), I make the following points:

  1. There is a world of difference between a 20yrs-50yrs (woman-man) relationship and 14yrs-44yrs 'relationship', legally and morally. The legal distinction is based on the notion that both partners must be consenting adults, and society dictates that a 14yr-old generally is not developed enough to freely and fully consent to such a situation. Most 20 year-olds can, however, think for themselves and so a relationship with a 60 year old man is no more 'exploitative' than one with a 25-year-old man. How could it be?
  2. One 30-year-old poster here has asked what a 50-year-old would have in common with a 20-year-old. Maybe he needs to wait another 20 years to realise that just because you're 50 or 60 doesn't mean you can't relate to people in their 20s. My gf and I met when she was 28 and I was 48 (four years back) ... we have a great time, I can do more laps at the track than her, I know all the music she knows, I can stay on the dance floor longer than her etc etc. And even if I were physically inferior to her, there would no difference in how we connect. As I move into my 50s, I've learned that we're still that 20-30 year-old inside, albeit with a little more knowledge of life.
  3. I've talked to a number of women (as friends, not potential partners) from a number of Asian countries about this issue. Most have told me they prefer an older man because they believe them to be less prone to violence, less likely to 'butterfly', and generally more respectful and gentle. I don't know how valid these beliefs are, but this is what they believe.
  4. Finally, it is incredibly shallow to suggest that there is something wrong with two fully mature and consenting adults (e.g., 25/45) to have a relationship when they differ in age by 20+ years. You are basically saying that love is impossible when one person has more wrinkles or grey hair than the other. That's the pinnacle of shallowness...

Anyway, that's just how I see it.

1. Yes there is (the German was 32, not 44) and he has been accused of sex with a minor...but there at present are no minors. If she was 17, the argument would be much more difficult to make. I would agree a 14 year old is still a child, but then I would say the same about 95% of Thai girls who are 18-20. They have no responsibility what so ever, no self thought, nothing. So to me, although 'legally' an adult, they are still socially, very much children. In fact, many Thai parents still try to forbid their daughters (18-21) from dating, until they turn 21 (when they are socially seen as adults). My girlfriends family was like this and so are many.

2. I'm not saying you can't relate to them on a superficial level...sure I could relate to a 18-20 year old for a few hours. I question how you could ongoing for years though. It would infuriate me because of their naivety, due to being so young. Please if you are trying to tell me a 20 year old Thai girl is mature, level headed and intelligent....well there may be a few. 28 to 50...less of an issue. 8 years to grow and mature. As I said, we grow the most during our 20's. So it is a big difference comparing a 28-30 year old and one 18-20. I would have no issue with your relationship. You obviously have a educated and mature partner.

3. You've also forgotten to add, they are more like to financially support me. This doesn't just apply to western men however, but also Asian girls with the equivalent aged Asian men. The fact is most younger men, don't want to financially support their girlfriend in the same way an older man is willing to. This is a much bigger factor than what you said. Guarantee you for 'most' (not all) relationships in this category, if the man suddenly said, I'm not giving you anything anymore, you need to support yourself, or go get a job. There would be issues. Not all, but most. (Asian or Westerners, it's a fact of the Asian women, not about the men). Here it's acceptable to marry purely for money...in the west that would be frowned upon. It's socially a difference of opinion. For me...I couldn't marry/have a partner, that was with me because I was supporting them. It's not something I'm ok with.

4. Again, you keep changing the age range. We aren't talking about a 28 and 48 year olds, or 25 and 45 (although this is getting lower). We are talking 50+ with 18-20 year olds. The men who specifically look for the youngest legal girls they can (and they are many, just go to Pattaya and they are everywhere). This IS the issue.

I'm 30 (almost), look about 25, I'm sure when I'm 40 I'll look low 30's. I'm sure other's also are in the same boat, because they take care of themselves. Don't drink excessively and care about their health. So sure, these exceptions are going to be able to pass for a younger man and meet a younger woman.

But to say this is the norm (of older men in Thailand) is wrong. The older fit men here are the exception (like yourself and another poster). It's definitely not the norm. So please don't get carried away, there's always exceptions to every case. But in general, many older men (maybe not posters on here, I'm not sure) are looking for these young 'legal' girls to exploit because they have money and the girls not want, but need money. You only need to visit Pattaya to see this is true (or Nana for that matter).


