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My Planned estimated monthly budget for Thailand


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Indeed I know tons of young guys living here and all are having great fun on less than 50,000B per month. Some can afford to spend more but there's no need to as 50k is a comfortable life and allows you to enjoy yourself, party, date easily.

Think most of these older guys must have nothing better to do than trawl bars every night blowing money or something.

Whilst they are going out and spending 2k on a bar girl we're calling a girl and asking her to come over and 'watch a movie' or going to some cheap restaurant / bar for drinks.

555, very true.

You forgot to mention all the old guys who spent all their money buying a girl a house, and blowing all their pension money of the extended family that are now living with and off them.

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44k a month is enough for the normal stay at home guy but tight for anyone who is single and wants to party at bars and have lady friends. Drinks at other than the cheap Thai street stands will be costing a bit more than you think. You will be dropping at least 1,000 baht for a bottle and setup at a disco or bar. Also, you will get sick of those 30 baht noodles 3 times a day. I think a food budget of around 300 a day is more the norm for even the tightest farang budget... But not all. I don't pay girls for their company but you still have to pick up most of the bills when you are with them. Movie and popcorn will set you back 500 baht. A night out for dinner and drinks with a lady can set you back 3,000 baht easy. I live in Bangkok but have also been to Chang Mai a few times..... Unless you are cheap by nature I think you will have a hard time telling the lovely girl to pay her own bill. Even Thais making 15k a month pay for their gf's drinks. You won't see her a second time if you don't. It's a small city really and the local girls will learn quickly to keep away. Just saying.... Good luck!

No wrong again.

Young and single here. Out all the time. Dating all the time. Drink too much. Managing just fine.

Most of us young guys don't have to pay women to spend time with us. We don't have to splash cash around on them to get them to meet us (though expect to pick up the tab with most of them) so OPs money will be just fine if he does as he says and avoids the hookers.

Many girls will contribute towards the bill AND will see you again. Trust me. If girls were all interested in money I doubt most would see me again as I never throw the cash around or go to expensive places. I'd say 90% of all girls I meet want to meet me again.

Pick a bar or collection of bars and make it your local. Buy a bottle of Red Label and it'll last you a good few visits and save you money. Can get a litre for 1000-1200B in my local bars, I take a lot of my dates there.

As for getting sick of 30B meals. Where I live there are at least 30 food stands and a dozen small restaurants that serve 30-50B meals and they sell between them hundreds of different dishes...hard to get bored when you are eating something different every night. Sure it's the same in most areas tbh.

Go to any regular Thai restaurant and they are just serving the same dishes except pricier. Often no better.

Then that retired man would have 240 quid + your 206 for "other things" left for "other things." That's 446 quid left, or more than 20,000 baht. That would handle visas, the occasional date, and so on. It would still be tight because there's always something like clothes, laundry, you name it.

I also don't think you'll eat well on 4 quid per day unless you like street food and cheap restaurants, which is fine for those who do, 24/7.

All I can say is that living on app.Baht 44,000 a month, paying rent, eating reasonably well, not sitting in one's condo every evening, is rather difficult. How can you get around for Baht 50 a day? Apart from the local cheap beer (there are locally brewed beers which are not cheap, take Heineken for example) and local Whiskey, alcohol is rather expensive in Thailand. My view, based on experience, is, that if you wish to live reasonably well, and at your age I assume you do, you may have difficulties sticking to your budget

£4 you can eat well in Thailand. My food bill for the week is around 1,000B (not including dates where we might eat). Most days I eat a lunch at home (salad with meat or baguette with allegedly over priced bread, cheese and ham) whilst I work and I spend about 200-250B a week on that stuff then venture out in the evening to get dinner, 30-50B usually gets me a good plate of tasty local food. Twice a week might go to a steak house or Japanese place in the mall where you get a dish for 150-200B.

The guys got work to do so most days will be spent in his condo rather than out trawling bars. He's not here on holiday. So no transport costs will be needed. Also he can walk if not too far. Though it's not like the skytrain is actually that expensive if you're using it only a couple of times per week

All the guys saying it's not possible are deluded because they obviously can't help themselves from banging hookers all the time or don't realize that paying your girlfriend 20,000B a month to stay with you isn't normal and something anyone under 40 with half a brain isn't going to be doing.

wrong !!! I date normal girls 22 to 31 year old normally. They have degrees and hold good jobs. They expect a little more out of life than just eating in the street and drinking cheap beer. I was once a boy like you too, I am now a man. I don't throw money around but I enjoy my life without worrying about a few baht. The op is also not a boy and the way it sounds he wants to party every day and take a hooker from time to time. It all adds up. Took a 2 day trip out of Bkk last week. Dropped 10k on hotel and meals and partying ... Easy to do and sometimes need a break away from the city. You can live cheap but you are living cheap :((( that's not living... But perhaps you never really lived .... Just saying :)
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I'd like to see the guys who are saying the OPs budget isn't possible break down their living costs so we can see how they are spending their money.

