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Thai officials deny involvement in Rohingya trafficking


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Officials deny involvement in Rohingya trafficking
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation has firmly dismissed an allegation that its officials were involved in the trafficking of Rohingya people.

"We have already launched a probe and found that none of the department's officials belongs to human-trafficking gangs," the department's director-general, Manopat Huamuangkaew, said yesterday.

He admitted, however, that Rohingya had been hidden away in some parts of the Mu Koh Tarutao National Park.

Phuket Immigration Police chief Pol Colonel Sanchai Chokkhayaikij yesterday said he had dispatched two 10-man teams to recapture the 21 absconding Rohingya, out of the 36 who had escaped detention on August 10. Detention rooms were being strengthened to prevent future escape.

He said 15 of the escapees had been arrested and charged for escape from a detention room, which is punishable with a jail sentence of up to two years and/or Bt20,000 in fine.

-- The Nation 2013-08-15

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No mention of the UK's Channel 4 documentary on this, I see. So, what are they denying and why? Thai PBS news carried a feature on this two days ago. Lots of shots of the island from an airplane and an absolute denial from the official interviewed, although he was not on camera.

Manopat Huamuangkaew, '...admitted, however, that Rohingya had been hidden away in some parts of the Mu Koh Tarutao National Park.' So I guess, that because of the extensive forest cover, open coastline and lack of resources, no one has seen anything untoward going on on the island.

But on a positive note (I do so like to end on one) a very well done to the department for conducting such a thorough and extensive probe in such a short time, exonerating any and all officials at risk of being involved in this sordid case.

Anyway, it's not a problem, so case closed.

Edited by arthurboy
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really guys! Where in heavens name are these people going to get the 2000 to pay the fine.

Their skills and knowledge to secretly cross the border may be of good use for some. Maybe next time they return with brand new heavy backpacks to pay their fine….

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Disgusting slobs. These people who take these bribes are total sociopaths. They do not care one bit about protecting basic human rights. They probably sleep just fine and night knowing their pocket is fatter. I hope we get some investigative journalists over here and press the issue. To just say they didn't know. Come on.

This is the unsettling fact of this country. Things rarely seem to get resolved. Just ":I don't know" is NOT acceptable. Sounds like a little 5 year old child getting caught taking a cookie. Where did you get that cookie? I don't know.

Big double single digit fingers to all of those involved. angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gifangry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gifangry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif

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Disgusting slobs. These people who take these bribes are total sociopaths. They do not care one bit about protecting basic human rights. They probably sleep just fine and night knowing their pocket is fatter. I hope we get some investigative journalists over here and press the issue. To just say they didn't know. Come on.

This is the unsettling fact of this country. Things rarely seem to get resolved. Just ":I don't know" is NOT acceptable. Sounds like a little 5 year old child getting caught taking a cookie. Where did you get that cookie? I don't know.

Big double single digit fingers to all of those involved. angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gifangry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gifangry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif

It is Thai culture.

The more you become aware of it, the more you make excuses for it, cover it up and try to ignore it or the more you point out its deficiencies and try to do something about it.

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Disgusting slobs. These people who take these bribes are total sociopaths. They do not care one bit about protecting basic human rights. They probably sleep just fine and night knowing their pocket is fatter. I hope we get some investigative journalists over here and press the issue. To just say they didn't know. Come on.

This is the unsettling fact of this country. Things rarely seem to get resolved. Just ":I don't know" is NOT acceptable. Sounds like a little 5 year old child getting caught taking a cookie. Where did you get that cookie? I don't know.

Big double single digit fingers to all of those involved. angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gifangry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gifangry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif

It is Thai culture.

The more you become aware of it, the more you make excuses for it, cover it up and try to ignore it or the more you point out its deficiencies and try to do something about it.

Really the more I hear about it, the more I want to be oblivious to it

. I'm thinking about it from a 1st persons point of view. I just couldn't imagine running away from my home to avoid being killed. Then going on a ship with smiling thai faces where things are probably worse then we could ever imagine. Only to go to some unknown island and live in the nasty jungle to get my a$$ kicked on a daily basis and live in filth again only to have them steal from my already poor and struggling family. If my family does not have the money I will be a prisoner or sold as a slave. (Which on the fishing boats they will kill me quickly if I don't earn my keep. )

No wonder people have strong misconceptions or hate us westerners. We will only act when we will get our oil. If there are pirates at sea messing with peoples oil or precious cargo they will spend billions of dollars on the navy to protect their freight. But the "police" of the world can not go stop some little scum bags from kidnapping and torturing thousands of innocent people. Don't tell me the UN or US didn't know about this too. All their secretive spying. This would have been easy to know.

