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My Planned estimated monthly budget for Thailand


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We do share similar interests -- the interests we similarly share are: schools, universities, room & board for school, health insurance, support for parents when they infrequently request it, and support for a mother who has no family to watch her kid when she is traveling for work

Everything that was mocked just a few posts prior.

And why do you have an interest in those things? Because you pay for them? How old are you if you dont mind me asking?

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Well I'm not going to bother with quotes -- Some of you guys razzing me are in your 20's and 30's -- I am in my 60's -- what makes sense for you doesn't always make sense for someone my age. If I didn't have it, I guess i wouldn't be spending it. And even with what you consider extravagances I'm still living for about the same or less than I would in US.

Some hot Thai girls by the time they hit their mid-20's have become so bored with male studs Thai or farang that they might choose to look for something different.

Of course, different thai girls have different tastes just like us. I imagine the majority would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests not to mention the physical benefits but there are some genuine girls who prefer the older men because of the stability and security.

I think the main crux of this isue is that there are a lot of older chaps on here looking at this budget from their own perspective ie having to pay a girl to be with them, many, like me, dont have that problem.

"... would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests ..."

Yes, the hills around Chiang Mai are awash with young women who undoubtedly share your interests and whose families are praying they can hook up with a young farang who is budgeting to live on Baht 40,000 a month. At the moment I can't think of what those shared interests would be, but I'm sure Kismet will bring you together.

Most of the Thai guys I know (of any age) have two main interests.

1. Getting drunk as often and as quickly as possible.

2. Having sex with as many different young Thai girls as they can get their hands on while paying as little as they can.

Not sure any of the young Thai girls I know share either of those two interests.

They seem to mainly want babies, houses and cars.

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Hahaha... Everyone has their own standards. The girls you talk about laughing at the farang for throwing money around are perhaps the same ones who say they don't like dating young farang because they are so cheap. Hahaha... I don't throw money around and the ladies I date are 8,9 and 10s ... All lovely, smart and more that willing to pay their own way. When you grow up and can afford better things you will understand. Everything I stated is what I consider good advise. Perhaps the op is same as you but if he same as me he may come up short from time to time and have to put in a few thousand more baht to get by.

Well by many peoples standards on here I would apparently be a young, cheap, farang yet the girls seem to have no problem with it as they keep coming back for more.

Don't kid yourself or try and kid us that you are dating 8s, 9s and 10s that are willing to pay their own way. This isn't true and you know it. The 9s and 10s with status and money aren't available to foreigners in any country in the world unless that foreigner is rich and famous himself and I'm pretty sure you're not.

These types of girls are snapped up by the rich locals and wouldn't be seen dead with a farang.

I guarantee the reality is that you're dating average girls who are struggling to get a Thai boyfriend or at least one of a similar stature.

Let's be honest most of the girls avaiable to farangs are the ones the Thai guys don't want because they don't fit the sterotypical standard of Thai beauty (dark skin, big noses, short etc), are overweight (doesn't need to mean fat - 50kgs is considered REALLY fat here by Thais), single mums etc. This isn't always bad for a farang, I personally like the short and brown skinned girls as much as the tall and pale ones and for me 50kgs isn't fat. No single mums though thanks.

Hahaha... We sure do have our own standards. First off I am a decent looking guy, very educated and have lived in Thailand for 18 years off and on. Engineer by trade. Money is no real problem but I do not throw money around. I have had a few pay as you go girlfriends in the past but not what I normally do. I don't pay for sex! I don't pay a living cost ! 50kg and black skin is not my style. 44 to 48kg, light brown skin, cute face lovely body, and educated. So we do not date the same ladies. To each his own. The girls I date are looking for an educated man who if the relationship gets to a marriage level they can be provided for at a level that many are already use too. Most come from ok families and have their own cars. And I think most would not be bothered dating someone just to go eat and drink at some cheap place.

My advise to the op is that his 44k is ok but perhaps will come up short from time to time. I have also only spent 44k a month from time to time.... Normally 80 to 150k is within my life style.

Well I'm not going to bother with quotes -- Some of you guys razzing me are in your 20's and 30's -- I am in my 60's -- what makes sense for you doesn't always make sense for someone my age. If I didn't have it, I guess i wouldn't be spending it. And even with what you consider extravagances I'm still living for about the same or less than I would in US.

Some hot Thai girls by the time they hit their mid-20's have become so bored with male studs Thai or farang that they might choose to look for something different.

Sure I get it that at 60 it's not going to be easy to pick up a regular girl without some sort of financial incentive for her but don't say that it's impossible to live here on the OPs budget when a good chunk of your budget is going towards keeping your girlfriend being your gf.

