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What might be the best provider for internet?

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You might say I had it with Thai internet.

If they sr#w each other (providers and CAT)they might as well sr@w their customers. TIT

You can change providers and think you are happy for the first weeks and then it seems like they treat you like the rest does; stupid income flodder..

I know it was said before on TV, they mostly wave you away with their ping and transfer rates, but that only counts as far as Bangkok.

Routine answers is what you get when complaining and switching from one to the other provider doesn't seem to bother them much. It's the same all over it seems.

You might say, get an upgraded subsription, but that doesn't heal the wound. Even if I was to pay double, they could never assure me having good international internet travel.

FYI I had TT&T. TOT, TOT with upgraded tel. lines, True wireless and it ends up all the same.

What good does it do when you cannot even stream a simple broadcast. Do they want you to upgrade to 1000-1200 baht subscription?

Your idea's?


My TOT WiNet has been working very well for over a yer. Several times had a slowdown, called them and got help right away, usually fixed same day.

During the past ten years I have had about every ISP available in the LOS, some OK, mostly triple sux. TOT has been pretty good overall.


probably because i live in Thai residental area with no farang population in this part of Bangkok.

How does the farang population reduce the quality of the ISP?!

Imagine thousans of farangs trying to reach international websites along with you on a 1-10Gbit domestic line compared to a bunch of farangs inside thousands of Thai internet users who are only interested in Thai websites and youtube (youtube has direct peering with all Thai ISPs)


It seems to me that TOT throttles back speeds for us farang.

With the 6MB package, I used to get a certain speed to game servers in the U.S. Then it slowed. So I 'upgraded' to the 10MB package, speed back to what it was originally. That lasted a while. Now my speed has dropped again - waiting for me to upgrade I suppose.

And I can't even use my DNS/VPN connection any more, for watching Netflix movies, thru servers in Singapore or Hong Kong. They essentially cut that to a crawl - .5MB speed download speed. So I had to cancel the Netflix account.


Big Telcos are fair game when it comes to having a whinge, Someone is always going to have a problem. And there can me many many reasons for having a problem when dealing with this technology.

Me? I have been with True since they did their big ADSL roll out in 2004. The first mass ADSL roll out at a decent price. I did a bit of moving around in those days, including living a condo. I never had any serious issues with True to be honest.

I changed to True Cable about 2 years ago. I have had only a few minor outages in that time, so I can't whinge really.

I just did a speed test back to Telstra and optus in Melbourne Australia and even though I have a 20 Mbps Ultra Hi-Speed package I got a speed of 43 Mbps! (but I don't think it has anything to do with being a one out farang in my Moo Baan, that was funny)

Like alot of things in life you get what you pay for.

Of course there is a downside to having a good, fast, reliable ISP now. I no longer buy B100 DVD Movies from Meow at the shopping mall.

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MB speed download speed. So I had to cancel the Netflix account.

Would be happy I have that with a acceptable price,

AIS Udon Thani countryside, Downl. 0,16 MBs

With True Move, OK, 6,5 MBs,

but as the first 5 GB cost fast Downloaded, 900 Baht and every 1 GB more 350.- Baht its expensive, sad.png when it should be fast(er).

I use about 10 GB in the month.

Maybe I try now TOT, Wifi - kind of thing. whistling.gif


One thing that did piss me off with True was when I moved house last Xmas. I had an existing, active landline and number, and cable internet. So off I went to the true shop with passport and old bills etc.

The True shopped is packed like it always is and I take a number. When my number comes up I walk forward and you can see the 'panic' on their face. "oh no, I got the farang! And I told them during my job interview I was an English Major!' I am sure many will know what I am talking about.

She kept on asking me if I had the internet. I kept on telling her that I did. Cable Internet. She kept asking until it became quite monotonous. Then I realised she wants to know if I have ADSL on my landline. No. Of course not. I upgraded to cable a year ago. Why would I pay for two services?

So with that, she said you will have to pay 1800 Baht to hook your landline up to your new house. If you had ADSL on the same line then we would do it for free. Even though I am now paying more than double for cable than I was for ADSL per month.

I told them to stick their landline up their a--e.

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