As a young guy spending similar amounts as what the OP has I've broken down my budget further back in the thread.

Would be interesting to see how much money is being spent on women whether bar girls or their 'girlfriends'.

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I'd like to see the guys who are saying the OPs budget isn't possible break down their living costs so we can see how they are spending their money.

As a young guy spending similar amounts as what the OP has I've broken down my budget further back in the thread.

Would be interesting to see how much money is being spent on women whether bar girls or their 'girlfriends'

I'm not interested in numbers but money on Thai girls is being spent on schools, universities, room & board for school, health insurance, support for parents when they infrequently request it, and support for a mother who has no family to watch her kid when she is traveling for work among other issues.

I do not consider this paying for girlfriends -- I consider it a long term investment even if some of the payback is current.

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OK, plenty of interest in this topic and thanks for all the advice, much appreciated. A few have said i should have used thai baht in my budget so i will include that further down this post. A few points first regarding some things posted by others. Firstly with regards to my food budget. i follow a diet over here which is a low carb low sugar diet. My typical day over here consists of an omelette for breakfast, home made mushroom and (any green veg) soup for lunch and chicken or fish with green vegetables for an evening meal. For snacks i have homemade fruit smoothies using low sugar fruits. Thats it, its boring but i'm not reallly a food person. i think i could adopt this eating plan in thailand without problem. It would be cheap and it is what i am used to here in the UK. I like to have a steak for lunch on a sunday but thats the only time the diet changes. I dont drink beer or cider or spirits with mixers like coke or other sugar mixers hence the reason i added soda to my budget. My tipple is whisky soda or vodka soda and the occasional gin and soda with a slice of lemon or lime.

I run approx 5 kms every morning and swim 1.6 kms 4 times a week(1.6kms is a mile here in UK). Obviously i can go running anywhere in Thailand but i will have to find a good pool in chiang mai. I also play 5-a-side twice a week here and would like to keep that going when i move over there. This was included in the initial budget but i dont have an idea about costs of those things so may be wide of the mark. I imagine they will be relatively cheap activities that would keep me busy for a lot of the time during the week as i will be working approx 5 hours a day.

Over here i work 5 hours per day monday to friday and 2 and a half hours on a saturday and sunday. My initial post was misleading so apologies for that, all i meant was to convey was my average daily pay for the month, it does not mean i work every day. I will continue to work the same hours as i do in the UK.

With regards to my trips to phils and visa. I am in the process of getting a triple entry 60 day visa from here in the UK. Every 60 days i will head to Phils, i havent checked my opening post, did i say every month? If so that was incorrect, i meant every two months so that it ties in with my visa. Flights, hotel and spending money will be coming out of my savings. The initial budget was regarding thailand and had nothing to do with when i go to Phils so it isnt really relevant but there you go, i've explained it. two week in phils every couple of months will cost me upwards of 100,000 baht. This is why i like to try and stay within a budget when i am in work mode in Thailand.

When the property purchases complete here in the UK money wont be a concern, but until then i will be sensible when in working mode. I look at it the same as many do here in the UK. They work, enjoy themselves a little but not the same as being on holiday and then every few months have a holiday abroad. It will be the same for me, albeit with more frequent holidays "abroad".

I am not looking at being in Thailand as a holiday. It will be where i live and work but with the benefits associated with the climate, proximity to my preferred holiday destinations and low living expenses. Throw stunning asian girls into the mix and it is the perfect place for me to base myself.

The reason that the budget was set at 44,000 baht per month was to gauge opinion based on the worst possible scenario regarding my income. I'm glad i set it at that is i have had some great comments and advice and for those i am very much grateful. There have also been some comments by some bitter old twerps but, hey thanks for those too, if there are people like you living over there then getting hooked up with a nice thai girl will be even easier than i thought !!!

