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60kgs of Marijuana seized by Pattaya Police

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60kgs of Marijuana seized by Pattaya Police


PATTAYA: -- Police Colonel Suwan, the Pattaya Police Chief, held a press conference on Tuesday afternoon to confirm the arrest of a female drug dealing suspect and the seizure of 60kgs of the class 5 drug Marijuana.

Khun Tanachpon aged 37 was arrested at the culmination of an undercover operation inside Soi 27 off Pattaya Third Road. She was in possession of 1kg of the drug and the remaining 59kgs were found at her rented apartment.

The Marijuana had been purchased from an unnamed Laos National for 4,500 Baht per Kg and the suspect intended to sell on the drugs for 8,000 Baht per Kg. She also planned to sell small bags to tourists on Pattaya Beach for between 100 and 150 Baht.

Full story: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/100553/60kgs-marijuana-seized-pattaya-police/

-- Pattaya One 2013-08-28


4500 baht/kg ? wow that's quite cheap actually . I have a serious doubt about that story , how can she re sell in small bags 60kg that's not a small amount ....


They should just make cannabis legal and tobacco illegal, then everyone will be happy, those producing tobacco start to produce cannabis (Ganja) retailers sell healthy cannabis products and not killer cigarettes. etc...

I am total serious about this and I am not joking, so no trolls please, this is my sincere belief the way it should be and probably will happen sooner or later.

Please read this: http://www.philly.co..._marijuana.html

niiice !! http://www.realitysandwich.com/marijuana_legalization_not_enough


60kgs? Was she intending to supply the whole of Pattaya??

Shame she got nabbed. But if the police could please publicize where they will be burning this evil stuff it would be nice so people can gather down wind. laugh.png



  • Like 2

60 Kilo's of pot...that's a lotta smoke to offload. Poor lass has
more to worry about now though...like the death sentence or
life in prison. I feel sorry for her.
I'd like to know where the "authorities" are gonna burn it all


4500 baht/kg ? wow that's quite cheap actually . I have a serious doubt about that story , how can she re sell in small bags 60kg that's not a small amount ....

....it is part of her defense...she makes such a low profit....she should be released for working so hard.....many things she wants to buy...etc....


That weed would probably fetch close to $10,000 USD per kilo in NYC.

Add 50% to that to get the UK price

Don't be stupid. Please only comment when you know what you are talking about a kilo has never, ever cost $15000 in the UK.

Utter rubbish

  • Like 1

In the U.S.A we have Medical Marijuana. The situation is that the States through their legislature separately decide if they want to allow Medical Marijuana, or not. Though strictly speaking this is against Federal Law. However, the Federal Law is not being enforced. To get the Medical Marijuana you have to have a prescription from an MD. Some Doctors specialize in prescribing the Medical Marijuana. It is easy to find some one who will prescribe it for you. You can get a Medical Marijuana card for back pain for instance. Medical Marijuana is not approved for the treatment of any psychological conditions. The card must be renewed after one year. To renew the card you must again be seen by a Physician. How long the renewal is good for, depends on the particular State in question. At the present time in the State of Michigan. The renewal is good for 24 months. You also have the right, once your prescription is approved by the State in question, to grow Marijuana plants. In Michigan you are permitted to grow 12 plants per prescribed person. Some one can also grow it for you. You can appoint a "Caregiver." Once this is approved. The Caregiver can have in their possession your Medical Marijuana, and can go to the "Dispensary" to get it for you. Of course the Medical Marijuana Card application must be sent to a State agency for review, along with some fees, and final approval. When it comes time to get your prescription filled. In the States that have allowed Medical Marijuana you go to a "Dispensary". The Dispensaries are set up to dispense the Medical Marijuana. The Medical Marijuana comes in the form of the plant, Hash, waxes, oils, Keef, and edibles. An eighth of an ounce of herb costs between $50.00-$80.00 USD. A gram of Hash is around $30.00 USD. You can only buy up to two ounces in one day. Only actual patients, or approved Caregivers are allowed into the Dispensaries. It is interesting to note that many older people go to the Dispensaries.


just slip over the border to cambodia and get yourself a happy pizza

Noticed some stories about the police hauling away the owner of a happy pizza hut in Siem Riap along with some happy pizza eating tourists a few months ago. The pizzas there might not be so happy any more.


Sanjay Gupta, who was apparently sounded out for the surgeon general role by Obama, has put out a powerful documentary on the beneficial uses of medical marijuana. Kids in Thailand with Dravet's Syndrome that doesn't respond to standard drug therapy have no hope for a normal life.

Thai government please note.


They should just make cannabis legal and tobacco illegal, then everyone will be happy, those producing tobacco start to produce cannabis (Ganja) retailers sell healthy cannabis products and not killer cigarettes. etc...

I am total serious about this and I am not joking, so no trolls please, this is my sincere belief the way it should be and probably will happen sooner or later.

Please read this: http://www.philly.co..._marijuana.html


I agree 100% and i spent 45 years as a law enforcement officer. The fine men the department lost to Cancer and tobacco and the waste of money diverted from capturing the serious and dangerous individuals was pathetic. I personally had more trouble with alcoholics and the IV drug users. Mix these with gang mentality and we wish more of these were high on the" wacky tobaccie". One unnamed Sheriffs dept had the best attendance and personnel record of their coveted evidence dept.

It's a shame we still serve the big 3 ( alcohol-tobacco- pharmaceuticals). And we now obviously know the danger these cause as well as the other hard chemical narcotics. But the grass is pretty pale in the darkness of abuses aftermath.

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It really is a shame that the Thai Government does not see the amount of tourist Baht that could be achieved,

by the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical use! I mean they already have a cash crop growing illegally here and the World Famous :Thai Stick" was supposedly exported all over the World ! I remember seeing it in NEW ORLEANS in the 70s but believe it was more likely Mexican Sinsemillia with a Hemp String tied around it!

Yes ,the legalization of POT is taking way longer then it should. There is most assuredly so much Pharmaceutical Companies money , not to mention the Big Drug Dealers , contributing to political types to keep the most least harmful and Cheaper priced product of Marijuana off the market.

The WAR ON DRUGS , is a shameful misuse of governments funds , a cure for Cancer might be found if the

60Billion Dollars ( That was the latest figure tauted for the cost in USA ) they waste on a product that's way less harmful then ALCOHOL or TOBACCO ! The Alcohol industry kicks their share in to US Politicians to keep it illegal.

The Tobacco Companies ,and I speak of this first hand because I worked for Lorillard in the 6o's when they bought Marijuana licenses ,or a Stamp Act it was called , also registering names for their pot ...Acopolco Gold , OP's , Thai Sticks and Maui Wowi! LOL I may not have gotten allthe names right but they really are set to go if legalized nationally.

The CNN Doctor Sanjay recently apologized for being wrong about POT , and if you see his report ,it was all a scam by Government agents who were going to lose their jobs ,with the repeal of PROHIBITION in America!

Also ,it has created a racist community in Prisons by especially targeting and putting a disproportionate amount of Afro -Americans in jail for pot !

If the Thai Government beats the USA to the punch , but in this case I'll say Joint , it could bolster the economy for many years to come. They will com for the POT but spend allot more in the long run!

I haven't even mentioned how much more Eco-friendly HEMP is compared to the plastic crap that's a big problem here!


Watch the video at my blog!


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