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Etans-images of them in Thailand


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That may or may not be be true but there are some excellent Thai photographers if you care to research. Try https://500px.com/popular for starters.

Instead of Thai bashing maybe you could trade your superior maths for their quite clearly superior photographic ability - You might learn something !

Edited by theoldgit
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I vouch for fimgirl.

I am grateful for all the valuable help I got this year. I'm eager to learn and feel marvelled again and again when I learn and discover more about the digital photography process.

Looking beyond the Etan starts here for me. I like this scene because it personally means a lot me. But I feel frustrated because I failed to capture the atmosphere. I know now it is possible to show what I really saw back then. And I really, really want to be able to do just that.

This is where it starts to me: The beginning of the image with ample exposure and acceptable focus. Now it's time to think.smile.png


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^^^ DAL...Close but nope...ya didn't get it. This is a pic of an etan exiting somebody's driveway in the country.

The pic below is a generic alleyway....get an etan coming outta one of these & then ya nailed it! Have Fun!

Edited by sunshine51
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