OK, so heres the revised budget in baht, will this time include in brackets what i am actually earning in the UK at this time. Hope this helps and thanks again for all the tips and advice gents.



WRITING WORK - 1320 baht A DAY MINIMUM (3300 baht currently)

TOTAL INCOME = 39600 baht a month MINIMUM (99000 baht currently)



FOOD & WATER - 6000 baht

TRANSPORT - 1500 baht

TOTAL OUTGOINGS = 17500 baht

THAT LEAVES 22100 baht A MONTH FOR LEISURE MINIMUM (76900 baht a month for leisure on current salary)



50 baht SODA WATER


100 baht OTHER DRINK

TOTAL (450 baht x 22) = APPROX 9,900 baht per month



100 baht SODA WATER

100 baht POOL

TOTAL (600 baht x 8) = APPROX 4800 baht MONTH


***THAT LEAVES ME 7,400 baht MINIMUM for other items per month or 66,800 baht on current salary****

The reality of the situation is that i will probably spend more than the budget sets out and will more than likely do less work that i do here in the UK. However a budget is a budget and i will try and stick to the one outlined above regarding accommodation, food/drink, transport and leisure. I envisage having somewhere between 30000 and 40000 baht to spend on other things after everything else is paid for.

Hope that clears a few things up. Any further comments and advice welcomed.


PS - the warnings about me becoming destitute made me smile, thanks biggrin.png

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I'm not interested in numbers but money on Thai girls is being spent on schools, universities, room & board for school, health insurance, support for parents when they infrequently request it, and support for a mother who has no family to watch her kid when she is traveling for work among other issues.

I do not consider this paying for girlfriends -- I consider it a long term investment even if some of the payback is current.

Well there we go then. I think we've found out why so many guys are claiming you can't live in Thailand for 45,000B per month because they are giving away cash hand over fist to their 'girlfriends' for everything under the sun.

Reality check guys, most young guys coming to Thailand do not need to do this so next time you try and claim it's impossible and that the OP is deluded / needs double his budget / should stay at home stop and think about where most of your monthly budget is going and then consider than not everyone will be doing the same.

Minus your girlfriend costs and I bet you'll find you're living in Thailand for a similar amount to what the OP will have per month.

You are writing "most young guys" -- I am not young. As Oscar Wilde put it, there are persons who know "The price of everything and the value of nothing." Not everything under the sun -- only what is important. I would say 10 years together counts as more than girlfriend.

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I'm not interested in numbers but money on Thai girls is being spent on schools, universities, room & board for school, health insurance, support for parents when they infrequently request it, and support for a mother who has no family to watch her kid when she is traveling for work among other issues.

I do not consider this paying for girlfriends -- I consider it a long term investment even if some of the payback is current.

Well there we go then. I think we've found out why so many guys are claiming you can't live in Thailand for 45,000B per month because they are giving away cash hand over fist to their 'girlfriends' for everything under the sun.

Reality check guys, most young guys coming to Thailand do not need to do this so next time you try and claim it's impossible and that the OP is deluded / needs double his budget / should stay at home stop and think about where most of your monthly budget is going and then consider than not everyone will be doing the same.

Minus your girlfriend costs and I bet you'll find you're living in Thailand for a similar amount to what the OP will have per month.

Great post and exactly the same as my philosophy on living in Thailand. It really is that easy. i have experienced exactly the same in other countries.

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Soda water is 6bht a bottle in the shops, 10bht a bottle in the bars.

(I buy soda in Makro, 24 bottles for 99bht)

That's a lot of soda in your budget!

Ha ha ha is it really!! Ha ha no i wont be drinking that much, cheers for the heads up on that.

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wrong !!! I date normal girls 22 to 31 year old normally. They have degrees and hold good jobs. They expect a little more out of life than just eating in the street and drinking cheap beer. I was once a boy like you too, I am now a man. I don't throw money around but I enjoy my life without worrying about a few baht. The op is also not a boy and the way it sounds he wants to party every day and take a hooker from time to time. It all adds up. Took a 2 day trip out of Bkk last week. Dropped 10k on hotel and meals and partying ... Easy to do and sometimes need a break away from the city. You can live cheap but you are living cheap Posted Image(( that's not living... But perhaps you never really lived .... Just saying Posted Image

Funny because I'm dating those same girls you are, aged 18-30 usually either a student or a graduate with an OK job. Some have very good jobs and make more money than me and some don't get paid too much.

