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Son of high-ranking Thai Army officer arrested for 'sexual assault'


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The guy will soon be room mates with the red bull heir ... somewhere i Singapore

it won't go that far. There are too many factors in the alleged rapist's favor. He's well connected, he can say she was a spurned lover, .....many excuses for the immature, irresponsible fellow that he probably is. Daddy won't allow his darling son to come to any stress by this. Cops will get money, girl will get money, and we'll forget about it as soon as the next story hits the press room.

Why give her money, where is the proof of rape. Not many courts convict on one persons word against another, they need hard physical evidence.

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Not just in Thailand, but in most countries, including those in the west, the circumstances as described will probably result with the victim being blamed by the time it goes through the courts (If it gets that far). The laws were written by men and favor men. Fortunately, there are movements around the world to change gross injustices towards women. However, it will take a while before equality in the eye of the law is reached. I hope the survivor of this rape is able to receive whatever support she needs to help her deal with this brutal violation against her.

tragically, if a woman gets unconsciously drunk, bad stuff happens. The only way forward is for it to become a serious offence to sleep with a drunk woman...

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The "hang-em' high crowd" is alive and well today.

Innocent until proven guilty---except in this forum. rolleyes.gif

Get real, lynch crowd: It's her word against his, and there's a lot of dough to be milked out of him if that's part of her ploy. Also, accusation of rape is a convenient revenge for a woman scorned, if that be the case. Just sayin' whistling.gif


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The police need to be kept in the circuit so they can get their cut of any payment between the parties involved. It does not mention when the police complaint was made by the girl, but its 10 days after the alledged rape, no mention of bail for the accused, etc. Lots of info missing from this report, its almost like someone is waving a red flag to get public attention drawn to the incident.

and one wonders if the case would have ever been reported if he was the son of a senior police officer ....!

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Son of senior Army officer arrested for 'sexual assault'[/b

On 4 August, the victim, who reportedly works as a model girl ("Pretty"), filed legal complaints at Chokchai Police Station, claiming that Mr. Athiphon had raped her at her residence while she was drunk and unconscious.

The victim alleged that he raped her as she was still under alcohol influence and could not fend for herself.

So she was drunk and unconscious or just too drunk and he did not know she wanted to say no? This report is unclear! Was she awake or not?

Edited by mooris7
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The "hang-em' high crowd" is alive and well today.

Innocent until proven guilty---except in this forum. rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

Get real, lynch crowd: It's her word against his, and there's a lot of dough to be milked out of him if that's part of her ploy. Also, accusation of rape is a convenient revenge for a woman scorned, if that be the case. Just sayin' whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn

The only thing worse than hi-so scumbags who commits these crimes knowing full well they are untouchable and will probably get away with it, are the bleeding hearts who defend their actions.

I would lock the lot of them up (together) tomorrow and throw the key away if it were up to me.

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Excellent........and now make it a slam dunk by arresting the "certain police colonel" for attempting to pervert the course of justice. It's time these "untouchable" started seeing the inside of police cells.

In fact this is a case where Yingluck should do the country a favour and order his arrest.

Anyway, my sympathies to the young lady, I hope she recovers from this ordeal and is not further traumatized by the Thai "legal" system.

Sorry to disappoint you but this is just not going to happen. At least not in the present climate. Thailand has so little "fight" within it, when it comes to battling corruption, and it has insinuated itself into thai society at the highest levels. Nearly every level of government, and law enforcement has given up the fight, or not bothered waging a fight in the first place. When they do, they are thwarted at every level, by nearly every official or person involved. Though Thailand has made alot of noise about integrating itself into the world community, and especially ASEAN, to date they have defied many, many charters they have signed, especially the 6th charter, which I believe was signed back in 2009. I am told there are about 20 different international government bodies that are going to monitor Thailand's participation, and conduct once the upcoming ASEAN integration takes place in 2015. Many are skeptical, for good reason. Thailand has a very long history of making promises to the international community, and breaking them, when it comes to integration, easing of customs restriction, the import market, etc. To date, they have remained fabulously insular, and in some respects resemble China, when it comes to keeping their own markets closed to outside competition. The term protectionism comes to mind.

Getting back to the corruption issue, it is incredibly frustrating for many of us to see the level with which it affects this nation. But, so far, there is no Anna Hazare, or other such heroes who have stood up, risked life and limb, and been willing to carry the torch. I have seen no fight. No game. No resistance. No battle. No courage. No fortitude. No conviction. No arrests. Nobody jailed. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So, you are seeking something that is simply not there. There may be some talk from time to time, from goombahs like Chalerm, but no action, ever! Does the "anti-corruption" agency ever fight corruption? No. What do they do? They focus on election fraud. So, you are simply engaging in an act that, if it produces anything, will end in deportation, denial of a visa, scorn, violence, or bodily harm to you or your family. But, rest assured, it will not result in anybody being disciplined, losing their job, fined, or jailed. At the lowest to the highest level of government here, there is zero interest in that. SImply too much money being made, and no interest in upsetting the apple cart.

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Not just in Thailand, but in most countries, including those in the west, the circumstances as described will probably result with the victim being blamed by the time it goes through the courts (If it gets that far). The laws were written by men and favor men. Fortunately, there are movements around the world to change gross injustices towards women. However, it will take a while before equality in the eye of the law is reached. I hope the survivor of this rape is able to receive whatever support she needs to help her deal with this brutal violation against her.

How right you are. Assuming, of course, that the "pretty" is not herself the criminal. Or mistaken. Neither you nor I know the truth of the situation, so it is good that neither of us has the power to send either party to jail. (and what about the ALLEGED incident was "brutal"? IF the accuser is telling the truth - and I realize that it has never happened that some woman decided to crucify a man by claiming she was violated when it never happened - then it would be an unspeakable crime ... but "brutal"? Are you maybe trying to get your readers to have an emotional reaction instead of an intellectual one? Tisk, tisk!)

