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Hundreds of westerners living on the streets of Thailand


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If you're a farang, you don't need to buy land in your wife's name. You can buy a condo and have clear title to it.

True, but the rice growing ability of 36m2 of airspace is somewhat limiting. coffee1.gif



And I don't want a condo or rice or even a house the government can take away with a simple change in the laws. Renting is cheap enough and allows for easy change of scenery.

Selling a house here? Reminds me of the idea of communicating with two tin cans connected by wire. Let's see, where's that security guard when I need him. 555

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I ask these questions: after only a few meetings ....

Would you fall in love with a hooker in your own country ?

Would you buy a new car and put in in a hookers name in your own country ?

Would you buy a house or condo and put it in a hookers name in your own country ?

Would you buy a bar or any business and put it in a hookers name in your own country ?

The answer is always No, No, No, No. I then ask why would you do it in a foreign country where you do not even speak the language?

The answer is always the same that I do not understand cause "she is different" "she is not like the others" "she really loves me"

My lasting memory are the words of a 29 year old I met in Therme in Bangkok she had only recently started working. She said "I wished I had known when I was young that farang's so stupid. Today I would be rich lady. Farang pay big money just to "<deleted> the pussy" Farang crazy !

I believe that is the predominant attitude of most Thai's towards us we are merely a "crazy farang" with too much money ........... and .......

they are probably right !! clap2.gif I still like Thailand wai.gif it is still the best place in the world to visit.

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Friends and family back home are sounded out for a loan, but should none be forthcoming the government will stump up the cost to be repaid upon return. Other embassies work on a similar basis.

That policy must have been introduced overnight.

You learn something new every day, isn't it ?

Hardly, I've known of that policy since the late '60s; not all embassies will and not all cases are helped.

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Reading " Money number one " should be made mandatory before you can purchase a ticket to Thailand.

Some fellows may come and arrive here with sufficient money to comply with any introduced state regulation, a current financial regulation already exist for visa extension, but then after visiting bars daily for drinking and to get close to bar-girls they get eventually financially ruined.

Hence their disastrous position, there are no longer any positive aspects for them to resolve their financial problems in Thailand, In their Western home countries they would get basic financial help from the state for housing, feeding and clothing.

I feel sorry for them, in such a messy position they should really get back to their home country and revive their life style.

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Far too many of them wouldn't listen, they just wouldn't listen. Even in that article it says there are plenty of stories to warn them of the dangers,

We even had guys on TV boasting last week that were ready to make the same mistakes, even on here, they won't listen.

You can't stop a fool being a fool.

They wouldn't listen. Up to them.

I made the same mistake in the UK. Nobody warned me if I bought a house a wife could take 100% of it from me and have the police throw me out on the streets. Not exclusively a Thai problem.

I'm not at all sure that that is the case. My understanding is that a 'family' court may rule that the wife has the right to domicile but that after the kids are grown to adulthood then the property may be sold and the proceeds shared. Anything else is tantamount to legalised theft.

ํYour understanding is wrong, the woman is usually awarded the house outright, free and clear.

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dont know why sex workers are dragged into the argument ,its right across the board and BGs are fewer in number than just normal gals with jobs who can clean out a farang dummy by using online dating or just normal introduction agencies that never seem to get a mention these days.

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Drug addicts, Alcoholics and the mentally ill I can understand being on the streets of any country.

Those average everyday people who come to Thailand and do not use their common sense who give everything to a woman, sign everything over to a woman are the ones I cannot fathom. Yes, they seem to lose the plot here entirely.

As others have said, thay are fools, they could listen to advice, read a forum or simply go on the internet and research where they are going to and learn something about the place. The internet is not a new phenomenon. Most people from schoolchildren to silver surfers know how to access information. The fact they either do not seek out the information or ignore it makes them fools.

They end up on the streets begging and scavenging and in the majority of cases should be deported and have their passports revoked.

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Homeless = no money

No money = when visa runs out, can't do a visa run

It looks to me like the police would check these guys' visa. It wouldn't take but a few months to reduce the number significantly.

No visa, cannot stay in the country.

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Reading " Money number one " should be made mandatory before you can purchase a ticket to Thailand.

Interesting. Any idea where I can do free download

This is a great place to use your imagination. A book's title can actually say it all.

Money number one. Think it through. Extrapolate a little.

I keep a photo handy of my no1 girl of six years wearing a No Money No Honey tee shirt.

Sure its a national joke, but . . . . . . . hey. . . . . most jokes are based on truths.

There have to be some odds available, but you could at least presume 19 out of 20 women, or boys or woossy blokes in Thailand need you for your money, or need your money or would like your money, at least would like to share your money with you and in many cases need to.

The odds would be hard to define, however with that in mind approach all relationships with due caution.

I've contributed substantially to the life of my no1 girl because she has our lovely daughter, but I have always explained that my bags are next to the door.

Even if you have no money, or much property elsewhere, at least you need to be "appearing" to be keeping the upper hand.