But let's not kid ourselves that the girls get bored of dating good looking young guys and decide they'd much prefer a grandpa instead. It's all about the money and we all know it. That's fine it's their choice and your choice but don't pretend it's something it's not.

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Well I'm not going to bother with quotes -- Some of you guys razzing me are in your 20's and 30's -- I am in my 60's -- what makes sense for you doesn't always make sense for someone my age. If I didn't have it, I guess i wouldn't be spending it. And even with what you consider extravagances I'm still living for about the same or less than I would in US.

Some hot Thai girls by the time they hit their mid-20's have become so bored with male studs Thai or farang that they might choose to look for something different.

Of course, different thai girls have different tastes just like us. I imagine the majority would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests not to mention the physical benefits but there are some genuine girls who prefer the older men because of the stability and security.

I think the main crux of this isue is that there are a lot of older chaps on here looking at this budget from their own perspective ie having to pay a girl to be with them, many, like me, dont have that problem.

"... would want a boyfriend the same age with whom they shared similar interests ..."

Yes, the hills around Chiang Mai are awash with young women who undoubtedly share your interests and whose families are praying they can hook up with a young farang who is budgeting to live on Baht 40,000 a month. At the moment I can't think of what those shared interests would be, but I'm sure Kismet will bring you together.

Most of the Thai guys I know (of any age) have two main interests.

1. Getting drunk as often and as quickly as possible.

2. Having sex with as many different young Thai girls as they can get their hands on while paying as little as they can.

Not sure any of the young Thai girls I know share either of those two interests.

They seem to mainly want babies, houses and cars.


I dont blame them, i share those two interests,

only fat put me off the former while gonorrhea put me of the latter,

which leaves me without a hobby, lest i refer to forum chat as a hobby.

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Pretty much a first time poster here.

About to move to Thailand for work.

Earn 150,000 a month

I figure 50,000 for living expenses (rent, health insurance, supplies and food, smokes, BTS to work, elec, water, internet, phone)

And 100,000 for fun

I like fun.

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Pretty much a first time poster here.

About to move to Thailand for work.

Earn 150,000 a month

I figure 50,000 for living expenses (rent, health insurance, supplies and food, smokes, BTS to work, elec, water, internet, phone)

And 100,000 for fun

I like fun.

That sounds like a nice budget, i assume Bangkok? If so it sounds about right. Enjoy.

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I already said, 60's -- and I've said it many times on ThaiVisa and elsewhere that with many of the most desirable women in Thailand, you don't find them; they find you.

So you can understand the concept of a thai girl of lets say 18-21 being much more comfortable having a date with a chap who is in the 20's or 30's rather than 40+?

They would see it more as a date, rather than a business transaction? How can you expect a girl of that age to be comfortable dating a man nearly three times her age? unless of course they are money grabbing snakes which i have no intention of getting involved with anyway. And before you say that they are all like that and that i'm kidding myself, theyre not, and i'm not.

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Good post!

I myself lived before on 45k (50K - taxes) on Bangkok. I was living alone in a 5k apartment and just going to work and getting drunk at night (no prostitutes, no partying at all as I didn't know anyone yet). On the weekends just playing videogames LOL Some months, without even trying, I was saving half of my salary :-D Now I have a higher salary, house, cats, girlfriend, will buy a car next month, so it looks tight when I look back, but I didn't live bad at all.

The problem with smaller budgets are the need to cut with non basic things. For instance, I like to play the electric guitar, flying RC planes with cameras and video transmitters attached, I love computers with the latest tech, music synthesizers, mixing desks etc All this stuff cost a lot of money you can't afford to pay when you are on a tight budget. I could keep going, there are so many things I could spend my cash on. And then, I probably would have just few time to spend playing with them LOL


45,000B per month isn't a tight budget. There's nothing wrong with cheap Thai food and if the guy is living here he doesn't have to go out every night that would just be stupid. He can party / date 3 times a week easily with his budget as long as he avoids over priced restaurants and bars every time he goes out.

In the past week I've been to the Red Sky Bar (385B a cocktail...then elsewhere afterwards, 12hrs worth of drinking), RCA (a 15hr drinking session) and a mid ranged price restaurant with a date. Combine that with over spending at Tops, eating at a couple of Western places, cinema, ice cream at Swensens twice and whatever else I've done this week and I've only spent 5,500B.

Day to day there's not much to spend money on if you have work to do. My fridge is stocked with water, fruit juice and small items for lunch. I eat at small local restaurant every night where 50B gets you a meal with rice and a coke.

Most of my spending is on socializing and dating.

What else can you possibly spend your cash on?

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you've got 44,000 baht. I'm living fine on 20k baht.

Your overall budget seems fine but, you may want to reallocate some of your expenses.