WOW Pattaya Police arrested 2 Fake Pedo Cops - one Thai and one Anglo-German - PattayaOne News is running both stories - the fake Thai Cop was carrying a BB Gun and a walkie talkie and sexually abused young girls

A 28 year old Pattaya Police Volunteer was arrested in the early hours of Saturday after the father of a 14 year old girl reported the volunteer was in a sexual relationship with her.

The volunteer, named as Khun Don, was arrested in front of the Poipet Market in Soi Neun Plub Wan in East Pattaya. He was in uniform and was carrying a two-way radio and a BB Gun.

The Father of the girl was unhappy after hearing about the relationship and told Police that it was affecting his daughters schooling as she opted to see Khun Don rather than attend school on numerous occasions. It is thought the pair were in a relationship for at-least 4 months had engaged in sexual intercourse at-least twice.

The Police Volunteer was arrested and charged with sexual offences with a minor under the age of 15. The case will be heard in Court in due course.

- See more at: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/98542/pattaya-police-volunteer-sexual-relationship-14-year-girl/#sthash.DJ2HweUy.dpuf

You do realize that the word volunteer appears four times in your copy & paste article above? Even though they do not have the same amount of power the proper police have, it doesn't make them fake, especially when taken into context and compared with someone holding false identification................wink.png


I am happy to come from a civillized country and I am happy that in my country people are put jail once the are convicted a crime. This article does not really implement a 'crime' apart from maybe having been a false police man and he having some porn on his computer or similar and even that unclear. So why again someone here probably claiming that he may come from a civillized country want to put someone in jail first, why want the guy in question to be treated in uncivillized way? Maybe some people here lived to long in some strange environment....Do not get me wrong...I am not supporting people that do molest children...but again be appropriate...peadophile people I consider sick and they need treatment...unfortunately it not take a lot of effort form them in some parts of Thailand to be successful.

"...happy to come from a civilized country..."???

I sometimes really wonder what a civilized country is. Germany that produced probably the greatest mass murderer of all time...oh sorry, Austria produced him...Germany only elected him. England and it's "Empire where the sun never sets" and ruled over and subjugated millions for decades and more. France which invented a humane way to kill its own people (i.e., the guillotine). Russia which produced the only rival to Germany's claim to having the greatest mass murderer in history. Spain which endured one of the bloodiest civil wars of he last century. The list goes on. Yeah, we all come from "a civilized country". That includes myself...coming from the USA where we basically slaughtered and subjugated Native Americans to make room for the nation's expansion, among other "civilized" things, both past and present. Anyway, I'm not passing judgement on anyone....just food for thought.

Back on topic, child molesters have to be the lowest of lowest in any "civilized" society and if that what's this guy was up to, hopefully he'll get a long prison sentence in a THAI jail.

Germany, Russia, England......... yet again the greatest is ignored ....... (中国 )


I do consider my country being civilized though I have to think about whether I would call the USA civilized because sometimes I have mydoubts e.g. in several states you still have death penalty which in my opinion is not civilized, to me it is barbaric....I feel that is something Europe did overcome ages ago....it is a question of humanity...and looking at all the morons in the US going on about Jesus, Christianty and so on...get real...just only a few thoughts into the round...you know....

I not expect people that think death penalty is the right punishment understand the principle of humantiy and being civilized...actually to understand a bit about Buddhismn that will teach you (I mean the real one)....

Another cheap cop-out. Europe just swaps out the death penalty for life imprisonment, which is the SAME thing, it's still killing their life. One just has the mercy to put them out of their misery faster. By the way, people who are imprisoned for life have very high rates of suicide, so giving them that verdict often results in them killing themselves. Basically you're just too cowardly to pull the trigger yourself, so you just want to hide them away from society for the rest of their lives despite that costing millions of euros to do, whereas a bullet is not even a euro.

Life without possibility of parole is the same thing as the death penalty. You have taken away their life, you just put them in a box, feed them, and wait for them to die. Many studies have shown a quick and efficient death penalty is the greatest deterrent to crime. Executions often save lives by deterring crime.

And really, if you don't believe in God, then you should believe in evolution, which teaches that the best way to remove unwanted traits from a species is to eliminate those who have them.