Its Asia, after all. . . . never a dull moment. Stay on your toes. Don't drink or do other stuff too much. Don't accept drinks from strangers in Pattya . . etc etc

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Had one lob at my front door just prior to Xmas last year. Arrived in the LOS with $AUD 5,500.00 in his pocket, and a drinking problem. (when it was 32 Baht to 1). 14 Days later he knocked on my door asking 'if I could put him up for the night'. What he really wanted was for me to take care of him for the next 2 weeks until his booked flight home. He was skint, with no money in the bank at home and no credit card and noone to call. In fact he is on Part Welfare and only Part Time Work in Aust. 3 Days he stayed here and in that time the last of his baht he spent on a large pizza and two visits to a Happy Ending Massage Parlour just down the road from me. All the time wanting me to take him to some of the local bars around here of an evening.

He was an easy mark really. In two short weeks she milked him of all his cash, then she turned off the sex and just ignored him. He still couldn't see it though, and even until the day he left my place he believed her when she said she would go to Australia in January (next month) to be with him. Fair dinkum.

I offered to lend him money to see him though, but he refused, as he knew he would have to repay that. So The next day, disregarding his reluctance to do, I instructed him get onto the internet and re-book his flight home. He did, but he wasn't happy about it.

Nope, you cannot talk any sense to them once the penis goes hard and the brain goes soft.

It is not like the old days here. It's take no prisoners now.

I guess you can put it down to the Thais addiction to Western Consumerism.

I.E. Eating up stupid, drunken farangs and sapitting them out

I don't mind helping a bloke down on his luck and doing it tough. But not this crap. I am not the Salvation Army and my house is not the Mathew Talbot of Thailand. There is no excuse for being an idiot. This subject has been well publicised, written and talked about for many years now.

Dude why did he approach you?

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Far too many of them wouldn't listen, they just wouldn't listen. Even in that article it says there are plenty of stories to warn them of the dangers,

We even had guys on TV boasting last week that were ready to make the same mistakes, even on here, they won't listen.

You can't stop a fool being a fool.

They wouldn't listen. Up to them.

Like any normal man I am attracted to a beautiful woman but I was always taught to be cautious.

In many, many cases the old saying " no fool like an old fool " takes centre stage.

What gets me are those who have a bad trip with a Thai lady and in no time flat are hooked up with another. Starting with the first one the ladies are always " different " and that rare " one in a million ".

George Bernard Shaw, said something like, '. . .a man being in love was his way of assuring himself that this woman was different from all the rest .. ' that can end up being an addiction in a place like Thailand. Until you actually find one that is, or you wake up.

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The thing is westerners want to believe that they have found the 'she's not like the others' girl, when frankly 95% of them are. The old saying 'you can take the girl out of the bar, but...........' is oh so true.I sometimes think that most come to Thailand in body only, and leave their brains at home. There are some good ladies here, but not in bars. It took me 4 1/2 years to find a good one, and i think most are still searching. The adage of 'there's one on every plane' should be ...........there's loads on every plane...............ready to be the gullible, arrogant, know everything in a week Farang. They listen to the bar drivel put out from others who they believe are the 'experts' on Thailand. We all know there are plenty of people here who will rip you off, and that is not limited to the Thais. It is a learning curve that few seem to follow, they prefer to meander on, contributing to their own downfall. Is it any wonder that the Thais think so lowly of us, when all they see is bars full of westerners day and night ? 90% of the Farangs here are people i wouldn't associate with if i were in my own country. And folks before the replies come in...............no, i am not perfect..........i have made mistakes here like most of us.........but.........some of us do learn by them !

Agreed but the the one thing I can never get my head round are the farangs who are not the drink and drug types, some pretty wealthy, educated etc who manage to lose their lot in Thailand, for the most part one assumes these people are not stupid and are fully aware of the reputation of Thai ladies, and even if they truly believe, she is different, they haven't had the foresight to have a plan B in case thing do go tits up......for me personally if after nearly 12 years with Mrs Soutpeel, I had the dirty done to me, I know almost exactly what she could get away with financially, based on what i have " invested" in thailand, and this is the amount i have prepared to "risk" or walk away from if need be

I have further taken the liberty of keeping the bulk of my finances offshore in an account she can't get at directly, to me it's just common sense, you don't throw your lot in and hope for the best, you need to make provision for the rainy day that might happen

Pray tell might i ask if it took you so long to find a good thai girl why didn't you find one from your home country? Does this mean that good girls are even rarer in your home country? Doesn't make sense to so desperately find one in a foreign country when there are so many other countries out there.

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Just use good comon sense reguarless of how long you havve been together ... Like they say you never really know a woman until you divorce them . Im sure the same is true here as well . If you buy a house , thats what you ve done bought a house , maybe it will be yours maybe it wont ..... Like the saying goes dont spend what you are not willing to walk away from .... And here lending money is like giving it away .....

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So, in effect this article, in part, confirms, by admittance, that all too many Thai women (do ) scam their western foriegner boyfriends or husbands and leave them abandoned.

I am so happy, happy I never married a Thai woman.

Not to say that all Thai women are like that, obviously, but man oh man the percentages are not in a guys favour here in Thailand.

