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Hayward Super II Pump Motor Replacement...


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G'day all,

I have a 1 HP Hayward Super II pump fitted to my in ground pool. Due to some design screw ups in the build phase of which I was not home to monitor, the pump room is under ground as an extension of the pool structure itself. This was done for reasons of space saving, but what was not thought about was ventilation and as mentioned, I was not on site to monitor what was being done about it until it was too late and they had basically closed in the room with an access hatch. This has caused the pump room to have poor ventilation and does wreak havoc on the main pump and counterflow swim pump due to high humidity and condensation from plumbing work.

To my problem...

The hayward pump motor has finally given up and failed for the third time. The first and second was due to water ingress which caused a short. This was repaired and have since rectified the water ingress cause. I found out that when the motor was first repaired, the motor was re-wired to remove all selection for 115v and had some wires cut, joined, wrapped in electrical tape and nicely put back under the end cap never to be seen again, until today! Anyway, the cause of the last failure was the bearings letting go. heaven forbid should I expect that whilst the pump is open, one would replace bearings? So rather then spend the coin repairing it again, I am in the hunt for a replacement motor.

Searching provides no end to the replacement possibilities, but I have a disagreement in the model number of the motor I have and the options available. The original motor was manufactured by AO Smith, now Century Electric Motors. When I search Century with my model number, C48K2DA23A1, it states no replacement available. However, searching a few US websites, there are replacement pumps available for the same HP, Flange Type, Service Factor, Voltage etc. basically, they would bolt onto the Hayward pump housing that I have. My concern is that the RPM is rated higher at 3450 against 2850 of the original and there seems to be a difference in overall length (the replacement being longer by about 1.5 inch) and the AMPS rating is higher 15.0/7.5 against the original 14.0/7.0.

I may be making a mountain out of a molehill here, but are there any reasons why the available replacement motors on the market would not slide in to the housing I have and do the job with those small variations?

A new complete pump is available in country for 20k+, but I don't want to head down that path unless really necessary, not for cost reasons so much as for plumbing reasons. Again, the genius who made the plumbing has not installed isolation valves for the main pump which makes removing it a hassle. I will get to this at a later date, but for now, just want to source a pump motor that will suit my needs.

Any experts out there having knowledge of these differences? Thoughts and input is welcome.

Thanks in advance...


Edited by Aussie777
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