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This is so cool !!! Thailand now has it's own version of Devil's Island, same as the French. As tourism is now fading away from Phuket due to the mafia, perhaps TAT could promote this island as a sort of modern day Devil's Island. Hopefully marketed towards the well heeled adventure tourist, they could paddle over to the island, and visit the places where the Rohingya are being held and tortured. This could also have the angle of teaching history, as it would show how enslaved people were treated 100 years ago. So win win win !!! Well, except for the Rohingya..... :-(

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Disgusting slobs. These people who take these bribes are total sociopaths. They do not care one bit about protecting basic human rights. They probably sleep just fine and night knowing their pocket is fatter. I hope we get some investigative journalists over here and press the issue. To just say they didn't know. Come on.

This is the unsettling fact of this country. Things rarely seem to get resolved. Just ":I don't know" is NOT acceptable. Sounds like a little 5 year old child getting caught taking a cookie. Where did you get that cookie? I don't know.

Big double single digit fingers to all of those involved. angry.gifangry.gifangry.gif

It is Thai culture.

The more you become aware of it, the more you make excuses for it, cover it up and try to ignore it or the more you point out its deficiencies and try to do something about it.

Really the more I hear about it, the more I want to be oblivious to it

. I'm thinking about it from a 1st persons point of view. I just couldn't imagine running away from my home to avoid being killed. Then going on a ship with smiling thai faces where things are probably worse then we could ever imagine. Only to go to some unknown island and live in the nasty jungle to get my a$$ kicked on a daily basis and live in filth again only to have them steal from my already poor and struggling family. If my family does not have the money I will be a prisoner or sold as a slave. (Which on the fishing boats they will kill me quickly if I don't earn my keep. )

No wonder people have strong misconceptions or hate us westerners. We will only act when we will get our oil. If there are pirates at sea messing with peoples oil or precious cargo they will spend billions of dollars on the navy to protect their freight. But the "police" of the world can not go stop some little scum bags from kidnapping and torturing thousands of innocent people. Don't tell me the UN or US didn't know about this too. All their secretive spying. This would have been easy to know.

They don't HATE US westerners here in Thailand I think you have a problem which I had some time ago and now I accept it..are you a do-gooder by the way..in a westerner country..

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Disgusting slobs. These people who take these bribes are total sociopaths. They do not care one bit about protecting basic human rights. They probably sleep just fine and night knowing their pocket is fatter. I hope we get some investigative journalists over here and press the issue. To just say they didn't know. Come on.

This is the unsettling fact of this country. Things rarely seem to get resolved. Just ":I don't know" is NOT acceptable. Sounds like a little 5 year old child getting caught taking a cookie. Where did you get that cookie? I don't know.

Big double single digit fingers to all of those involved. angry.gifangry.gifangry.gif

It is Thai culture.

The more you become aware of it, the more you make excuses for it, cover it up and try to ignore it or the more you point out its deficiencies and try to do something about it.

Really the more I hear about it, the more I want to be oblivious to it

. I'm thinking about it from a 1st persons point of view. I just couldn't imagine running away from my home to avoid being killed. Then going on a ship with smiling thai faces where things are probably worse then we could ever imagine. Only to go to some unknown island and live in the nasty jungle to get my a$$ kicked on a daily basis and live in filth again only to have them steal from my already poor and struggling family. If my family does not have the money I will be a prisoner or sold as a slave. (Which on the fishing boats they will kill me quickly if I don't earn my keep. )

No wonder people have strong misconceptions or hate us westerners. We will only act when we will get our oil. If there are pirates at sea messing with peoples oil or precious cargo they will spend billions of dollars on the navy to protect their freight. But the "police" of the world can not go stop some little scum bags from kidnapping and torturing thousands of innocent people. Don't tell me the UN or US didn't know about this too. All their secretive spying. This would have been easy to know.

They don't HATE US westerners here in Thailand I think you have a problem which I had some time ago and now I accept it..are you a do-gooder by the way..in a westerner c

First you assume I speak of Thais when I say "They". No I am referring to the muslims. Such as they that are being treated like dogs as the international western UN community does nothing. The international police ?

Second, Yes that you for noticing I have a problem with people torturing other people for money. I see you are quite receptive. But Don't you? In moments of adversity. Some people are sheep and will lie down when a threat comes to kill them. Some are lions and will fight back till the death. Which are you? Mai Pben rai. I am dying. 5555

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No mention of the UK's Channel 4 documentary on this, I see. So, what are they denying and why? Thai PBS news carried a feature on this two days ago. Lots of shots of the island from an airplane and an absolute denial from the official interviewed, although he was not on camera.

Manopat Huamuangkaew, '...admitted, however, that Rohingya had been hidden away in some parts of the Mu Koh Tarutao National Park.' So I guess, that because of the extensive forest cover, open coastline and lack of resources, no one has seen anything untoward going on on the island.

But on a positive note (I do so like to end on one) a very well done to the department for conducting such a thorough and extensive probe in such a short time, exonerating any and all officials at risk of being involved in this sordid case.

Anyway, it's not a problem, so case closed.

Anyway, it's not a problem, it's a money maker so case closed.

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