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The "hang-em' high crowd" is alive and well today.

Innocent until proven guilty---except in this forum. rolleyes.gif

Get real, lynch crowd: It's her word against his, and there's a lot of dough to be milked out of him if that's part of her ploy. Also, accusation of rape is a convenient revenge for a woman scorned, if that be the case. Just sayin' whistling.gif

Right, of course he's innocent! blink.png

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Not just in Thailand, but in most countries, including those in the west, the circumstances as described will probably result with the victim being blamed by the time it goes through the courts (If it gets that far). The laws were written by men and favor men. Fortunately, there are movements around the world to change gross injustices towards women. However, it will take a while before equality in the eye of the law is reached. I hope the survivor of this rape is able to receive whatever support she needs to help her deal with this brutal violation against her.

Not so in the UK. Courts will hold that the lady has to consent to sex. Incapacity due to alcohol or drugs that prohibits actual consent will result in a non-consent.

The young lady, if this case was in the UK, would have to provide evidences that she was drunk beyond being able to reason and therefore could not consent. A footballer was convicted and imprisoned in similar circumstances last year. The girl was much too drunk to know what was happening, although the footballer claimed she consented. He was found guilty of rape.

In Thailand, under Thai law ............ who knows! My wife always says that the attitude here is that if the girl is willing to go out and have dinner, then she is willing ....

Interesting to see how this pans out. Guilty, attempting to pervert the course of justice, or a set up to pressure his dad? I'm sure like all these cases it will simply fade away regardless of what actually happened, which we'll never know anyway.

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The "hang-em' high crowd" is alive and well today.

Innocent until proven guilty---except in this forum. rolleyes.gif

Get real, lynch crowd: It's her word against his, and there's a lot of dough to be milked out of him if that's part of her ploy. Also, accusation of rape is a convenient revenge for a woman scorned, if that be the case. Just sayin' whistling.gif

Right, of course he's innocent! blink.png

None of us know - rape or false allegation? Unfortunately the justice system in Thailand isn't known for getting to the truth so guess you'll never know.

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according to the police, a certain police colonel contacted the officers to negotiate about the case

Chalerm??? Nah, he's just a captain...

OMG - hope it wasn't a certain Lt-Colonel, you know, doing a "favour" for a senior army officer, whose now owes him one back?

Nah, that wouldn't have been rejected.

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Too many questions, too few facts. Did she have to let him in? She was conscious/unconscious when she opened the door. Where did the rape occur, in the bedrtoom, on the living room floor? Was there any resistance that caused bruising? Was she unconscious at the time of initial penetration; did that bring her back to consciousness? When did she first make a complaint? When did she first learn the alleged rapist was connected? The only fact that seems to condemn the man here is the fact that he is connected and the TIF (Thailand's Ignorant Farangs) want to hang him for that. Only when all the facts are presented can a fair decision be made.

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The "hang-em' high crowd" is alive and well today.

Innocent until proven guilty---except in this forum. rolleyes.gif

Get real, lynch crowd: It's her word against his, and there's a lot of dough to be milked out of him if that's part of her ploy. Also, accusation of rape is a convenient revenge for a woman scorned, if that be the case. Just sayin' whistling.gif

My Mrs says she's read in the Thai newspapers that he's had several complaints against him thrown out due to his "connections".

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Too many questions, too few facts. Did she have to let him in? She was conscious/unconscious when she opened the door. Where did the rape occur, in the bedrtoom, on the living room floor? Was there any resistance that caused bruising? Was she unconscious at the time of initial penetration; did that bring her back to consciousness? When did she first make a complaint? When did she first learn the alleged rapist was connected? The only fact that seems to condemn the man here is the fact that he is connected and the TIF (Thailand's Ignorant Farangs) want to hang him for that. Only when all the facts are presented can a fair decision be made.

I would rather think that it's the lady that made the police report that want to hang him, instead of the TV posters.

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Not so in the UK. Courts will hold that the lady has to consent to sex. Incapacity due to alcohol or drugs that prohibits actual consent will result in a non-consent.

The young lady, if this case was in the UK, would have to provide evidences that she was drunk beyond being able to reason and therefore could not consent. A footballer was convicted and imprisoned in similar circumstances last year. The girl was much too drunk to know what was happening, although the footballer claimed she consented. He was found guilty of rape.


So what happens if the guy is also drunk? Does that mean he could not give consent either and the girl also goes to jail?

Or are men expected to take responsibility for their discussion when they are drunk, but women are not responsible for the decisions they make when they are drunk?

I agree that anyone raping a women should go directly to jail, but just the fact that a women had a couple of drinks should not automatically mean that the man is guilty of rape

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Yes, there needs to be more 'substantiated findings' or facts for there to be strong case against the alleged rapist. Yet, it's doubtful this case will get beyond the 'brown envelope' stage.

It takes courage for a gal to make a rape accusation in Thailand. She knows the system is stacked against her, and that she will be ridiculed and 'marked' (as less desirable marriage material) for asserting anything publicly. For that, and other reasons, indications are strong that she was raped, but of course, viable evidence will have to back up her claim. I commend the gal for her courage in speaking up.

It's also despicable that parents automatically stand behind their kids - regardless of circumstances or evidence. If parents are going to treat (and shield) their adult-aged children as kids, then parents should be implicated also, as accessories to the crime.

Much better, but impossible in Thailand, would be Thai parents say to their adult-aged kiddies: "If you commit a crime, you should face the legal consequences."

Edited by boomerangutang
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