We have perfectly good fun when we go out but a lot of money is not spent and they don't expect anything fancy.

We often laugh together at the 'ting tong farangs' they've dated who thought throwing money around was the way to impress them when actually they'd rather date someone who they click with and can have fun with and not some anti social retard who thinks the key to success with women is to chuck money at them (worst thing you can do).

We very rarely eat in the street (unless we go on a 'street food mission' and try everything we can find) usually in a restaurant (some times in the mall, something a restaurant / bar place, some times just a cheap local place) and then if going to a bar (many of them don't drink so not even any need for the beer) it'll be a middle class / student Thai style place with live music and they usually aren't too expensive if you get a jug of beer or a bottle (which will last multiple visits between 2 people).

Works absolutely fine for me. No problems for the girls most are happy to meet again. Definitely don't have to be a scrooge or worry about how much money I've spent. What gets spent gets spent but the fact is very rarely does that much money get spent because I avoid fancy places which I don't go to myself anyway so not going to be taking a date there.

I am definitely living. I can assure you of that. I'm perfectly content with my current style of living and am enjoying BKK immensely. Just because I'm not throwing money around trying to impress people or spending on shady women doesn't mean I'm not having fun.

If you need any tips on how it's done without spending stupid amounts of cash let me know, yeah?

Hahaha... Everyone has their own standards. The girls you talk about laughing at the farang for throwing money around are perhaps the same ones who say they don't like dating young farang because they are so cheap. Hahaha... I don't throw money around and the ladies I date are 8,9 and 10s ... All lovely, smart and more that willing to pay their own way. When you grow up and can afford better things you will understand. Everything I stated is what I consider good advise. Perhaps the op is same as you but if he same as me he may come up short from time to time and have to put in a few thousand more baht to get by.
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Well I'm not going to bother with quotes -- Some of you guys razzing me are in your 20's and 30's -- I am in my 60's -- what makes sense for you doesn't always make sense for someone my age. If I didn't have it, I guess i wouldn't be spending it. And even with what you consider extravagances I'm still living for about the same or less than I would in US.

Some hot Thai girls by the time they hit their mid-20's have become so bored with male studs Thai or farang that they might choose to look for something different ... maybe that's what happened to me 10 years ago.

Edited by JLCrab
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Will only stay 6 months and then move to Vietnam, 3 months there then maybe phils. The plan is just to keep moving about when and where i choose. Like the look of Nha Trang in Vietnam and wouldnt mind an extended stay on Palawan in Phils.

If only for 6 months then why the big budget to do engineer or not?

His financial assets and travel plans seem to be very fluid. The former certainly seem to grow exponentially as the querulous old farts on TV attempt to poke holes in his plans.

An experienced world traveler with no concern for money, but just checking to see if complete strangers on a TV forum think he'll manage on a proposed, somewhat meager budget ... with what expectation, one wonders? Approval? Pat on the head? Comments such as, "Follow yer dreams there young feller."

There's another thread about indigent foreigners wandering the streets of Thailand. They too at one point may have had the spirit of vagabonds who felt themselves quite intrepid and leading the charmed existence of rogue chemical engineers, not vulnerable to the vicissitudes of life visited upon us lesser mortals.

Edited by Suradit69
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Well I'm not going to bother with quotes -- Some of you guys razzing me are in your 20's and 30's -- I am in my 60's -- what makes sense for you doesn't always make sense for someone my age. If I didn't have it, I guess i wouldn't be spending it. And even with what you consider extravagances I'm still living for about the same or less than I would in US.

Some hot Thai girls by the time they hit their mid-20's have become so bored with male studs Thai or farang that they might choose to look for something different.

Of course, different thai girls have different tastes just like us. I imagine the majority would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests not to mention the physical benefits but there are some genuine girls who prefer the older men because of the stability and security.

I think the main crux of this isue is that there are a lot of older chaps on here looking at this budget from their own perspective ie having to pay a girl to be with them, many, like me, dont have that problem.

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I'm not interested in numbers but money on Thai girls is being spent on schools, universities, room & board for school, health insurance, support for parents when they infrequently request it, and support for a mother who has no family to watch her kid when she is traveling for work among other issues.

I do not consider this paying for girlfriends -- I consider it a long term investment even if some of the payback is current.

Well there we go then. I think we've found out why so many guys are claiming you can't live in Thailand for 45,000B per month because they are giving away cash hand over fist to their 'girlfriends' for everything under the sun.

