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My Planned estimated monthly budget for Thailand


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So let me get off the Brit's string for a bit. How much is a comfortable amount to live on in Thailand? Is a disposable income of B120,000 per month sufficient after all my essentials are paid off in the USA, i.e. property taxes, insurance, etc. It sounds like enough but I don't know for sure. Is that too much?

Thanks for any replies.


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perhaps we should start a thaivisa forum for under 35's only, would be the best forum on the place, no more stupid, bitter, pompous, arrogant old farts who've 'been round the block'.

every budget topic comes down to old guys saying you need some exorbitant amount of cash, when anyone chimes in with well a room is x amount, beer x amount, food x amount etc, where does all the other money come into play? THEY NEVER AMNSWER, just give some reply that suggests you'll never have a gf on that budget and when a poster says he can get a gf without financial incentive the old brigade start bullshitting on about oh she wont want to stay in ur fan room eating rat on a stick youve got nothing she wants, they only want cash blah blah they love us old guys we are more secure more mature yadda yadda, get real! none of you guys have aged like george clooney or perhaps i should say cary grant so you get the point, these girls may go for you but its for your money. A young guy can get a girl without money or supporting her family so he can live a very comfortable existence on alot less, that's the reality of the matter. That is the simple reason we have such divergence on the amount of cash required to be comfortable in thailand between young and old. Old guys get over yourselves you really dont know it all and never did, dont hate us because we are young, jealousy is angers ugly cousin! :)

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wow your bitter, you have let them old lads get to you,

im 53, still working in the oil and gas and power sector all over the world, still very fit, not to bad looking so im told, by ladys not just in thailand,

there are enough ladys in thailand to go around everyone, whether you pay for it or if your young and handsome dont pay for it,

but please dont get so bitter, its not good for you,

and yes im married very happy with my life, so what other people do and dont do is nothing to do with me,

and going back i think to the start post,

you can live on 44,000bht easy, with or without girls, even if you go and get a girl of the night, get her on a deal, long time,

like a parking meter the longer your there the cheaper ir gets,

youll do fine on 44,000

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The other problem with HP logic is that he is probably so old and senile now that he forgets what it was like at 20.

I too came here in my 20's and now in my 40's and have very different experiences than HP. I am not jaded nor have I lived here off and on. Which sounds to me like a load of crap. You either lived here for 40 years or didn't. There is no off and on. You count the years you were here and you don't count the months and add them up over 40 years.

I lived here for a few years in my 20's went to the West, got married and had a family. I came back to retire 15 years ago and have lived here ever since. So, like I said I have lived here on and off during the last 40 years. I have a very clear memory of when I was 20. When you get old it is the short term memory that goes first. I think being married I spend about half as much as I did when I was single.

My wife saves me a lot of money. For example, single I bought bed seating at the movies; with the wife never happen. Single, I bought drinks for my date. The wife drinks water. Single, I went to Go go's. The wife does not care for them. All in all she saves me about 400,000 per year. So I think immigration is right on in the 800,000 to 400,000 single to married ratio. But that's just me. You may be different.

Edited by historyprof
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perhaps we should start a thaivisa forum for under 35's only, would be the best forum on the place, no more stupid, bitter, pompous, arrogant old farts who've 'been round the block'.

every budget topic comes down to old guys saying you need some exorbitant amount of cash, when anyone chimes in with well a room is x amount, beer x amount, food x amount etc, where does all the other money come into play? THEY NEVER AMNSWER, just give some reply that suggests you'll never have a gf on that budget and when a poster says he can get a gf without financial incentive the old brigade start bullshitting on about oh she wont want to stay in ur fan room eating rat on a stick youve got nothing she wants, they only want cash blah blah they love us old guys we are more secure more mature yadda yadda, get real! none of you guys have aged like george clooney or perhaps i should say cary grant so you get the point, these girls may go for you but its for your money. A young guy can get a girl without money or supporting her family so he can live a very comfortable existence on alot less, that's the reality of the matter. That is the simple reason we have such divergence on the amount of cash required to be comfortable in thailand between young and old. Old guys get over yourselves you really dont know it all and never did, dont hate us because we are young, jealousy is angers ugly cousin! smile.png

I'm an old guy, and I'm saying I could live in CM on 25k easily.

I have a friend, just under 50, living in CM with a much younger Thai lady on 20k a month.

It's not a young Vs old debate, it's a 'foolish with money' Vs 'careful with money' debate.

Although I would be willing to bet, all the guys who need loads of money to live on can't speak a word of Thai.