I spend 125 pounds roughly on all rent and utilities. I have a 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhouse in Thai neighbourhood.

It's not the ritz and wouldn't impress foreigners, but my Thai friends think it's over the top.

Your transport budget is way too low. Plan on buying a motorbike and getting out exploring. The petrol will be more of course.

And some expenses you may want to consider, a Thai language course or tutor for the first year or two.Every foreigner needs a Thai freind or

girlfreind to get you thru things like driver's license, car, motorbike registration, talking to the doctor or mechanic.

I have a great buddy who does tons of that shit for me, but I buy the beer and the food.

I think you have enough for sure, but not sure it's in the correct categories.

Cheers, Duane

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you've got 44,000 baht. I'm living fine on 20k baht.

Your overall budget seems fine but, you may want to reallocate some of your expenses.

I spend 125 pounds roughly on all rent and utilities. I have a 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhouse in Thai neighbourhood.

It's not the ritz and wouldn't impress foreigners, but my Thai friends think it's over the top.

Your transport budget is way too low. Plan on buying a motorbike and getting out exploring. The petrol will be more of course.

And some expenses you may want to consider, a Thai language course or tutor for the first year or two.Every foreigner needs a Thai freind or

girlfreind to get you thru things like driver's license, car, motorbike registration, talking to the doctor or mechanic.

I have a great buddy who does tons of that shit for me, but I buy the beer and the food.

I think you have enough for sure, but not sure it's in the correct categories.

Cheers, Duane

Thanks duane, much appreciated, are you living in chiang mai now?

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We do share similar interests -- the interests we similarly share are: schools, universities, room & board for school, health insurance, support for parents when they infrequently request it, and support for a mother who has no family to watch her kid when she is traveling for work

Everything that was mocked just a few posts prior.

How are these interests?

Are these not required things you must pay if you want your girlfriend to continue to be your girlfriend?

I already said, 60's -- and I've said it many times on ThaiVisa and elsewhere that with many of the most desirable women in Thailand, you don't find them; they find you.

I don't understand the concept of dating. I have never dated in Thailand. The only Thai girls I have ever become interested in Thailand were interested in me before I ever became interested in them

Yes the most desirable Thai girls are out hunting for OAP farangs, LOL.

You seem deluded mate but whatever makes you happy.

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I don't understand the concept of dating. I have never dated in Thailand. The only Thai girls I have ever become interested in Thailand were interested in me before I ever became interested in them

Very good, congratulations. How old is your partner/wife/girlfriend? And how much would you say you commit financially to helping her each month?

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I already said, 60's -- and I've said it many times on ThaiVisa and elsewhere that with many of the most desirable women in Thailand, you don't find them; they find you.

So you can understand the concept of a thai girl of lets say 18-21 being much more comfortable having a date with a chap who is in the 20's or 30's rather than 40+?

They would see it more as a date, rather than a business transaction? How can you expect a girl of that age to be comfortable dating a man nearly three times her age? unless of course they are money grabbing snakes which i have no intention of getting involved with anyway. And before you say that they are all like that and that i'm kidding myself, theyre not, and i'm not.

You are not going to have a date with a Thai woman until you at least speak Thai. Age is way down the list of requirements. You have to get Thai Ized. You have a wife at home for land and business connections and children and a Mia Noi for dating. But the first step is to become fluent in The language. Age? Don't worry about it. If I had to put a number on it I would say age was about 22nd in importance. After, what kind of aftershave you wear and before what kind of socks you like.

Edited by historyprof
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I already said, 60's -- and I've said it many times on ThaiVisa and elsewhere that with many of the most desirable women in Thailand, you don't find them; they find you.

So you can understand the concept of a thai girl of lets say 18-21 being much more comfortable having a date with a chap who is in the 20's or 30's rather than 40+?

They would see it more as a date, rather than a business transaction? How can you expect a girl of that age to be comfortable dating a man nearly three times her age? unless of course they are money grabbing snakes which i have no intention of getting involved with anyway. And before you say that they are all like that and that i'm kidding myself, theyre not, and i'm not.

You are not going to have a date with a Thai woman until you at least speak Thai. Age is way down the list of requirements. You have to get Thai Ized. You have a wife at home for land and business connections and children and a Mia Noi for dating. But the first step is to become fluent in The language. Age? Don't worry about it. If I had to put a number on it I would say age was about 22nd in importance. After, what kind of aftershave you wear and before what kind of socks you like.

Can i ask how old you are?

