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I guess I should preface this by saying I am not a teacher, but looking from the outside it:

Personally, I can see your point and even agree with you to a certain level. Unfortunately, spreading/sharing our culture is not a necessity in teaching the language and schools are not teaching students the language to use it socially. Most parents and schools are focused on learning the language for education/employment purposes only. And in stickyballs experience they specifically told him not to mix the two....

but my only reason or responding to the original post was to point out that this is not Thai-centric. It was his job to teach English not an American sociology class.

edit: preface added

But the problem with that is that english, effectively, is not a subject to be taught. It is merely a skill that needs to be encouraged and enabled by the teacher. But in picking up that skill, what is to be talked about? We can't talk about nothing. Normally the best choices are to get students talking about what they want to be talking about.

And in any case, if people are to learn a language to use it socially, then they need to understand the society and culture wherein it is spoken. You cannot divorce the culture from the language any more than you can divorce the language from its speakers.

Learning English is a brilliant way for all citizens around the world to learn more about each other's cultures, societies, festivals, thinking, approaches to life, and it therefore acts as a tremendous tool for breaking down barriers between us all that the politicians and media do their utmost to build up in us. It is therefore a fantastic job for people who wish to help break down barriers and create positive energy between people. I believe part of teaching English is providing students opportunities to discuss, learn from, and reflect upon useful and interesting subject areas that face people at the start of the 21st century. In our normal lives, in our mother tongues, hardly any of us sit down to actually debate matters of importance and interest. The english classroom is a great place to make this happen.

So, when teaching English, not less culture, more of it, much more it.

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What the schools are teaching in english classes and what they should be teaching is unfortunately often not the same thing. The whole point of learning another language, unless it's dead like latin, is to use it and communicate in it with other people, either socially or functionally. That presumably means communicating with people other than from your own country. So the question remains, what are we gonna communicate about?

Most schools in thailand teach according to the experience they have. That is to teach it like a science or maths subject where you learn grammatical structures and push them around according to equations, and you 'learn' heaps of lists of words with no common link to them. This is a failure, even though it's widespread. ASEAN is round the corner and thais are going to have to finally start waking up to what it is students need in english class. I've taught thai students for over 20 years now and i can tell you exactly what they want: to be able to speak English, and to enjoy themselves while doing it. Which leaves the big question for teachers: what are they going to get their students to talk about? The beauty in english teaching is that we can include every topic under the sun!

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Jackie you may wish to consider other options than being a teacher in Thailand, as mentioned the pay is not so good unless you teach at one of the better schools and most teachers I have met are barely surviving on their pay and do it only because it pays them just enough to continue to live in Thailand.

Consider learning to make a living online it gives you so much more time and freedom and is way better paid that being a teacher in Thailand there are many things you could do to make a lucrative income online such as selling services, or as an affiliate marketer its just takes a bit of a learning curve but once you have learned you will never want for money again.

I know many people making very lucrative incomes online and pulling in figures that would make your mind boggle

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Jackie you may wish to consider other options than being a teacher in Thailand, as mentioned the pay is not so good unless you teach at one of the better schools and most teachers I have met are barely surviving on their pay and do it only because it pays them just enough to continue to live in Thailand.

Consider learning to make a living online it gives you so much more time and freedom and is way better paid that being a teacher in Thailand there are many things you could do to make a lucrative income online such as selling services, or as an affiliate marketer its just takes a bit of a learning curve but once you have learned you will never want for money again.

I know many people making very lucrative incomes online and pulling in figures that would make your mind boggle

Then take a webcam shot of your bankbook and show us all! I know a lot of people, who work online, too, including myself, for about four hours per day. But me nor anyone else is making money in an MLM or get rich scheme.

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Jackie you may wish to consider other options than being a teacher in Thailand, as mentioned the pay is not so good unless you teach at one of the better schools and most teachers I have met are barely surviving on their pay and do it only because it pays them just enough to continue to live in Thailand.

Consider learning to make a living online it gives you so much more time and freedom and is way better paid that being a teacher in Thailand there are many things you could do to make a lucrative income online such as selling services, or as an affiliate marketer its just takes a bit of a learning curve but once you have learned you will never want for money again.

I know many people making very lucrative incomes online and pulling in figures that would make your mind boggle

Then take a webcam shot of your bankbook and show us all! I know a lot of people, who work online, too, including myself, for about four hours per day. But me nor anyone else is making money in an MLM or get rich scheme.