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So let me get off the Brit's string for a bit. How much is a comfortable amount to live on in Thailand? Is a disposable income of B120,000 per month sufficient after all my essentials are paid off in the USA, i.e. property taxes, insurance, etc. It sounds like enough but I don't know for sure. Is that too much?

Thanks for any replies.


Bt.120,000 is about my average spend per month, it is definitely sufficient if you want to live a reasonably modest lifestyle.

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Although I would be willing to bet, all the guys who need loads of money to live on can't speak a word of Thai.

Really struggling to to see the connection between people needing/wanting to spend "loads" of money to live on and there ability to speak Thai...I know farangs who spead heaps more money than me to live on, and they speak/read/write Thai fluently

a very stange logic your applying there...

the amount of money one spends in a month is purely based on choice....

some people are content living in hole for THB 3000-THB 5000/m, eating mama noodles every day, drinking rain water off the roof, never running an aircon, washing their underwear once a week, sitting out side a 7/11 with a bottle of Chang all day etc...if their happy with that life fine

while others want a good accomdation, pleasant living conditions, decent food, nice clothes etc etc.

its not for anyone else to judge how someone spends their money...after all its their money to spend FA to do with anyone else.....if some wants to spend THB 200k/m renting a nice condo in BKK, eat out every night a good restaurants, etc and they can afford it...good for them

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One has to tackle the core issue. The core issue is that people want to live in Thailand not because of the availability of sex but also of the magic of Thailand. Magic means finding cheap taxi at the speed of thought, going to affordable hospitals which are fully staffed 24/7, or almost. Finding accommodation costing a fraction of halfway similar in the Farangland. The splendor of the malls the foodcourts of delicious food at 100 baht. Delicious food is the norm in Thailand. Finding a sex partner is straightforward and hassle free like most transactions in Thailand. The list is endless. People just love Thailand and want to live here. Many tourist establishment owners In my country, during the dead season(winter) move en mass to Thailand for 2-5 months just to enjoy the country and have the 'old cheese removed'. The country I am referring is Cyprus, a tourist destination itself but no comparison to Thailand. I have been more than 15 times to Thailand and I loved every occasion. Thailand ,despite the huge language impediment and the contempt of the authorities and people, still exerts a huge attraction to all who have tasted her.

Now, the 34 yo friend, is of course under the spell and influence of this huge force and has succumbed to it. He just wants to come and stay. His financial status maybe unclear but the message is very clear, 'I want to go to Thailand'



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Well, the magic of getting a taxi or hospital sure wasnt on my mind when i left the snow,

it was sitting in shorts on a beach sipping a beer.

I dont think i would have had the need to leave if i came from cyprus

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And yet there are plenty on the various dating sites looking to snag a "farang" who will send them money.

The under 30 girls understand how the internet works unlike most of the old blokes on here. They know there's money to be made online and there's so many people here doing it chances are they've met a few already.

I've dated 2 girls in the past month who have their own online businesses as well.

Is this really possible? 900 pound a month income???? I'm about to relocate to Thailand with about $3000 monthly income. I guess I'll be alright. No need to be nervous. Thanks for sharing this info.

How can you even be asking if it's possible to live on Thailand for £900 a month when that's all a min wage job in the UK pays for a 40hr week?

In the UK that's obviously a real struggle but people manage. Here it's plenty of money for a single man who doesn't care for hookers.

Bt.120,000 is about my average spend per month, it is definitely sufficient if you want to live a reasonably modest lifestyle.

That's a lot of money per month for Thailand. Whenever somebody states how much they spend they should state whether there are supporting a family, a harem of hookers, have to pay their girlfriend, are single with no interest in paid sex etc so we can see how relevant it is.

Based on this thread someone reading would come to so many different conclusions. We've got people living on 20k a month and people on 120k a month but most aren't telling us their situation so it's worthless.

some people are content living in hole for THB 3000-THB 5000/m, eating mama noodles every day, drinking rain water off the roof, never running an aircon, washing their underwear once a week, sitting out side a 7/11 with a bottle of Chang all day etc...if their happy with that life fine

while others want a good accomdation, pleasant living conditions, decent food, nice clothes etc etc.

its not for anyone else to judge how someone spends their money...after all its their money to spend FA to do with anyone else.....if some wants to spend THB 200k/m renting a nice condo in BKK, eat out every night a good restaurants, etc and they can afford it...good for them

The thing is though even the people living on lower budgets mostly aren't eating mama noodles every day, drinking rain water, staying in fan rooms, drinking Chang outside 7/11, not washing their clothes etc.

This is just some nonsense people who squander their money and spend too much try to convince people.

