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Phuket Russian business association proposed


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Phuket Russian business association proposed

Sergei Nesterenko with Phuket Gov Maitree Intusut.

PHUKET: -- Following a meeting on Monday (September 3) between the Provincial Administration and business people from Russia, some of those business people are now talking about setting up a Russian business association on the island.

Monday’s session – and a similar one on Tuesday involving Chinese and South Korean business people on the island was aimed at clarifying rules on tour guides and work permits.

Property developer Sergei Nesterenko, developer of the Vista del Mar project near Naithorn Beach, made his proposal in an article published by The Phuket News’ Russian-language sister publication, Novosti Phuketa.

“For entrepreneurs formation of an association is, we believe in the current situation, crucial to business development, and perhaps even to its very survival.”

Noting that few Russians living in Phuket are retirees – that most are in business – he wrote, “It’s no secret that there is a threat of Russians being squeezed out of the market by local and foreign competitors.

“Also, local people do not know who to turn to with complaints and problems associated with Russians. Conversely, some local and foreign business people would like to do business with us, but do not know who to approach.

“I meet regularly with non-Russian business people, and the word ‘Russian’ is on everyone’s lips; many would like to join us.

“So an Association or Chamber of Commerce – call it what you will – is our way to connect with local and foreign contacts.

“Other nationalities here have fraternities, chambers of commerce, and consular assistance but we, who are the most numerous, have nothing like this. As a result, we are constantly being kicked and have no one to turn to. I feel sorry for our country’s reputation. We need to promote Russia.”

He said the proposed association should have eight main aims: Protection of the common interests of the Russian-speaking population and businesses in Phuket.

Representation of the Russian community and businesses in dealings with the Thai government.

Promotion of legal methods of doing business, with organisation of training seminars on this topic.

Promoting Russian business, Russian language and everything else Russian among Thais and foreign residents.

Building relations between association members and Thai and other businesses and individuals.

Organisation of legal, medical, consumer and other services for Russian individuals.

Entertainment and children’s programmes.

Building links with Russian government agencies (and possibly those of neighbouring republics such as Ukraine and Belarus).

He added that once the association is well established it could be extended to help individuals as well as businesses.

Mr Nesterenko can be contacted by email to [email protected], or by messages or comments to facebook.com/sergey.n.renko.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-russian-business-association-proposed-41761.php

-- Phuket News 2013-09-06

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Thainess Promotion: When you want to start doing business in Phuket and some guy claiming to be an "official" dressed in a otherwise naval or military officer uniform shows up to "educate you", just plan on him taking a significant amount of your profits so you can operate "legally" in Thailand.

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