Nobody mentioned MLM nor get rich quick schemes, I am talking about legitimate product creation, offering services being an affilaite, PPC, PPA etc normally I would not bite with people such as yourself since it is very clear the type of person you are based on your response above,however just to prove a point I will show a small shot of some of my sales and income from the latest software i produced and launched in June and these figures are small compared to the people I hang out with.

Now of course expect the next response to be ITS FAKE, but for positive minded people they may see the potential of making an income online and start learning, which is never quick and takes normally about 6-12 months before really making an decent amount but once at that level its pretty easy..

And if you still think its fake I will meet you and log in Live to my account and prove it to you so you can eat some humble pie smile.png

the point of my post was instead of spending 6 months training to be a teacher and then working for 20,000 a month INSTEAD spend the time and money educating yourself on legitimate ways to make money online, and you can easily make 10-20,000 a day, after you have established yourself in our industry.


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Oh dear. It seems only teachers and nurses measure life by more than making shedloads of banknotes.

Working online may well suit some folk, but it's absolutely out of the question if somebody wants to work with people. I'm sure she can work online back home in america for loads more bucks. If you want to teach, you're not interested in making loads of money. Because you're never going to. You're interested in experiencing life.

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Oh, thanks for that post! I will be coming in like 7 months for a couple of weeks, but it's to see if I love it enough to live there, which I have been assured I will! However, it's also to learn how to simplify my life! I've had money, I've had "stuff" and have not been happy. It most certainly isn't about how much money I can make! It's about a lifestyle change, learning about a different culture, helping others & becoming a more spiritual being!

Thanks again for the lovely post!


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Oh dear. It seems only teachers and nurses measure life by more than making shedloads of banknotes.

Working online may well suit some folk, but it's absolutely out of the question if somebody wants to work with people. I'm sure she can work online back home in america for loads more bucks. If you want to teach, you're not interested in making loads of money. Because you're never going to. You're interested in experiencing life.

Well femi your exactly right it will not suit everyone, however I think you will agree that most teachers (or at least the ones I know) do it so they can stay here in Thailand, and its the only way they can stay, (at least the ones I know).

As for working with people I work with people every day, I just got finished speaking at an International event where hundreds of people travelled from all over the world to attend each paying $1497 each for a ticket I will leave again for another event in around 9 days time this time in the USA then I have another event in Tokyo Japan so I work and mingle with plenty of people in fact even CM has a Internet marketing group where very successful people meet up on a regular basis.

Nobody has to be stuck behind a computer and once set up and you really like teaching then you could easily do both but not have to struggle to live on a teachers salary. (best of both worlds)

Not here to get into a pissing match I just wanted to give an alternative to the op if teaching was the only thing she thought she could do to spend an extended holiday and support herself while she is experiencing life.. smile.png

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Oh dear. You might get stuck here...!

If you even think you'll like it here, then you will. But great to be doing it your way, checking the scene out first. Since you've got a lot of time on your hands before you come here or go for your first teaching job, try getting hold of this book and doing some useful homework!


Even if you get the first edition it's a great book for new teachers. It conveys the reality of teaching english, and the way it should be done effectively, and is accessible to people who have not taught before, or just a bit.

Meanwhile make sure you have some spare money to explore chiang mai and the surrounding areas before you start a job. This place has lots of english teachers, who don't get paid much, for a good reason...!

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Oh dear. It seems only teachers and nurses measure life by more than making shedloads of banknotes.

Working online may well suit some folk, but it's absolutely out of the question if somebody wants to work with people. I'm sure she can work online back home in america for loads more bucks. If you want to teach, you're not interested in making loads of money. Because you're never going to. You're interested in experiencing life.

Well femi your exactly right it will not suit everyone, however I think you will agree that most teachers (or at least the ones I know) do it so they can stay here in Thailand, and its the only way they can stay, (at least the ones I know).

As for working with people I work with people every day, I just got finished speaking at an International event where hundreds of people travelled from all over the world to attend each paying $1497 each for a ticket I will leave again for another event in around 9 days time this time in the USA then I have another event in Tokyo Japan so I work and mingle with plenty of people in fact even CM has a Internet marketing group where very successful people meet up on a regular basis.