Reality check guys, most young guys coming to Thailand do not need to do this so next time you try and claim it's impossible and that the OP is deluded / needs double his budget / should stay at home stop and think about where most of your monthly budget is going and then consider than not everyone will be doing the same.

Minus your girlfriend costs and I bet you'll find you're living in Thailand for a similar amount to what the OP will have per month.

a live in wife / girlfriend is costly...

apartment with electric / water..around 5000..

car payment 12000..+ 5000 fuel..

school..costs 2 kids...3000..

wife / g friend...15000...

thats 40000...with out any thing else being wanted..even when the car is finished ,it will be .we buy new car..i give this one to family...

thailand aint cheap any more

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Just on a side note- no one has questioned a slightly dubious aspect to the budget. £30 a day so a budget of £900 a month. An assumption of working every single day to maintain the budget??

Also on the logical side if your current employer gives you £75 a day now why are they going to slash your pay?

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Au Bon Pain breakfast, lunch Fuji. Shopping at the mall and home for dinner. Cost food 3000 baht. Bus to the mall and taxi back 300 baht.

As for the dumb young and old debate most countries, indeed even tribal societies have an age requirement on being the leader; if I'm correct there is not a limit on how old you can be. I think it is, rather, you must attain a certain age before most people trust you to make wise decisions.

In my experience in Thailand over the past 40 years 90% of the foolish money was spent by men under 50.

There is a Thai proverb about, "Follow the old man and the dog will not bite." Certainly is true around my house.

I guess one could pass up the Wagyu beef at Fuji and the new salmon appetizers and the cheese cake muffins at Au Bon Pain.

To sum it up my sage advice is spend 3000 baht on food every Sunday and if you want a friend get a dog.

As I read posts like this, including mine, I wonder who is the most deluded the OP or the WMT's* who answer the OP.

I don't think anyone has mentioned how much it costs a person not to speak Thai in Thailand.

In my case, I did put a pencil to it and I saved 30,000 baht per month by speaking Thai. Your mileage may vary.

*Walter Mitty Types

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Hahaha... Everyone has their own standards. The girls you talk about laughing at the farang for throwing money around are perhaps the same ones who say they don't like dating young farang because they are so cheap. Hahaha... I don't throw money around and the ladies I date are 8,9 and 10s ... All lovely, smart and more that willing to pay their own way. When you grow up and can afford better things you will understand. Everything I stated is what I consider good advise. Perhaps the op is same as you but if he same as me he may come up short from time to time and have to put in a few thousand more baht to get by.

Well by many peoples standards on here I would apparently be a young, cheap, farang yet the girls seem to have no problem with it as they keep coming back for more.

Don't kid yourself or try and kid us that you are dating 8s, 9s and 10s that are willing to pay their own way. This isn't true and you know it. The 9s and 10s with status and money aren't available to foreigners in any country in the world unless that foreigner is rich and famous himself and I'm pretty sure you're not.

These types of girls are snapped up by the rich locals and wouldn't be seen dead with a farang.

I guarantee the reality is that you're dating average girls who are struggling to get a Thai boyfriend or at least one of a similar stature.

Let's be honest most of the girls avaiable to farangs are the ones the Thai guys don't want because they don't fit the sterotypical standard of Thai beauty (dark skin, big noses, short etc), are overweight (doesn't need to mean fat - 50kgs is considered REALLY fat here by Thais), single mums etc. This isn't always bad for a farang, I personally like the short and brown skinned girls as much as the tall and pale ones and for me 50kgs isn't fat. No single mums though thanks.

Well I'm not going to bother with quotes -- Some of you guys razzing me are in your 20's and 30's -- I am in my 60's -- what makes sense for you doesn't always make sense for someone my age. If I didn't have it, I guess i wouldn't be spending it. And even with what you consider extravagances I'm still living for about the same or less than I would in US.

Some hot Thai girls by the time they hit their mid-20's have become so bored with male studs Thai or farang that they might choose to look for something different.

Sure I get it that at 60 it's not going to be easy to pick up a regular girl without some sort of financial incentive for her but don't say that it's impossible to live here on the OPs budget when a good chunk of your budget is going towards keeping your girlfriend being your gf.

But let's not kid ourselves that the girls get bored of dating good looking young guys and decide they'd much prefer a grandpa instead. It's all about the money and we all know it. That's fine it's their choice and your choice but don't pretend it's something it's not.

