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the EU needs Britains money plain and simple!


5 Billion pounds a year shortfall is not something the Germans and French will laugh at to make up by increased EU contributions if Britain leaves the European Union, with all due respect Mr Naam!

my [not so] humble opinion is that Britain will not leave the EU no matter how often The Right Honourable Nigel Farage spits saliva during his boring tirades. but the fact remains that the EU needs Britain badly to restrict the clowns in Brussels. unfortunately Britain's efforts are not focussed on that problem and neither is the EU Queen Angie who resides in Berlin.

by the way, i consider 5 billion Pounds peanuts compared with the waste of multiple billions that is going on within the EU.

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my [not so] humble opinion is that Britain will not leave the EU no matter how often The Right Honourable Nigel Farage spits saliva during his boring tirades. but the fact remains that the EU needs Britain badly to restrict the clowns in Brussels. unfortunately Britain's efforts are not focussed on that problem and neither is the EU Queen Angie who resides in Berlin.

by the way, i consider 5 billion Pounds peanuts compared with the waste of multiple billions that is going on within the EU.

I dont think that Nigel Farage as an MEP qualifies for the title of Right Honourable, which I think is restricted to members of the privy council/cabinet. I think he is properly addressed as Mr Nigel Farage MEP.

That said I do find him entertaining and I dont see how anyone can fault his efforts to reduce the extraordinary squandering of money that goes on in Brussels and wherever the European Parliament and Commission happen to be sitting in any given week, as you mention. The EU brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "gravy train".

Anyone who can treat other MEPs and Commissioners with the contempt they so richly deserve is certain to get my vote.

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5 advantages of the U.K being a member of the EU...anyone?

1. Non-tariff barrier-free access to the world's largest single market.

2. Free movement benefits to labour market.

3. EU-wide patent registration.

4, One set of rules for businesses wishing to expand on the continent, not 27.

5. Increased UK FDI.

6. Free movement benefits to the individual.

7. Fairer regulation of energy and telecoms prices.

8. Deregulation of air travel and increased consumer protection.

9. ERASMUS exchange programme.

There's a lot more.

Sorry we wanted ADVANTAGES not disadvantages, As for NAAM wanting to control Brussels ,it will never happen ,so we are better out of the club ,let Germany and France run it . they are welcome to it.

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5 advantages of the U.K being a member of the EU...anyone?

1. Non-tariff barrier-free access to the world's largest single market.

2. Free movement benefits to labour market.

3. EU-wide patent registration.

4, One set of rules for businesses wishing to expand on the continent, not 27.

5. Increased UK FDI.

6. Free movement benefits to the individual.

7. Fairer regulation of energy and telecoms prices.

8. Deregulation of air travel and increased consumer protection.

9. ERASMUS exchange programme.

There's a lot more.

Sorry we wanted ADVANTAGES not disadvantages, As for NAAM wanting to control Brussels ,it will never happen ,so we are better out of the club ,let Germany and France run it . they are welcome to it.

it doesn't matter what you or i want Your Imperial Majesty. our wishes concerning the European Union have a similar effect like lukewarm farts in the midst of a hurricane.

by the way, "Bangkockney" did list advantages. if you think all or some of them are disadvantages please elaborate.

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the EU needs Britains money plain and simple!


5 Billion pounds a year shortfall is not something the Germans and French will laugh at to make up by increased EU contributions if Britain leaves the European Union, with all due respect Mr Naam!

my [not so] humble opinion is that Britain will not leave the EU no matter how often The Right Honourable Nigel Farage spits saliva during his boring tirades. but the fact remains that the EU needs Britain badly to restrict the clowns in Brussels. unfortunately Britain's efforts are not focussed on that problem and neither is the EU Queen Angie who resides in Berlin.

by the way, i consider 5 billion Pounds peanuts compared with the waste of multiple billions that is going on within the EU.

Good comments, except Nigel's tirades are never boring.

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