Nobody has to be stuck behind a computer and once set up and you really like teaching then you could easily do both but not have to struggle to live on a teachers salary. (best of both worlds)

Not here to get into a pissing match I just wanted to give an alternative to the op if teaching was the only thing she thought she could do to spend an extended holiday and support herself while she is experiencing life.. smile.png

Hey, that sounds great! I was just commenting based on the context of the OP and what she's wanting to do.

One of the great rewards of teaching english in thailand is the students (well, i mean adults, not kids for me, but many prefer kids). But yes, if you can earn enough money however you can in order to fund a life living in thailand, then i completely agree. Thailand is a great place to live, not the least chiang mai. But i suspect the lady in the OP wishes to experience the whole gamut of teaching.

However, i do assume the kind of work you're talking about is for experienced teachers. It sounds good for sure, but only if money is the crucial ingredient. What were you doing at this international event? Do they need anybody else?!!

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Oh dear. It seems only teachers and nurses measure life by more than making shedloads of banknotes.

Working online may well suit some folk, but it's absolutely out of the question if somebody wants to work with people. I'm sure she can work online back home in america for loads more bucks. If you want to teach, you're not interested in making loads of money. Because you're never going to. You're interested in experiencing life.

Well femi your exactly right it will not suit everyone, however I think you will agree that most teachers (or at least the ones I know) do it so they can stay here in Thailand, and its the only way they can stay, (at least the ones I know).

As for working with people I work with people every day, I just got finished speaking at an International event where hundreds of people travelled from all over the world to attend each paying $1497 each for a ticket I will leave again for another event in around 9 days time this time in the USA then I have another event in Tokyo Japan so I work and mingle with plenty of people in fact even CM has a Internet marketing group where very successful people meet up on a regular basis.

Nobody has to be stuck behind a computer and once set up and you really like teaching then you could easily do both but not have to struggle to live on a teachers salary. (best of both worlds)

Not here to get into a pissing match I just wanted to give an alternative to the op if teaching was the only thing she thought she could do to spend an extended holiday and support herself while she is experiencing life.. smile.png

Hey, that sounds great! I was just commenting based on the context of the OP and what she's wanting to do.

One of the great rewards of teaching english in thailand is the students (well, i mean adults, not kids for me, but many prefer kids). But yes, if you can earn enough money however you can in order to fund a life living in thailand, then i completely agree. Thailand is a great place to live, not the least chiang mai. But i suspect the lady in the OP wishes to experience the whole gamut of teaching.

However, i do assume the kind of work you're talking about is for experienced teachers. It sounds good for sure, but only if money is the crucial ingredient. What were you doing at this international event? Do they need anybody else?!!

Yes completely agree I have been a teacher for 25 years but as a Scuba Diving Instructor and my early years I worked for free or very little money just because I enjoyed it so much, and even though I earned just enough to eat, those were some of the best years of my life and the memories and life experiences are priceless. I guess I am still a teacher just in a different niche this time around. :)

The event is now over, but it was on internet Marketing and I was invited to be one of the featured speakers, I am a well known person within my industry so I am asked to speak at events by other leaders in my industry.

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just a couple of things from me.

Re the TEFL..............SEEtefl has a very good reputation. I did mine at CMU, but wouldn't recommend there.

Cost is about 800 to 900 quid.

I only teach a few hours a week, at 250 per hour, but the preparation and lesson planning takes me longer, so I effectively work for 125 baht an hour. And then there is running around printing off worksheets and making up homework etc..........all takes up your time and money. I teach two motivated mature ladies and enjoy it otherwise I probably wouldn't bother.

The preference is for young native speaking female teachers.

I've been told you need to work at least 16 hrs a week to apply for a work permit - maybe true, maybe not.

Without being condescending, it's one thing speaking English, it's another thing teaching it. All the 12 tenses, regular/irregular verbs etc. Not easy!

All that said, it can be a rich and rewarding experience, and I'd recommend anyone to give it a try.

As said previously the ASEAN thing should open up a lot more opportunities.

Good luck to you.

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Unless they really need a middle-aged white face, a Filipino with a degree will work for 15K per month and not come to work hungover four days per week. Are you really going to write on your arrival card, you are looking for work?

You can look for work with a tourist visa or visa exemption. You don't need a non-immigrant B visa or work permit to do this so there's nothing wrong with writing on your arrivals card that you're looking for work. In fact, you can't normally obtain a non-immigrant B visa and work permit without a job/job offer.

