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Tony Blair: People must solve their own internal conflicts


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Heres my practical framework for your future Tony.

War Crimes Trial. Subject: Your invasion of a sovereign & non-aggressive nation. Exhibit A: 1m+ Iraqi dead civilians. You : guilty. Prison. Key. Throw key away. The end. Additional/PS ; Parents use "tony blair" in future generations as a boogeyman figure to frighten them when they've been naughty, and say what can happen to you if you sell your soul to Lucifer.


May the lord forgive me that I agree with Yunla ...................... but the wheels of justice may be slowly gathering momentum: clap2.gif

For years it seems impregnable, then suddenly the citadel collapses. An ideology, a fact, a regime appears fixed, unshakeable, almost geological. Then an inch of mortar falls, and the stonework begins to slide. Something of this kind happened over the weekend.

When Desmond Tutu wrote that Tony Blair should be treading the path to The Hague, he de-normalised what Blair has done. Tutu broke the protocol of power – the implicit accord between those who flit from one grand meeting to another – and named his crime. I expect that Blair will never recover from it.

The offence is known by two names in international law: the crime of aggression and a crime against peace. It is defined by the Nuremberg principles as the "planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression". This means a war fought for a purpose other than self-defence: in other words outwith articles 33 and 51 of the UN Charter.

That the invasion of Iraq falls into this category looks indisputable. Blair's cabinet ministers knew it, and told him so. His attorney general warned that there were just three ways in which it could be legally justified: "self-defence, humanitarian intervention, or UN security council authorisation. The first and second could not be the base in this case." Blair tried and failed to obtain the third................



As the main arse-smeller, Blair deserves slightly less opprobrium than Bush, but slightly more than Howard.

Bush and Howard have kept their evil heads down in retirement - it is sickening that Blair continues to profit in the face of being a war criminal. Hopefully the 3 of them will eventually confront justice, before they face their maker.

Good post.

It is imperative that Bliar and Bush face justice before they meet their maker. Why do you think Tony became a raving born again left footer who kept going for audiences with the Pope. Being bad and being Catholic is the only way to be, because no matter how bad you have been all you have to do is throw a few quid at the Church and have a priest absolve you of all crimes prior to your mortal demise, and hey presto, you get an all clear, unblemished ticket to the big table with JC. His time will come, I hope he enjoys his money while he can.

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Say, isn't this the same man who joined efforts with George Bush in his war on Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that never existed? He acted like he really believed his own lies. Now, people are actually paying him to speak ... about how countries should solve their own problems?! I'd like to see him make that same argument in Cambodia before the victims and henchmen of the Khmer rouge. Or how about the Burmese and how they've been USED as slave labor ever since the UK left.

It is...

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Say, isn't this the same man who joined efforts with George Bush in his war on Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that never existed? He acted like he really believed his own lies. Now, people are actually paying him to speak ... about how countries should solve their own problems?! I'd like to see him make that same argument in Cambodia before the victims and henchmen of the Khmer rouge. Or how about the Burmese and how they've been USED as slave labor ever since the UK left.

If he is being paid, one assumes somebody thinks there is benefit in paying him. Can't blame Mr Blair for people wanting to pay him. Only wish I knew his trick!

The topic states that Mr Blair has pointed out that only Thailand can sort out its problems, nobody else can.

So - is he trying to tell Thailand HOW to solve its problems? No.

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Even if Mr Blair wanted to 'poke his nose in', he would have a serious problem trying to work out why.

Now the antagonists are in power, the grown ups are just getting on with life.

Despite KT's efforts to upset everybody, Thailand seems to be bumbling along quite happily.

If the person with the title of PM wants to show herself up that's 'up to her'

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