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There is nothing I enjoy better than having someone on ThaiVisa say I'm deluded

Courtesy of Donald Rumsfeld who best said what it is like to have discussions with those who think what they know is what is known to everyone:

There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know.
There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know.
But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know.
And it's no wonder that some of you guys parents think it was a great idea to leave home and move Thailand -- anywhere but staying home.
BTW I started learning Chinese 40 years ago and Thai about 20 years ago and have no problems communicating with either.
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You are 34 and most of the text in your budget alludes to drinking on a meagre budget. What will you be like at 44? Well at least you are heading to the right place for decrepit washed-up budget pissheads. Chok dee bro!

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I don't understand the concept of dating. I have never dated in Thailand. The only Thai girls I have ever become interested in Thailand were interested in me before I ever became interested in them

Very good, congratulations. How old is your partner/wife/girlfriend? And how much would you say you commit financially to helping her each month?

No comment.

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There is nothing I enjoy better than having someone on ThaiVisa say I'm deluded

Courtesy of Donald Rumsfeld who best said what it is like to have discussions who think what they know is what is known to everyone:

There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know.
There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know.
But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know.
And it's no wonder that some of you guys parents think it was a great idea to leave home and move Thailand -- anywhere but staying home.

Oooh, touchy, Maybe the truth hurts. Nobody can say for sure, maybe you are lucky and have found a pretty young thai girl that is happy to be with an older gentleman like yourself without being interested in your money. I would say the chances are extremely low but all the same it is possible.

You havent yet answered my previous questions about how old your gf is and how much you con tribute to her expenses each month.

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You are 34 and most of the text in your budget alludes to drinking on a meagre budget. What will you be like at 44? Well at least you are heading to the right place for decrepit washed-up budget pissheads. Chok dee bro!

Another one who hasnt read the facts, see my revised budget you plank ha ha ha!! Never mind, you dont look that stupid.

Chok dee darkling. x

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I don't understand the concept of dating. I have never dated in Thailand. The only Thai girls I have ever become interested in Thailand were interested in me before I ever became interested in them

Very good, congratulations. How old is your partner/wife/girlfriend? And how much would you say you commit financially to helping her each month?

No comment.

I think the no comment tells its own story. Still thats your life, unlike others i will not judge. Its your business how you spend your money.

If you're happy then that is all that matters.

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All it says OP is that is more personal than I care to discuss on a web board. Like I said whatever I spend it's less than I would be spending just on myself to live back in the USA. I was much older than the girl when I met her ... and I still am.

In Thailand it's common for someone to ask how old you are, how much you pay for rent, are you married etc. and for me the conversation is usually with someone who doesn't speak English so I give a polite enough answer. Sometimes I later let on to the effect that if someone asked that question of me in the USA the answer would be: None of your f-ckin' business.

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You are 34 and most of the text in your budget alludes to drinking on a meagre budget. What will you be like at 44? Well at least you are heading to the right place for decrepit washed-up budget pissheads. Chok dee bro!

Another one who hasnt read the facts, see my revised budget you plank ha ha ha!! Never mind, you dont look that stupid.

Chok dee darkling. x

At 34 I got drunk quite a lot in the USA and lived life as a large couch potato.

At 54 I am almost tee-total in Thailand, and live my life as a slim athlete.

As you get older your interests change.

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You are not going to have a date with a Thai woman until you at least speak Thai. Age is way down the list of requirements. You have to get Thai Ized. You have a wife at home for land and business connections and children and a Mia Noi for dating. But the first step is to become fluent in The language. Age? Don't worry about it. If I had to put a number on it I would say age was about 22nd in importance. After, what kind of aftershave you wear and before what kind of socks you like.

I date 2-3 new Thai women every week and we converse in English as my Thai is quite basic. I go for students and university graduates mostly so majority can speak English.

I'll pass on the wife part though.

Age is definitely important. Old guys who have rented girlfriends and wives try to tell themselves differently I've noticed though.

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After reading all the posts from different age groups, backgrounds and income levels i think the op will have enough cash to get by and even have a little fun. I am not sure what standard he is use to back home but he may need to settle for something a little lower than what he wants from time to time. His toys will not be as nice as perhaps some others but the best things in life are free anyhow. Enjoy !

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You are not going to have a date with a Thai woman until you at least speak Thai. Age is way down the list of requirements. You have to get Thai Ized. You have a wife at home for land and business connections and children and a Mia Noi for dating. But the first step is to become fluent in The language. Age? Don't worry about it. If I had to put a number on it I would say age was about 22nd in importance. After, what kind of aftershave you wear and before what kind of socks you like.

I date 2-3 new Thai women every week and we converse in English as my Thai is quite basic. I go for students and university graduates mostly so majority can speak English.

I'll pass on the wife part though.

Age is definitely important. Old guys who have rented girlfriends and wives try to tell themselves differently I've noticed though.

If you date 2 or 3 new women every week sounds like you are coming up with a bunch or losers.

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