Most schools want a farang, and not an Asian, face in the classroom because this is what parents expect. I agree Filipinos are reliable and conscientious workers.

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I'd like to first say that this is only a thread of inquiry. I have to go for the 2 week visit first to see if I even like Thailand! Secondly, what in the world is wrong with being middle-aged? There's no stigma for me in being called middle-aged because I happen to look fabulous for me age! LOL! And lastly, I happen to be a person in recovery so with hiring me, not only would they get a possibly great teacher, they would also get someone who NEVER comes to work hungover as I haven't had a drink in 7 1/2 years! Please be somewhat kind in your posts, while still being truthful! I am not here asking for negativity. Truth, well yes, of course, but there was really not much positive about that post!

I haven't gotten great feedback in this thread. Some of it good, some of it probably rings true. I am only putting a question out there to see where it might lead. I have no definite plans except to come & visit and that is still dependent on many factors and isn't for another 7 months.

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I'd like to first say that this is only a thread of inquiry. I have to go for the 2 week visit first to see if I even like Thailand! Secondly, what in the world is wrong with being middle-aged? There's no stigma for me in being called middle-aged because I happen to look fabulous for me age! LOL! And lastly, I happen to be a person in recovery so with hiring me, not only would they get a possibly great teacher, they would also get someone who NEVER comes to work hungover as I haven't had a drink in 7 1/2 years! Please be somewhat kind in your posts, while still being truthful! I am not here asking for negativity. Truth, well yes, of course, but there was really not much positive about that post!

I haven't gotten great feedback in this thread. Some of it good, some of it probably rings true. I am only putting a question out there to see where it might lead. I have no definite plans except to come & visit and that is still dependent on many factors and isn't for another 7 months.

don't let any of the posters get to you. it's impossible to determine what you will like, so some people just type mean comments to get you riled up. trolling, but sometimes a little more hidden on TV than elsewhere.

few notes: I took a train from BKK to CM, but I know the trains do derail quite often now, so something to think about. I also spent about 30,000 baht a month while there for 6 months, and I consider that a minimal amount to bring (savings for the months you might not work). Yes, the pay in Thailand for teachers is very low (I've heard S. Korea is pretty high), the air is very bad from February to april (bring facemasks), but overall it will be a nice life break. so, if you are doing this for a "recharge of you soul" and not for money, I think you will have a great time (especially October through January).

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>> the air is very bad from February to april (bring facemasks),<<

Thats laughable .I have been living in Chiang Mai nearly 4 years and all i notice at that time is that i can no longer clearly see the mountains from Sai Sai ,the suburb where i live .

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I think more people should be teachers, it might make them more positive about this country. If people thought about everything before they acted they'd live in a state of permanent rigor mortis.

The pay in chiang mai is not so good, for sure, but in bangkok qualified tesol teachers can get very decent money these days. So much stuff is touted as fact when it's nothing of the sort. Chiang mai is unique for low pay and clearly one of the reasons is that english teachers know a good place to live when they see one. Being on the whole a positive lot, untainted by the burning need to make heaps of money, english teachers are out for the lifestyle. And chiang mai has it in in leaps and bounds.

Nothing wrong with money per se, just that if one's whole life is overtaken by the desire for it.

For many, english teaching in thailand proves to be a momentous experience. I know many like myself who just will not go to south korea, japan, dubai, hong kong, china for all the extra bucks because they want to live in thailand, and, especially, chiang mai.

i also meet plenty of english teachers coming here on holiday from their jobs in korea and so on, loving their time off here, talking nothing but gloom of their lives back in the country paying them good bucks.

The choices in life one must make!

A point made earlier about doing a tesol course is a good one, and well worth considering. If one thinks that teaching english may prove a decent new profession, then the tesol course makes big sense. If teaching is definitely seen as a one-off stopgap thing to enjoy temporarily then a different matter.

I find it amazing how much natural negativity there seems to be. There's only one life, grab it and play with it! I call chiang mai an adventure playground surrounded by a natural wonderland...

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>>then the tesol course makes big sense. If teaching is definitely seen as a one-off stopgap thing to enjoy temporarily then a different matter.<<

Even if teaching is a stop gap measure to stay in Thailand ,i think you would still need the TEFL to carry it out .

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