I haven't eaten Mama noodles once, I never drink Chang, I don't drink outside 7/11, I put the aircon on when I need it on, I pay 350B a week for my clothes to be washed, dried and pressed, my apartment is a nice place for 8000B and a few minutes walk to the BTS, I eat out all the time (mostly cheap Thai places but also Western or chain restaurants 2-3 times per week), I spend too much money at Tops regularly, I party and date around 3 times a week and my drinking sessions usually last 12-18hrs.

All on 35-45,000B per month.

On a regular day there's very little to spend money on if you have work to do. Yesterday I didn't spend a penny as I had food and drinks in the fridge.

This is no hardship or suffering.

Edited by TheSpade
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Very good post Spade.

Not really...its a rant and he is out of line criticising people who in his opinion "squander" money...if he is happy with his lot fine, but it gives him no right to criticise those who choose to spend THEIR how they wish, per "spoonman's" my monthly average is similar and i certainly dont lead a jet set life style in Thailand, but have a standard of living which would be the similar as my "first world" farang country life style.

I didnt come to Thailand to "live the dream"...I came here to put cash in my pocket, which I do, and live a life style I choose to while i am working here.

"spade" appears to me to be blagging "Del boy" who thinks he knows it all, and for some reason seems fixated on hookers, and one suspects someone who goes on 12-18 hr benders on booze will find things will turn out badly eventually...

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I think what Spade can not get into his head is that some of us do not have to live on 44k a month. If we spend 100 or 200 it is ok. We live in nice condos, travel in comfort, eat what we want, spend what we want, we don't worry where we go, price is not really factored in, maybe a little. I am sure if he made 3 or 4 million baht a year he would make a few changes. Why should I down grade my life ???? I don't pay ladies for sex but I do pick up the tab when I ask them out. I don't support anyone but myself.... Have had long term relationships in the past where I was the major bread winner and have supported my " possible future wife" but it was because I wanted it that way. When he grows up and his income follows he will understand. And I have all the free lovely young ladies I can handle... Too many to be honest.

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200 baht a day for food and water, maximum? Are you a 100lb girl? If not, I'm doubtful...

How much do you spend a day on food? I spend around 1000B a week and I'm definitely not denying myself anything I want.

3000 a week / 400 a day, or just under.

I keep track of what I eat, so I can tell you exactly where it goes: a bowl porridge with milk, a yoghurt, 2 apples/oranges, a handful of almonds, 500g lean meat, 100g broccoli, 100g spinach, 2 eggs, a little olive oil, a little honey, and a small bowl of pasta. I eat the same every day.

It doesn't help that the only supermarket near me is villamarket. But yeah, that comes to around 2600 calories total, so its not like im some greedy fat dude spending unnecessarily.

I can see there are cheaper alternatives for some of that, but 200 a day? The dude is going to be hungry.

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I think its you who dont get it.

I dont like travel, i eat what i want, the one thing i want to buy dont exist, yet.

(a MC video camera with charge while record + LCD screen)

If i made 3-4 million baht per year i would rent a gogo perhaps,

cant think of any other way to use money beyond what i do already,

and i spend less than 40k at the moment.

Edited by poanoi
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spade wasnt having a go at people that spend 120k a month, he like me is probably curious how exactly you go through that much? an are you really getting more or just paying more? some people thinks its a status symbol to spend 120k a month, perhaps you just dont know fair market value and like being taken for a ride :P

and again people imply anyone who spends 30-50k a month must live a life of deprivation and its clearly not true, do some basic maths on costs of life here and you will see someone on that money aint doing it tough, they don't live in a 'hole' with no ac and eat 30 baht noodles all day, what ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT, shows clearly those people have problems with basic mathematics.

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Very good post Spade.

Not really...its a rant and he is out of line criticising people who in his opinion "squander" money...if he is happy with his lot fine, but it gives him no right to criticise those who choose to spend THEIR how they wish, per "spoonman's" my monthly average is similar and i certainly dont lead a jet set life style in Thailand, but have a standard of living which would be the similar as my "first world" farang country life style.

I didnt come to Thailand to "live the dream"...I came here to put cash in my pocket, which I do, and live a life style I choose to while i am working here.

"spade" appears to me to be blagging "Del boy" who thinks he knows it all, and for some reason seems fixated on hookers, and one suspects someone who goes on 12-18 hr benders on booze will find things will turn out badly eventually...

