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can you really enjoy beer from the bottle neck ?


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I prefer a glass - not so bothered about it being cold and ice well that's just wrong. I have a couple of gift with purchase beers glasses at home, I wish I brought them there is something about drinking Chimay from a Chimay glass.

Edit: forgot to add the FIL uses the bottles as an ashtray so I prefer not to drink from them :)

Edited by ToddWeston
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Years ago there was a study done on free peanuts on a bar.

Basically they were tested (the left overs) and had something like 5 traces of different piss on them from where people went for a lash, didn't wash and stick their pissy fingers in the bowl!! Yuck.

Anyway, I prefer from the bottle as if in a glass I drink to fast and get too lashed up!

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If you don't mind cockroach and chitchat shit or rats piss then by all means drink from

the bottle, but I recommend you check where the bottles are stored in your preferred

drinking hole and I have seen many times in many places all of the above crawling all

over the stored beers. I prefer my beer in a chilled clean glass if possible.


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You never know what has pissed on the bottle.attachicon.gifCapture dirty cans.PNG

that's an urban myth:


You would be suprised what is contained in some of the foods you eat. An example I am familiar with is ice cream. I had a girlfriend in Australia who worked in QC at a factory which manufactured ice cream. She once showed me the "QC bible" in which was listed the various tests and max permitted levels of a variety of substances. One substance was foreign protein contamination. The allowable levels aproximated one cockroach per 100l of icecream manufactured. That figure always stayed with me and I doubt things are any differant in other countries.

Edited by canman
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You never know what has pissed on the bottle.attachicon.gifCapture dirty cans.PNG

that's an urban myth

I remember a couple of cases of this in the past. Colm Flynn, Irish rugby player being one fatality.

It is possible but highly unlikely to catch leptospirosis from drinking out of a can or bottle. If the item is still wet from the infected rat urine, it is possible. Once the urine has dried the bacteria dies.

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You never know what has pissed on the bottle.Posted ImageCapture dirty cans.PNG

that's an urban myth



I remember a couple of cases of this in the past. Colm Flynn, Irish rugby player being one fatality.


It is possible but highly unlikely to catch leptospirosis from drinking out of a can or bottle. If the item is still wet from the infected rat urine, it is possible. Once the urine has dried the bacteria dies.
coke machines are dirty. Cockroaches enjoy living in them when it's hot outside.
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You never know what has pissed on the bottle.attachicon.gifCapture dirty cans.PNG

Exactly - I cringe whenever I see some macho type drinking directly from the bottle in Thailand.

Leptospirosis is a major problem here, a major source is rat urine - and as anyone who has been around the Bar areas knows, rats are everywhere, particularly in the storage areas.

In addition there is often a ring or rust under the car which is left on the bottle when the cap is removed.

Drinking from a glass is both far safer and far more civilised!


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i say from a decent clean glass is better

some people couldn't care less what you say and drink their beer as they please.

personally i wouldn't drink out of a "decent clean" glass but insist on a 100% clean glass. in Thailand the latter is never guaranteed because the glasses are washed with tap water. no 100% clean tap water = no 100% clean glass. glasses can be contaminated in many ways.

the content of a beer bottle can only be contaminated in a brewery. insist that the bottle is opened in your presence... case closed.

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Beer snobs... ;) I will take it right out of the bottle no problem. If there is rat piss on my bottle, in my many, many, MANY YEARS of drinking straight from the bottle, I have never noticed--or cared!--or gotten sick--ever.

Whatever doesn't kill me...

Half the Thai beers taste like rat piss anyway.
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It's the content over form which matters.

Who am I kidding, drinking Leo. It's the cheap price, moderate taste, together with enough ethanol to kill the slowest synapses to make me absolutely fabulous.

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You never know what has pissed on the bottle.attachicon.gifCapture dirty cans.PNG

that's an urban myth

I remember a couple of cases of this in the past. Colm Flynn, Irish rugby player being one fatality.

It is possible but highly unlikely to catch leptospirosis from drinking out of a can or bottle. If the item is still wet from the infected rat urine, it is possible. Once the urine has dried the bacteria dies.

" Once the urine has dried the bacteria dies."

Well that's OK then sucking on DRIED rats piss yeah right Canman


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