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Why is being single in Bangkok so offensive?


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Actually most developed countries are already at or below replacement fertility, and facing problems due to an aging population and insufficient number of younger ones to support them/their social service programs.

Overpopulation is a pretty much now limited to less developed countries. Particularly in Africa and South Asia.

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( Thank you very much !!! )

True, but people in the west use a largely disproportionate amount of resources that those other people won't get, so they starve.

You eat a steak that took corn , ... someone else goes hungry .

Sort a global village concept .

And children today may well have a serious decline in their lives.

Anyway back OT

Being a single woman is offensive to a lot of people. Suspect to many. It has to do with preconceptions about women's roles.

And here we veer....

Actually most developed countries are already at or below replacement fertility, and facing problems due to an aging population and insufficient number of younger ones to support them/their social service programs.

Overpopulation is a pretty much now limited to less developed countries. Particularly in Africa and South Asia.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I can understand why it is difficult for a single woman in Bangkok, but i don't understand why it should be offensive to anyone. Some people choose to be single due to there careers, and if people don't like it- well who cares !

well, some choose to be single like me, maybe the right man goes to the left, and on the left he got the wrong one.......

I have a boyfriend before, he dumped me and for a Thai lady he met in pattaya, then after two years the Thai left her and take his money and The thai lady and the her Thai boyfriend living in the house that he build for them. Bad Karma.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Thai language I'm led to beleive says something like 'dtair nahng layo reu yang' - 'are your already married or not' which is the polite question to ask and assumes you will be married sometime in the future. To say are you single 'bpen soht' then this is regarded as pejorative and has the implicit assumption that you are unable to get married. I'm married but without kids (we are both over 50) which is another source of concerned sorrow from the unwitting Thai interrogator of your status. Asian culture strongly supports and encourages marriage and children and to not conform to this labels you to many as a person of strange beliefs and habits I'm afraid.

There are so many ways to answer this, and to exactly say what you want to say.

First of all it remains a personal question, so an honest answer is not always required. (e.g. it is none of a taxi driver's business, so a reply in the affirmative is just fine really.)

So moving on to situations with people who actually matter to some degree (friends of friends, co-workers, etc.), you can focus either on appreciating the freedom of being single, or say that you broke up / separated and that this is much better, or turn it into a bit of a joke by saying that so far you managed to scare guys away; anything really. Most of the time people are just making conversation.

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