You were just criticizing Hitler, the atheist who basically used Darwinism as his excuse to sterilize the mentally infirm, and euthanize the elderly, etc. The value system you speak of when you say "humanity and being civilized" comes from the Judeo-Christian society you live in.

Atheism has so far only given birth to Communism, Social Darwinism (which led to Nazism), and other horrors which are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions.

Atheism gave birth to Communism? Gee, and I thought it had something to do with the struggles of farmers and other laborers against the massive structural changes in society thanks to modern technology that were/are interpreted to be evidence of an ever-increasing gap between those who own and control production and those who produce under the exploitative conditions which allow the owners to profit from the excess between what the workers are paid for their labor and what the product of that labor is sold for. Here I come to find out that it was just a bunch of atheists trying to live the dream!

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I am happy to come from a civillized country and I am happy that in my country people are put jail once the are convicted a crime. This article does not really implement a 'crime' apart from maybe having been a false police man and he having some porn on his computer or similar and even that unclear. So why again someone here probably claiming that he may come from a civillized country want to put someone in jail first, why want the guy in question to be treated in uncivillized way? Maybe some people here lived to long in some strange environment....Do not get me wrong...I am not supporting people that do molest children...but again be appropriate...peadophile people I consider sick and they need treatment...unfortunately it not take a lot of effort form them in some parts of Thailand to be successful.

Chop off the balls, only radical treatment. Why do you mention the provided effort in Thailand? not been looking news lately? not about Thailand , but what you call civillized countries, I myself call them sometimes: syphilized countries.


As for the posters here who are criticizing men in their 40s, 50s, or 60s for dating women in their 20s (and using offensive terms like "geezers"), I make the following points:

  1. There is a world of difference between a 20yrs-50yrs (woman-man) relationship and 14yrs-44yrs 'relationship', legally and morally. The legal distinction is based on the notion that both partners must be consenting adults, and society dictates that a 14yr-old generally is not developed enough to freely and fully consent to such a situation. Most 20 year-olds can, however, think for themselves and so a relationship with a 60 year old man is no more 'exploitative' than one with a 25-year-old man. How could it be?
  2. One 30-year-old poster here has asked what a 50-year-old would have in common with a 20-year-old. Maybe he needs to wait another 20 years to realise that just because you're 50 or 60 doesn't mean you can't relate to people in their 20s. My gf and I met when she was 28 and I was 48 (four years back) ... we have a great time, I can do more laps at the track than her, I know all the music she knows, I can stay on the dance floor longer than her etc etc. And even if I were physically inferior to her, there would no difference in how we connect. As I move into my 50s, I've learned that we're still that 20-30 year-old inside, albeit with a little more knowledge of life.
  3. I've talked to a number of women (as friends, not potential partners) from a number of Asian countries about this issue. Most have told me they prefer an older man because they believe them to be less prone to violence, less likely to 'butterfly', and generally more respectful and gentle. I don't know how valid these beliefs are, but this is what they believe.
  4. Finally, it is incredibly shallow to suggest that there is something wrong with two fully mature and consenting adults (e.g., 25/45) to have a relationship when they differ in age by 20+ years. You are basically saying that love is impossible when one person has more wrinkles or grey hair than the other. That's the pinnacle of shallowness...

Anyway, that's just how I see it.

As for the posters criticizing the old geezers, I wonder how many of the young geezers who do criticise the old ones for being with a younger woman and calling them a dirty old bast**d under their breath ever stop and think for a minute that the young girl with the old geezer could infact be the old geezers daughter ?.On more than one occasion I've seen a young geezer put in his place for engaging his gob before his brain, quite a funny sight to see the young geezer having to eat humble pie.....bah.gif

As for the older geezers who at say 60 years of age would rather have two 30 yr olds rather than one 60 year old, I say go for it and enjoy if that's what you want, as long as it's within the law then stuff what the young punks think...thumbsup.gif


Imagine having an 18-20 year old daughter who was sleeping with a man that was either the same age as you (her father) or older. No one can tell me the would be ok with that.

essentially comes down to 'pedophiles' going as young as they can, so they 'legally' can't get in trouble. I guess you can say they are 'smarter'.

Solution? rolleyes.gif

And not forget the Asians themselves! bah.gif

Heal the world? whistling.gif

" 'pedophiles' going as young as they can "


I hope you don't live in Thailand or you're going to find it very unpleasant here.

