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cannot send mail problem with applemail


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Anyone had this pronlem?

i was sending multiple audio files and after about a dozen sends (that worked) every few minutes, all my fikes stopped being sent. Six hours kater - no go. Gmail snd other surfing is fine. If the attachments were yoo big I would grt a warning - I don't. I called my plan and they tell me I gave 4gb left of data service. I read sonewhere that ISPs block multiple repeat emails that they think could be spam - they don't

I get exclamation marks with each enail and a notice that reads "Cannot send mail. Check the account settings for the outgoing server 'p29-smtp.mail.me.com"

But there is no settings option when I ooen apple email.

I am actually in Cambofia hut the regulars on the most popular gorum there are a sarcastic bunch. I am still on my first 30 days of free call-in service but I have no long distance credit to call Apple. There is no Apple store with Geniuses where I an

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apple service, even when one pays extra for apple care plus, seems to be on the avoidance game. 'Send us an email' 'Go on forums' I expect to be able to talk 24 hours in phone support . And get worldwide service on hardware. Sony is better. Or maybe after sales service for all electronics has fallen from the nineties.

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apple service, even when one pays extra for apple care plus, seems to be on the avoidance game. 'Send us an email' 'Go on forums' I expect to be able to talk 24 hours in phone support . And get worldwide service on hardware. Sony is better. Or maybe after sales service for all electronics has fallen from the nineties.

Actually I've always gotten great service from Apple. Never sent anything to them about the mail program because I actually would probably never use it much anyway.

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