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Hundreds of westerners living on the streets of Thailand


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Ironic...this same forum advertises several online-dating services for Thai girls..the same ones that will rob you blind and/or cash you in for a green card back home. What a demented world, it has truly become.

Do the same Thai girls hold a gun to your head and say ''I'm gonna rob you"or does the farang allow it to happen.Who's to blame? you decide.In case you hadn't noticed there's good and bad people of all colours,creed and religion in all walks of life.

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Early on in this thread it was stated and quoted many times "They do not listen". I tend to agree but I also think they come here delusional and their rational decision making ability is heavily diminished(If they even possessed it before arriving). It astonishes me that so many try and find the answers to their problems with a girl half or even more their age in a bar drinking. Self destruction pops into my mind. I guess the age old adage really is prevalent in Thailand that their is a sucker born every minute. These vulnerable old guys are easy pickings by seasoned con artists but it is not exclusive to Thailand. Happens in the US all the time. Life is about choices. We make them and live with the outcome.

I personally believe that a great number of expats that move to Thailand and neighboring countries are either escaping or have mental health issues(which includes alcohol,drug and demented sexual preferences). They are typically older and either through previous visits or word of mouth think that Thailand is the answer to most, if not all their problems. They soon find that it is not the answer to their woes and they quickly run out of money. It is not really as cheap as it all seems. When the realization sinks in, it is usually the end of the road for them as we read and hear that many jump off roof tops and balconies in all the popular resort locations. This is embarrassing for us foreigners that live in Thailand as friends back home see it and read it and wonder whats going on. Its a negative stigma that always leads to interesting discussions as people quickly generalize. There are many retired, living well, foreigners in Thailand that do not live anywhere near resort locations, that are quite happy, have a sound relationship, did not meet the woman they are with in a bar, do not drink or do drugs and just happen to find Thailand to be a place they enjoying living. I know quite a few.

I mentioned this thread to my wife(she is Thai) and she read through most of it. Her comment was "Its to bad this type of stuff gets posted as it makes it seem like all of us(Thai women) are either bar girls or always trying to scam foreigners". She said "Not all of us are and that many Thai women find foreign men to be better looking and in general nicer men". "Some want an educated, polite, respectful man". "People just want a happy life". "Isn't that what everyone wants...a happy comfortable life?"

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There seem to be more scavengers from parts of Europe in NZ also...they go to charities for free food, help etc., sleep in hostels without paying (e.g. creep in at night then hide in areas where there are no cameras)....why countries don't ensure their incoming tourists don't have enough money to keep themselves and insurance during their stay astounds me.

It's worse in NZ as we have a stupid accident compensations system (24/7 cover for everyone), so a guy fell out of his bed then feigned injury and was kept by us taxpayers for quite a time and probably still is...when I saw him in the street he walked without canes, but used them in the presence of others who knew him. Another South African racked up around half a million in hospital bills, then died, without any insurance cover so guess who pays - we do.

We have enough local bludgers without taking on those from elsewhere and Thailand is a much poorer country so can't afford to waste on others.

Of course those who don't work or pay tax here don't see it as a problem so have little understanding of enormous chunk we give up for such upkeep.

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How about the Thai government allow reciprocity in buying land? Or, Western governments disallow citizens from making purchases of land/houses etc. e.g. Thais and Thaksin types. Turn around is fair play as they say.

I mean seriously if a Westerner buys land can he take it back to his Mother country??? Restricting land purchases only keeps the rich and powerful/ rich and powerful. And it prevents a Thai land owner from possibly receiving a more substantial amount for said land - when sold.

Um.....regarding a foreigner being allowed to purchase land in Thailand, I note below the translation of the first two lines of the Thai National Anthem.

"Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood,

Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais."

Should they not change that second line to 'Chinese Thais'?

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Re: Lots of the posts herein, this line from the movie Broadcast News (Holly Hunter as Jane Craig):

Paul Moore: It must be nice to always believe you know better, to always think you're the smartest person in the room.
Jane Craig: No. It's awful.
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Friends and family back home are sounded out for a loan, but should none be forthcoming the government will stump up the cost to be repaid upon return. Other embassies work on a similar basis.

That policy must have been introduced overnight.

You learn something new every day, isn't it ?

No, it's not something new!