I do live here and find it disgusting as does Amras. What's worse, when I bump into foreigners I sometimes meet a 50 year old who is with a 20 year old girl but then ALSO some 50-60 year olds who have an adopted Thai daughter who is 15-20 and it's often hard to tell the difference! Either way that's bad, if you assume it's their daughter and say that they'll be embarassed, or if you say girlfriend and it's an adopted daughter that's bad too.

In my book an ugly old 50 year old who pays for 18 year olds to have sex is worse than an attractive twenty something having a consensual relationship with a teen who was barely under age.

What if that 50 year old is attractive and fit ?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

since I'm in my twenties myself I guess it's super disgusting to see people older than my father dating girls younger than my girlfriend.

You're old enough to be their father or grandfather. I'm not saying I super condemn it, I was just pointing out the RIDICULOUSNESS of this forum condemning a twenty-something for being with a girl who he is not old enough to be the father of, when there are a bunch of 50 year olds ON THIS WEBSITE dating girls they are old enough to be the GRANDPARENTS of.

=Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral, 48 percent inhibition and 50 percent envy.=

By the way, let us have that discussion again, when you are in your 50is. tongue.png


On the other hand, if he is guilty of molestation, then cut them off, stuff them in his mouth and sew his lips shut before sending him to the BKK Hilton, where he will receive a warm welcome.

So for a twenty-something in a consensual relationship with a 14 year old, a relationship that would of been perfectly legal had he waited a year longer to date her, cut off his balls and stuff them in his mouth?

Meanwhile many of the people on this thread (perhaps yourself?) are old geezers (50+) who exploit 18 year olds a fraction of their age and yet THEY want to condemn this guy less than half their age for dating a girl barely younger than the ones they are dating, and he didn't have to pay her or exploit her, and he's not as ugly or revolting as some of the guys here are, who force their fat, old, saggy bodies on tiny girls young enough to be their grandchildren, who have to hold in the vomit from disgust, and only do it for the money.

I'll say it again. In my book, many of the people here are much worse than this guy.

First off, your comments concerning a 20 something involved with a 14 yr old are IN THE WRONG THREAD. Stick to the OP and the topic HERE, not the other one. Or perhaps at your tender age you didn't realize what you were doing.

Second, put down your paint brush about "old geezers" who exploit 18 yrs olds, etc. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but this "old geezer" who at 64 is in excellent physical condition and could, more than likely, embarrass the hell out of you in a fight and teach you a little more manners that your parents seemed to have been somewhat reluctant in. MY Thai wife is 54, My two closest farang friends also have wives 10 years or less younger than them. So you are making assumptions for which you have zero factual statistics for, other than what you may have seen, and what you think.

A word of advice to you from an "old geezer". Engage brain before operating mouth

And engage brain before place a posting on ThaiVisa! rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif


On the other hand, if he is guilty of molestation, then cut them off, stuff them in his mouth and sew his lips shut before sending him to the BKK Hilton, where he will receive a warm welcome.

So for a twenty-something in a consensual relationship with a 14 year old, a relationship that would of been perfectly legal had he waited a year longer to date her, cut off his balls and stuff them in his mouth?

Meanwhile many of the people on this thread (perhaps yourself?) are old geezers (50+) who exploit 18 year olds a fraction of their age and yet THEY want to condemn this guy less than half their age for dating a girl barely younger than the ones they are dating, and he didn't have to pay her or exploit her, and he's not as ugly or revolting as some of the guys here are, who force their fat, old, saggy bodies on tiny girls young enough to be their grandchildren, who have to hold in the vomit from disgust, and only do it for the money.

I'll say it again. In my book, many of the people here are much worse than this guy.

TROLL, with a capital T.

How would you (in general) like your 18-20 year old daughter (assuming you have one) dating or even just sleeping with, a man that is your age or older? I'm dam_n sure that they people who are doing it in Thailand would be furious if they found out there daughter was doing the exact same thing and if not...well....I can only guess what is wrong with them.

You cannot compare that, completely different circumstances in disadvantaged families across South East Asia.

Ask these fathers! They know everything and say nothing!

The fathers will most likely, like the positive aspects financially which come with the sometimes much older Falangs and overlook everything else.

Its not different with the mothers! rolleyes.gif

But you can keep your head in the sand and your eyes closed! Ostrich policy. blink.png

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