I tend to agree with quite a few points TheSpade makes but you're right; he does seem to have the air of someone who's been here for a year or two and thinks he's so "with it" that he's got the keys to the freakin' city. That, in and of itself, isn't a big deal . . . it's not as if one can go on a crash course in all things Thai and get a certificate at the end but he does, however, tend to focus intensely on the hooker issue.

It wouldn't matter if it was just this thread but on pretty much every, single thread he posts on, there's some reference or snide remark that revolves around the "fact" that he doesn't pay for sex with Thai girls.

Big freakin' deal - Here's a newsflash - lots of men don't go with hookers or at least don't pay to do so. You ain't special, sucka!

Frankly, I think more than a few of the girls he "dates" from ThaiFriendly actually DO ask him for money.

Although I'm relatively certain that he does refuse to pay, I think he has a deep-rooted resentment of the fact that the girls who do ask for compensation just don't consider what he has to offer - physically, mentally or materially - to be worth the effort of switching their strategy to the long game.

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I think its you who dont get it.

I dont like travel, i eat what i want, the one thing i want to buy dont exist, yet.

(a MC video camera with charge while record + LCD screen)

If i made 3-4 million baht per year i would rent a gogo perhaps,

cant think of any other way to use money beyond what i do already,

and i spend less than 40k at the moment.

you are telling me that if you had 3or 4 million to live on a year you would be driving around on a hot day on a motor bike or taking a bus when you can jump into your nice car or have you driver take you places. You would eat cheap food and not enjoy finer food at nice places and drink red label and not black label ? You would live in a little studio condo in the cheap area of town and not in a nice place? You would expect your dates to get the bus to come meet you and and pick up half the bill? Hahaha.... I think not !!!
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The concept of enjoying yourself while you're young is good -- if you're still able to build financial reserves for the future. Yes, sure, people are hit by tuk-tuks and die young every day, but no one actually PLANS for that do they?

I've seen too many older expats in Chiang Mai who have lived month-to-month their entire life and now find themselves above age 70 with no savings, no health/accident insurance and declining health. When I ask them how they thought they'd spend their old age when they were young, normally the answer is either "I'm surprised I've lived this long!" or "I've always taken care of myself, eaten healthy, never had any health problems. I just thought I could keep doing that". Problem is, very few people enjoy life to the fullest, never have a health problem, and then just die quickly in their sleep

In most western countries, there is some sort of provision for low-cost health care for the elderly. There isn't in Thailand. Yet, Thailand is very tolerant in permitting nearly destitute foreigners to live here long term. Many become a burden to Thai society when they become ill or have an accident. And the quality of that "charity" care isn't anywhere close to the health care most elderly would receive for free in their home countries.

I know the OP is young, footloose and interested in having interesting life experiences. That's fine for a few months, but it's not a good long-term life plan. He mentions being a chemical engineer -- if that's true, then he probably learned something about "project management" in his schooling. As a young person, he should be thinking abut how he wants to live when he's in his 70s and 80s and work now on his heath, personal relationships and career so he can have the kind of life he wants.

Seems you were right, quite a coincidence but he's just been offered a 300k per month project manager job in Rayong clap2.gif

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spade wasnt having a go at people that spend 120k a month, he like me is probably curious how exactly you go through that much? an are you really getting more or just paying more? some people thinks its a status symbol to spend 120k a month, perhaps you just dont know fair market value and like being taken for a ride tongue.png

and again people imply anyone who spends 30-50k a month must live a life of deprivation and its clearly not true, do some basic maths on costs of life here and you will see someone on that money aint doing it tough, they don't live in a 'hole' with no ac and eat 30 baht noodles all day, what ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT, shows clearly those people have problems with basic mathematics.

Couple of beers in the afternoon, every night hit the clubs and there goes 60 thousand/month easily.

It doesn't really take much effort to spent 120K.

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spade wasnt having a go at people that spend 120k a month, he like me is probably curious how exactly you go through that much? an are you really getting more or just paying more? some people thinks its a status symbol to spend 120k a month, perhaps you just dont know fair market value and like being taken for a ride tongue.png

and again people imply anyone who spends 30-50k a month must live a life of deprivation and its clearly not true, do some basic maths on costs of life here and you will see someone on that money aint doing it tough, they don't live in a 'hole' with no ac and eat 30 baht noodles all day, what ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT, shows clearly those people have problems with basic mathematics.

Couple of beers in the afternoon, every night hit the clubs and there goes 60 thousand/month easily.

It doesn't really take much effort to spent 120K.


I can drink myself drunk at gogo every night on 40k, for as long as i dont give away money to the staff.

From experience tho, i know my stomach cant take it every day, but drinking 4-5 days was ok

Edited by poanoi
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