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can you really enjoy beer from the bottle neck ?


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I like to drink from one of those German things with a big bulbous bottom on one end,

And a very thin neck leading after many centimeters to a very wide mouth on it.

It is just a piece of glass that you need to hole with two hands.

The advantage to this is that you can drink your beer

And take a bath in it all at the same time.

I used to drink from these all the time in Taipei.

But, try as I might, I always had the final few swigs drown me from head to toe.

I think there must be some German knack to it that I never mastered.

It really does not matter though because by the time you get around to drinking out of one of these,

A good bath in beer seems to really it the spot,

And it is clean entertainment with no bar bills for women involved.

Do you drink from one of these and does your beer taste better?

I think so.


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I like to drink from one of those German things with a big bulbous bottom on one end,

And a very thin neck leading after many centimeters to a very wide mouth on it.

It is just a piece of glass that you need to hole with two hands.

The advantage to this is that you can drink your beer

And take a bath in it all at the same time.

I used to drink from these all the time in Taipei.

But, try as I might, I always had the final few swigs drown me from head to toe.

I think there must be some German knack to it that I never mastered.

It really does not matter though because by the time you get around to drinking out of one of these,

A good bath in beer seems to really it the spot,

And it is clean entertainment with no bar bills for women involved.

Do you drink from one of these and does your beer taste better?

I think so.


This is a "yard of ale glass". British. They used to have speed drinking competitions with these. There is considerable knack and technique. In competition you try to down in one continuous go. There is a big rush as the beer comes out of the bulb part. Get that wrong and it chokes you and gives you a beer bath. Experts could down these very very quickly.

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BAERBOXER: "This is a "yard of ale glass". British. They used to have speed drinking competitions with these. There is considerable knack and technique. In competition you try to down in one continuous go. There is a big rush as the beer comes out of the bulb part. Get that wrong and it chokes you and gives you a beer bath. Experts could down these very very quickly."

Thanks for your clarification about this thing they call a glass. I only had used them when I was in a German beer "cafe" in Taipei. Or maybe it was British, after all, but the customers were definitely mostly German.

If I can think of the name of the place, I will post it here, but I last went there 20 years ago.

The bath that you mention, I enjoyed a few times, and every time.

There is really a lot of beer in one of those if you want to know.

The other thing I should say here is that the college kids these days think it is fun to hook up a hose to a funnel and drink their beer in a hurry that way.

They have no talent and no skill, and are not very interesting to watch.

This long glass thing is really fascinating because after watching the fun a few time, then you really want to join in.

The drunker you are, the more fun it becomes.

I don't know if they have these in Thailand though.

I would think the import duty and shipping would be high.

(((Oh, now I recall what the name of that place was: It was called the Poughman's Pub or Inn, in Taipei. The used to keep it open until 4am, and the German guys there loved it. Lots of fun, and no bar girls, only groupies.)))

Edited by OldChinaHam
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I like to drink from one of those German things with a big bulbous bottom on one end,

And a very thin neck leading after many centimeters to a very wide mouth on it.

It is just a piece of glass that you need to hole with two hands.

The advantage to this is that you can drink your beer

And take a bath in it all at the same time.

I used to drink from these all the time in Taipei.

But, try as I might, I always had the final few swigs drown me from head to toe.

I think there must be some German knack to it that I never mastered.

It really does not matter though because by the time you get around to drinking out of one of these,

A good bath in beer seems to really it the spot,

And it is clean entertainment with no bar bills for women involved.

Do you drink from one of these and does your beer taste better?

I think so.


This is a "yard of ale glass". British. They used to have speed drinking competitions with these. There is considerable knack and technique. In competition you try to down in one continuous go. There is a big rush as the beer comes out of the bulb part. Get that wrong and it chokes you and gives you a beer bath. Experts could down these very very quickly.

My record when I was young was 5 seconds for drinking one of those, probably slower with gassy Lager rather than Bitter though...

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Too much time and effort on your hands if you are involved in this occupation...

The fraternity / competition days of drinking are well over, despite my relative youth. I prefer a glass of whiskey on the rocks from Hillary Bar on Soi 4 (the one closest to the tobacco farm--not the billiards one, though that one is fine, too--considering the fact that they do stay open later and allow patrons to mingle about until the wee hours) rather standing around with a few blokes trying to see who drinks best, fastest, etc...

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In the day, I would always drink from the bottle.

I had that pretty much down to an art, and to get around the rat p1ss, etc. issue, I used to pour the beer down my neck, very little contact with the bottle.

IMO, only babies suck from a bottle...................thumbsup.gif

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In the day, I would always drink from the bottle.

I had that pretty much down to an art, and to get around the rat p1ss, etc. issue, I used to pour the beer down my neck, very little contact with the bottle.

IMO, only babies suck from a bottle...................thumbsup.gif


You are saying you used your own neck, not that of the bottle?

How does that work, exactly?

Can't picture it.

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In the day, I would always drink from the bottle.


I had that pretty much down to an art, and to get around the rat p1ss, etc. issue, I used to pour the beer down my neck, very little contact with the bottle.


IMO, only babies suck from a bottle...................Posted Image



You are saying you used your own neck, not that of the bottle?

How does that work, exactly?

Can't picture it.

I hope he is not thinking about the way you had to drink sangria when in Spain poured from great height and most of it landed on your lap.

No thanks.

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In the day, I would always drink from the bottle.

I had that pretty much down to an art, and to get around the rat p1ss, etc. issue, I used to pour the beer down my neck, very little contact with the bottle.

IMO, only babies suck from a bottle...................thumbsup.gif


You are saying you used your own neck, not that of the bottle?

How does that work, exactly?

Can't picture it.

I hope he is not thinking about the way you had to drink sangria when in Spain poured from great height and most of it landed on your lap.

No thanks.

I think I would prefer crushing grapes with my bare feet,

Rather than drink from one of those sheep bladders filled with Sangria.

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  • 7 months later...

The terrible factory mass produced lagers like Tiger, Chang, Leo, Carlsberg, San Mig etc etc can be drunk any way, and they will still taste cheap and terrible.

Good beers on the other hand, should be drunk out of a suitable glass as the flavours are released much better if poured properly. As for the cheap lagers, it's best to hide the flavours so by all means drink them ice cold and out of the bottle.

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Years ago there was a study done on free peanuts on a bar.

Basically they were tested (the left overs) and had something like 5 traces of different piss on them from where people went for a lash, didn't wash and stick their pissy fingers in the bowl!! Yuck.

Anyway, I prefer from the bottle as if in a glass I drink to fast and get too lashed up!

One should wipe the rat piss off can tops with an antisceptic serviette. On the other hand Human urine is sterile, other than in a case of gross hemateuria. There is a paraphilia where people play with it for fun.

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