I personally know foriegners who did not marry a bar girl or a girl from any questionable background but years down the road they regetted getting married to the women...big time.

A number of the married to Thai women men I do business with have, all too often, talked at length about the wide variety of drama and highly frustrating, stressfull BS behaviour their Thai wives and her familily members continually subject them to.

And they thought or actually believed their married lives would be all "Sabai, Sabai" while their loving, nurturing and attentive Thai women wife of theirs would make for a wonderfull choice in life...as compared to those nasty, selfish, overbearing, and entitled western women..right?

Meantime...I guess it shoud be other foriengners that should help out those foreigners in need while I am pleasantly surprised that there are some Thai charity foundations that are making an effort to resolve the situation.

It could be the same mentality--the charity business--as the Thai wife syndrome. So long as funding will be forthcoming there will be somebody with a hand out to accept it.

Regarding the guys that have bought into the fantasies perpetuated by the "Mine is different" Thai wives, it must be recognized that the reason the extortion works so well is that it is done gradually and, whether by appearances or by fact, is always at the behest of the family and "husbrother."

I concur.

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There are things that can happen to farang who is careful and enters into his happy retirement with eyes fully open. Imagine the scenario. Happily married for ten years living in a house together on a small farm in Thailand. Then the worst thing imaginable happens. The wife has a fatal accident. The family of the wife very quickly claim what is theirs by inheritance and kick the farang out. If there is no legally binding will to protect him then the farang might well find himself out on the street. If the wife dies first then the farang cannot inherit the land, only the house.

I don't know if this has ever happened but my advice is a repeat of what others have said. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Keep an emergency fund offshore where you can get it if and when you need it.

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How about the Thai government allow reciprocity in buying land? Or, Western governments disallow citizens from making purchases of land/houses etc. e.g. Thais and Thaksin types. Turn around is fair play as they say.

I mean seriously if a Westerner buys land can he take it back to his Mother country??? Restricting land purchases only keeps the rich and powerful/ rich and powerful. And it prevents a Thai land owner from possibly receiving a more substantial amount for said land - when sold.

You are right. Restricting land purchases only keeps the rich and powerful/rich and powerful. That's why they have this,law. To keep the rich farang from buying everything up

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How about the Thai government allow reciprocity in buying land? Or, Western governments disallow citizens from making purchases of land/houses etc. e.g. Thais and Thaksin types. Turn around is fair play as they say.

I mean seriously if a Westerner buys land can he take it back to his Mother country??? Restricting land purchases only keeps the rich and powerful/ rich and powerful. And it prevents a Thai land owner from possibly receiving a more substantial amount for said land - when sold.

You are right. Restricting land purchases only keeps the rich and powerful/rich and powerful. That's why they have this,law. To keep the rich farang from buying everything up

Its a good law then, land is the most precious of assets. All Thailand needs now is a land tax on the large land owners ... but thatll never happen, as it won't in the west.

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I guess the ones that get conned here are disoriented a few days after arrival because the bar girls and prostitues they knew from their home country didn't think they were handsome men. They then stupidly conclude maybe they are handsome by Thai cultural standards.

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I guess the ones that get conned here are disoriented a few days after arrival because the bar girls and prostitues they knew from their home country didn't think they were handsome men. They then stupidly conclude maybe they are handsome by Thai cultural standards.

Is there an ISO number for this standard

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I guess the ones that get conned here are disoriented a few days after arrival because the bar girls and prostitues they knew from their home country didn't think they were handsome men. They then stupidly conclude maybe they are handsome by Thai cultural standards.

Is there an ISO number for this standard

No - it is a regional standard and therefore compounds the confusion westerners experience when confronted with the apparent Thai standard

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Far too many of them wouldn't listen, they just wouldn't listen. Even in that article it says there are plenty of stories to warn them of the dangers,

We even had guys on TV boasting last week that were ready to make the same mistakes, even on here, they won't listen.

You can't stop a fool being a fool.

They wouldn't listen. Up to them.

The problem is that with some of a certain age, they seem to find a second youth when hooking up with young ladies! and the problem with that is you just can't tell them. Just like kids they think they know it all. They say they won't fall into the same traps", only to fall into the same trap.

i'm a bit hard emotionally, i never fall for the trap, no matter how pleasant the girl, I know i am always a 'customer'

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If your the kind of person who likes to try and do positive things for others, you can get scammed anywhere in the world by anyone. My own brother scammed me out of 14 years of life on the property ladder in the UK. By his standards, Thai Hookers seem like amateurs in the planning of their deceit.

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If your the kind of person who likes to try and do positive things for others, you can get scammed anywhere in the world by anyone. My own brother scammed me out of 14 years of life on the property ladder in the UK. By his standards, Thai Hookers seem like amateurs in the planning of their deceit.

So one assumes he not on your Christmas card list anymore ?

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Does anyone really accept the premise of this news article? 100's? of Foreigners living on the street? You can't even tell if the photograph of the homeless guy is a foreigner or a Thai. I don't believe it. With Thai immigration and the men in brown on the prowl none of claims in this article compute.

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