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lots of people with lots of different opinions and views. One familiar thread that runs through most of the comments is how adept Thai ladies are at mugging off their foreign/western husbands and leaving them potless. Whilst this may very well be true it's not something that is exclusive to the Thai ladies. a lot of guys (me included) came here after a failed marriage and then getting properly roasted financially by the wife back home. My ex-wife in England was having an affair while i was workling abroad. I came out of the marriage with absolutely nothing,she got the house, car, kids etc etc So it's not just the Thai ladies that can make a bloke skint! There are plenty of comments about new arrivals heeding the warnings and the horror stories. Plenty of warnings telling new arrivals (I guess not only new arrivals as I guess I'm not the only person who knows people that have been scammed more than once!) that the smiles are false, the "handsome man" "I lub you!" is all b*llox but what everybody is not getting is that these people WANT to believe it's true. They've just had a kicking from an ex-wife back home, ego battered and now a young and seemingly beautiful lady is making a fuss over them. They WANT to believe it's for real and no warnings or relating of horror stories will make any difference! Some times it is for real, sometimes not - Just like back home! Anyway, that's enough from me, it's starting to look like a novel!!! Have a nice weekend everybody!

If the wife is cheating on you, how come you didn't win the court case?

England family court is 'no blame' system, rules of evidence also do not apply.

Essentially mum can behave as badly as she wants and still get awarded everything because 'she's their mother'.

She can also break any court order made on her because 'she's their mother'.

Woe betide the guy who brings the kids back 30 minutes late from his monthly visit, jail for him.

Same in Australia ..No Fault Divorce went out in 1972 , you are on the Back foot from moment one if you are Male .

In the West in General its just getting worse and Worse . You now have to basically apologise for being Male , as we saw recently with the " Sexist Rant " from now ex prime minister Gillard , at the then opposition leader . Sorry , Im off Topic ..But its a situation that annoys me .

At Least in Thailand Women are Women ( Generally ) 5 5 5 5 ...Unless they are Men !

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Is that guy who sat outside the skytrain station soliciting for donations for his ticket home some years ago still there? He seemed to be making a tidy sum.

Are you asking about the American guy that was in front of the Asoke subway station? I talked to him several times and he never asked for money although I guess he would accept it if offered. He was looking for employment, at least that's what his sign said. I haven't seen him for over a year so I guess he finally found a job.

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The point I make here with that comment and on other similar threads is that farangs in Thailand could be just as exposed to risk of the loss of thier assets back in thier home country if someone they trust is planning deceit. That could leave a person homeless and potless in both country of origin and Thailand...how would many of the posters on this forum deal with that as their "lot" likely go sifting thru garbage cans and turn to alcohol and drugs for solice!

The fact is back in the West there are mechanisms in place to protect you. You can't just walk into the land office, pay the officer a few thousand baht and give him an obviously forged document and then walk out owning a property or getting a lease cancelled. You have to use a lawyer and most of them are not corrupt and are monitored by the legal profession.

It is not easy to get a forged document notorised either. A building society or bank is not specially protected and have the same responsibility under the law as other people to do due diligence. The courts procedure is expensive but awards based on success and you can recover most of your costs so the defendant has as much to risk as you.

If the lawyer does scam you you can sue them without worrying about a defamation case against you and possible deportation for daring to complain about corruption and malpractice for doing so. lawyers are quite willing to sue another lawyer in the West but not so here.

Yes the divorce laws in the West are horribly biased in favour of women as a left over from an age where women did not work and had little to no means of support if dumped. That though is a wholly different thing to the scamming, theft and malpractice that goes on in this country which is prevalent on foreigners.

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Every farang arriving in Thailand for the first time should be locked in a rubber room and forced to read the Marriage and Divorce section on this forum for 24 hours straight.

Oh well, if some guy is determined to drink and/or drug himself to rags or to death with some bar girl no one can stop him. Even if he's completely sober but chooses to throw it away on some cute thing half his age no one can stop him.

Life has choices.

Agreed but the the one thing I can never get my head round are the farangs who are not the drink and drug types, some pretty wealthy, educated etc who manage to lose their lot in Thailand, for the most part one assumes these people are not stupid and are fully aware of the reputation of Thai ladies, and even if they truly believe, she is different, they haven't had the foresight to have a plan B in case thing do go tits up......for me personally if after nearly 12 years with Mrs Soutpeel, I had the dirty done to me, I know almost exactly what she could get away with financially, based on what i have " invested" in thailand, and this is the amount i have prepared to "risk" or walk away from if need be

I have further taken the liberty of keeping the bulk of my finances offshore in an account she can't get at directly, to me it's just common sense, you don't throw your lot in and hope for the best, you need to make provision for the rainy day that might happen

A very sensible post. I'd also like to add that's its critical that she be able to get the money in case you die suddenly. Some spouses don't even know the money exists.
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Agreed but the the one thing I can never get my head round are the farangs who are not the drink and drug types, some pretty wealthy, educated etc who manage to lose their lot in Thailand, for the most part one assumes these people are not stupid and are fully aware of the reputation of Thai ladies, and even if they truly believe, she is different, they haven't had the foresight to have a plan B in case thing do go tits up....