In my experience in Thailand over the past 40 years 90% of the foolish money was spent by men under 50.

I don't know of any guys under 50 who have lost their life savings and everything they own to a Thai women. I think we both know there's plenty of older chaps who have though.

a live in wife / girlfriend is costly...

apartment with electric / water..around 5000..

car payment 12000..+ 5000 fuel..

school..costs 2 kids...3000..

wife / g friend...15000...

thats 40000...with out any thing else being wanted..even when the car is finished ,it will be .we buy new car..i give this one to family...

thailand aint cheap any more

Solution might be not to get a girlfriend or find one who has a job and is willing to contribute.

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Well I'm not going to bother with quotes -- Some of you guys razzing me are in your 20's and 30's -- I am in my 60's -- what makes sense for you doesn't always make sense for someone my age. If I didn't have it, I guess i wouldn't be spending it. And even with what you consider extravagances I'm still living for about the same or less than I would in US.

Some hot Thai girls by the time they hit their mid-20's have become so bored with male studs Thai or farang that they might choose to look for something different.

Of course, different thai girls have different tastes just like us. I imagine the majority would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests not to mention the physical benefits but there are some genuine girls who prefer the older men because of the stability and security.

I think the main crux of this isue is that there are a lot of older chaps on here looking at this budget from their own perspective ie having to pay a girl to be with them, many, like me, dont have that problem.

You're absolutely right I have to pay the girl to be with me -- but I deduct income tax and social security contributions.

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Well I'm not going to bother with quotes -- Some of you guys razzing me are in your 20's and 30's -- I am in my 60's -- what makes sense for you doesn't always make sense for someone my age. If I didn't have it, I guess i wouldn't be spending it. And even with what you consider extravagances I'm still living for about the same or less than I would in US.

Some hot Thai girls by the time they hit their mid-20's have become so bored with male studs Thai or farang that they might choose to look for something different.

Of course, different thai girls have different tastes just like us. I imagine the majority would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests not to mention the physical benefits but there are some genuine girls who prefer the older men because of the stability and security.

I think the main crux of this isue is that there are a lot of older chaps on here looking at this budget from their own perspective ie having to pay a girl to be with them, many, like me, dont have that problem.

"... would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests ..."

Yes, the hills around Chiang Mai are awash with young women who undoubtedly share your interests and whose families are praying they can hook up with a young farang who is budgeting to live on Baht 40,000 a month. At the moment I can't think of what those shared interests would be, but I'm sure Kismet will bring you together.

Edited by Suradit69
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Just on a side note- no one has questioned a slightly dubious aspect to the budget. £30 a day so a budget of £900 a month. An assumption of working every single day to maintain the budget??

Also on the logical side if your current employer gives you £75 a day now why are they going to slash your pay?

I have a number of clients that i work for. I am not employed by one client. As a freelancer, you have to expect that salaries will go up and down. For the past 9 months i have been earning an AVERAGE of £75 a day over the month. If you read my revised budget above it explains my situation further.

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We do share similar interests -- the interests we similarly share are: schools, universities, room & board for school, health insurance, support for parents when they infrequently request it, and support for a mother who has no family to watch her kid when she is traveling for work

Everything that was mocked just a few posts prior.

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Well I'm not going to bother with quotes -- Some of you guys razzing me are in your 20's and 30's -- I am in my 60's -- what makes sense for you doesn't always make sense for someone my age. If I didn't have it, I guess i wouldn't be spending it. And even with what you consider extravagances I'm still living for about the same or less than I would in US.

Some hot Thai girls by the time they hit their mid-20's have become so bored with male studs Thai or farang that they might choose to look for something different.

Of course, different thai girls have different tastes just like us. I imagine the majority would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests not to mention the physical benefits but there are some genuine girls who prefer the older men because of the stability and security.

I think the main crux of this isue is that there are a lot of older chaps on here looking at this budget from their own perspective ie having to pay a girl to be with them, many, like me, dont have that problem.

"... would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests ..."

Yes, the hills around Chiang Mai are awash with young women who undoubtedly share your interests. At the moment I can't think of what those shared interests would be, but I'm sure Kismet will bring you together.

You sound like an educated chap so cant for the life of me think why you could not grasp such a simple issue as this. Is it not obvious that the closer the age gap, the more similar shared interest will be, what do you do on a date? take a nice youg thai to your room and make her listen to Buddy Holly?

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