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Falang driving kids with no helmets.


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so, because someone's skin is white it means they should automatically embrace your notion of what is right and what is wrong?

And why does it depress only with white folk? are the brown ones somehow less important, or do you just not care about them?

Prepare to be disappointed.

Ok so you are happy to see kids put in dangerous situations and you think that's ok. That says a lot about you as a person.

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so, because someone's skin is white it means they should automatically embrace your notion of what is right and what is wrong?

And why does it depress only with white folk? are the brown ones somehow less important, or do you just not care about them?

Prepare to be disappointed.

By the way if you haven't realized this is a forum for falangs so of course I am going to talk about falangs on here. How dare you say I don't think brown skinned people are not important.

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By the way if you haven't realized this is a forum for falangs so of course I am going to talk about falangs on here. How dare you say I don't think brown skinned people are not important.

There was me thinking this was a forum for English speaking people with an interest in Thailand.

So how is my post hoping kids don't get killed not showing an interest in Thailand? This is showing an interest in the future of Thailand. And appealing to English speaking people. I would be interested how this does not fit your criteria about the forum.

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Some helmets are too heavy for kids, and put undue strain on their neck. in fact, I think most do. the lighter ones are likely much more expensive.

if worried, please go and BUY a few helmets that will work on children and hand them out.

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Thai's do it. Monkey see monkey do.

I do agree there should be tougher helmet laws though.

But hey, up to you / them as they say in the classics.

Yes I see it every time I go out. But I was wondering is it as bad in all of Thailand? I had heard that Bangkok of course has the problem but no where near the degree that we do here in Chiang Mai. Most every time this topic comes up some one comes along and says most of the helmets here are crap get an expensive one.

Now I am sure there is a lot of truth in those words how ever I was wondering if at low speed accidents would they not be an asset? In other words some thing is better than nothing. I don't ride one but I just realized my wife might have a cheap one. I will have to look into that. I had never given it a thought. I believe there is a shop on the road between Mikes burgers on the moat and before you get to China town. Would they have a fairly decent one?

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By the way if you haven't realized this is a forum for falangs so of course I am going to talk about falangs on here. How dare you say I don't think brown skinned people are not important.

There was me thinking this was a forum for English speaking people with an interest in Thailand.

So how is my post hoping kids don't get killed not showing an interest in Thailand? This is showing an interest in the future of Thailand. And appealing to English speaking people. I would be interested how this does not fit your criteria about the forum.

This is a form for English speaking people regardless of color. I feel that some of them may stay here and be a part of the future so protect them all. The youth are the future and we as parents are responsible for them. Well up to a certain age.

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some gets depressed so easy...

you know how many bathroom accidents are there? yet for your sake, i hope you take a shower once in a while.

walking in some cities here just as adventurous as driving around in no helmet, sometimes even more so.

the key is to decide the risk what you take, and act accordingly...ie. when i drive with no helmet, i dont race down the road ( anyway, i dont, but that isnt the point).

just as you decide that shower is a acceptable risk in your slippery bathroom.

life cant be lived in fear all the time, or just lose all the fun of it and become a robot slave of rules.

The point is you decide to take that risk. Do the kids on the back of the back fully understand the danger they are being put in. This thread is not about the people driving the bike but the danger they are putting their kids in. I'm sorry if that is a difficult concept for you.

Yes, THEIR kids, not yours, or is that a difficult concept for you

You come on telling us about you feeling depressed, but you didn't actually do anything, so don't take the high moral ground, you haven't done anything to earn it.

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I think its wrong to drive or be a passenger with no helmet...

I have friends who do it , but its not my place to tell others what to do .

Proper education videos,photos ,meeting people who have suffered because of

an accident would help get kids (falang or thai) make there choice of whether they

wear a helmet or not..

I said make a choice , because as it stands in Thailand , you have a choice (up to you)...

laws or no laws , still (up to you)..

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Posting here, more likely than not, achieves absolutely nothing other than showing us how concerned and depressed you are. The truth is , you've done no more than the people you slate for not caring. If you feel so strongly as to be depressed, you should act, rather than just post here. I look forward to hearing how you got on.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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Posting here, more likely than not, achieves absolutely nothing other than showing us how concerned and depressed you are. The truth is , you've done no more than the people you slate for not caring. If you feel so strongly as to be depressed, you should act, rather than just post here. I look forward to hearing how you got on.

Any suggestions on how the poster should act ?

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

It's called Reckless Endangerment of a Child and it is a felony in many places.

Of course, that is in the "nanny state" where sensible laws are enforced.

or "nonsense" laws!!! It's all your perspective. Personally I'd prefer seeing motorbikes with full roll-cages and drivers and passengers both required to wear full body armour :) Seriously, where are the solid studies showing that helmets make a difference for careful drivers travelling at low speeds (or high speeds for that matter).

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