I think you have to consider the culturally different meaning of "love" in Thailand:

Not only for Thai women (and not only for Bar girls) "Love" usually means "giving gifts - especially money -" to the beloved.

That applies to intrahuman relationships (staying together, beeing friends) and to religious relationships as well!

Most westerners - even educated ones - are just overwhelmed by the unused offers of love and friendliness...and step into the trap.

It almost happened to me 8 years ago as well:

"I'm not a bar girl, I'm a bank employee; I love you so much..."

The relationship quickly ended, when I bought my house and rented the land only on my name.

This way I lost only a 7 year old Pickup, registerd on her name.

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Every farang arriving in Thailand for the first time should be locked in a rubber room and forced to read the Marriage and Divorce section on this forum for 24 hours straight.

Oh well, if some guy is determined to drink and/or drug himself to rags or to death with some bar girl no one can stop him. Even if he's completely sober but chooses to throw it away on some cute thing half his age no one can stop him.

Life has choices.

Agreed but the the one thing I can never get my head round are the farangs who are not the drink and drug types, some pretty wealthy, educated etc who manage to lose their lot in Thailand, for the most part one assumes these people are not stupid and are fully aware of the reputation of Thai ladies, and even if they truly believe, she is different, they haven't had the foresight to have a plan B in case thing do go tits up......for me personally if after nearly 12 years with Mrs Soutpeel, I had the dirty done to me, I know almost exactly what she could get away with financially, based on what i have " invested" in thailand, and this is the amount i have prepared to "risk" or walk away from if need be

I have further taken the liberty of keeping the bulk of my finances offshore in an account she can't get at directly, to me it's just common sense, you don't throw your lot in and hope for the best, you need to make provision for the rainy day that might happen

A very sensible post. I'd also like to add that's its critical that she be able to get the money in case you die suddenly. Some spouses don't even know the money exists.

That would defeat the whole purpose of keeping it offshore in the first place.

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Every farang arriving in Thailand for the first time should be locked in a rubber room and forced to read the Marriage and Divorce section on this forum for 24 hours straight.

Oh well, if some guy is determined to drink and/or drug himself to rags or to death with some bar girl no one can stop him. Even if he's completely sober but chooses to throw it away on some cute thing half his age no one can stop him.

Life has choices.

Agreed but the the one thing I can never get my head round are the farangs who are not the drink and drug types, some pretty wealthy, educated etc who manage to lose their lot in Thailand, for the most part one assumes these people are not stupid and are fully aware of the reputation of Thai ladies, and even if they truly believe, she is different, they haven't had the foresight to have a plan B in case thing do go tits up......for me personally if after nearly 12 years with Mrs Soutpeel, I had the dirty done to me, I know almost exactly what she could get away with financially, based on what i have " invested" in thailand, and this is the amount i have prepared to "risk" or walk away from if need be

I have further taken the liberty of keeping the bulk of my finances offshore in an account she can't get at directly, to me it's just common sense, you don't throw your lot in and hope for the best, you need to make provision for the rainy day that might happen

A very sensible post. I'd also like to add that's its critical that she be able to get the money in case you die suddenly. Some spouses don't even know the money exists.
That would defeat the whole purpose of keeping it offshore in the first place.

So what's your plan?

Mine certainly isn't to leave my family destitute for the rest of their lives while my money sits in offshore accounts.

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These `westerners` what % are Brits . What % are Oz .It makes me sick to be the same race as these useless bums. Round them all up , & ship them all back to their original destinations . I for one have had enough . Renewing a retirement visa is now a nightmare . So its adios to the LOS .

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Quotes got me again.

Mike45: So what's your plan? Mine certainly isn't to leave my family destitute for the rest of their lives while my money sits in offshore accounts.

Last will and testament with certain stipulations on cause of death.

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These `westerners` what % are Brits . What % are Oz .It makes me sick to be the same race as these useless bums. Round them all up , & ship them all back to their original destinations . I for one have had enough . Renewing a retirement visa is now a nightmare . So its adios to the LOS .

How is renewing the extension of stay a nightmare it took me 10 min in Feb. I waited for 30 to get it back but no big deal.

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