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How sex is being used as a tool in Thai politics


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How sex is being used as a tool in Thai politics

Pravit Rojanaphruk

BANGKOK: -- Women seem to have become a casualty of the ongoing political strife that has been plaguing the Kingdom since the 2006 military coup, if not earlier. This became very clear when a number of female Pheu Thai MPs decided to hand sarongs over to opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva in protest against his alleged reference to Thailand's first female prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra as a "stupid bitch".

Since Abhisit refused to apologise, female MPs from the ruling Pheu Thai Party - led by Sunee Luangwichit and Yaowanit Piengket - decided to make a symbolic gesture showing how he lacked the "qualities of a true gentleman".

While these women might have succeeded in raising the issue of whether Abhisit should be held accountable for his remark, they also unfortunately succeeded in perpetuating a rigid gender stereotype - perhaps reinforcing the belief that women lack the independence to acknowledge their mistakes.

There have been lots of tweets over the past year demeaning female members of the red-shirt movement by those who claim to be admirers of the opposition Democrat Party.

One Twitter user in particular, @VvSay7, continues posting vulgar messages about his sexual exploits with red-shirt sex workers.

In a message tweeted at around 8.40pm on September 9, @VvSay7 wrote: "She's definitely red shirt! She did not want penetration, but Bt4,000 makes it negotiable. #easy #red buffaloes." (The message has been edited for propriety.)

Some 20 minutes later, the same person - who also tweets in near flawless English - posted again, saying: "Why should the masses of red-shirt buffaloes be troubled when red-shirt girls are admonished as stupid bitches, sluts or whores, if what was said is true? Just try to get with it!"

To be fair, I have also seen some vulgar tweets from red-shirt supporters. One of them boasted about his abilities in bed and how a woman from the anti-government multi-coloured shirt camp found it impossible to resist him despite learning that he was a red shirt.

As always, sex has once again become an act of violence - a way of dominating the enemy.

War usually brings out the worst in humans, who think nothing of using rape as a weapon in such circumstances. The most recent account comes from Myanmar's Shan State, bordering Thailand, where Myanmar's army is using systematic rape to mete out violence on Shan women.

Similarly, the ongoing political hatred in Thailand is bringing out the worst in some of us. It is also starting to shed a bright light on how far Thailand is from achieving gender equality. We can either use this situation to indulge our worst side, or we can stop and take account of just how low we have plunged over the past seven or eight years.

Sadly, though, the latest sarong incident also shows how women can sometimes, unwittingly, become perpetrators of gender bias by degrading and making victims of themselves.

-- The Nation 2013-09-18

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Unfortunately sex is used for almost everything in Thailand, not only in various government sectors, sex is used to get a job, to get a promotion, to get better credit, to get a increase in salary, even to get a degree in education. This is because women have absolutely no value in the eyes of many Thai men excepting for one thing. even some ministers look at phonography whilst in parliament, this is unbecoming conduct from people in in senior positions, and what happens when they are exposed? they just apologise, and what is the response? "Never mind, don't do it again"

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The ones who want to censor the topic sex away from Thai adolescents youth, are the ones who are doing it behind closed doors, and get away with it. Do you think an influential person or "innocent son" of an influential politician EVER would get punished for rape here in Thailand???

The easy way out is, always to blame the chicks to be too attractive, and threaten THEM with disciplinary actions or whatever, case closed!!!!!!

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Ecclesiastes 1:9

" What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun."

Sex, trough out the ages, was used as a tool for all purposes and to achieve all goals,

ant it's still practice everywhere in modern age, all fair in love (sex) and war...

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Unfortunately sex is used for almost everything in Thailand, not only in various government sectors, sex is used to get a job, to get a promotion, to get better credit, to get a increase in salary, even to get a degree in education. This is because women have absolutely no value in the eyes of many Thai men excepting for one thing. even some ministers look at phonography whilst in parliament, this is unbecoming conduct from people in in senior positions, and what happens when they are exposed? they just apologise, and what is the response? "Never mind, don't do it again"

Looks like you've been watching too many Thai soaps!

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Where does "The Nation" find such terrible "journalists?" Does anyone know they point to this article? blink.pngunsure.pnghuh.png

Commenting on journalistic skills I would have expected your comment to be perfect. giggle.gif

I dont claim to be a journalist. I just noticed that i accidentally added a "y" to the, sorry.gif

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Sex is used as a political tools all over the world. Clinton and Kennedy used sex for personal gratification. The leader of the IMF accused of rape in New York, tried to use diplomatic immunity, to skip out. Than there is Italy, under aged belle dancers. Three members of the Shinawatra Dynasty accused of having extra marital affairs. Chinese officials being accused of being involved in crimes committed by his wife. Daughters of high ranking political families being married to sons of high ranking political figures of neighboring countries. Sex for fevers has been going on since humans could walk, and maybe before that. coffee1.gif

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There a few politicians around the world who would retain their jobs if they said the identical thing about the highest ranking female in a government? Shame on Abhisit!!!

Silvio called Angela an "unf###able lard arse" and got ousted for completely different reasons, so you are 100% wrong on that.

Plus, AV didn't call her that, it was a comment on her suggesting a "Smart Woman" TV show and the comment was along the lines of "would anyone enter a stupid woman contest?" ..... so you are wrong about that too.

It's either a case of truly pathetic journalism, or cherry picking and twisting the facts to suit a cause.

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Stupidity is always the rule when the Nation publishes an opinion. First of all the Nation is notoriously unreliable when it comes to reporting on what the opposition people do and say. Secondly they try to blame women and if possible those of the ruling parties for the absurd remark of Abhisit, a remark which was on purpose wrongly translated by the Nation. Ee-Ngo cannot be translated as Stupid Woman, it can only be translated as Stupid Bitch.

It is not this government who employs brothel owners as minister of commerce, but it was Abhisit when he proudly stepped in the footsteps of that other appointed dictator Prem. The democrats are not even removedly interested in the participation of women and poor people in politics, women are a tool the late ex leader of the Democrat party Sanan showed it already when he invited a journalist up to his room at a Ratchada hotel and than raped her. Sanan was protected by every so called old and new democrat and the journalist was forced to retract her statements because there were not witnesses. Luckily there are plenty of witnesses that knows how the words of bloody Abhisit must be translated.

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Most people do not know this but Thailand has the highest percentage of woman in executive potions in corporations and businesses in the entire world! At

first I was very surprised to hear this as Thailand is not exactly know for

Womens equality. But then I realized the bottom line in any business or corporation is to make money, to make a profit and that the majority of Thai

men are so incompetent and corrupt they would just end up losing money for

the company. And this is exactly why there is so much incompetence and corruption in the Government here because it is run by an old boys club. I'm not saying this does not go on in other countries but it is especially extreme herein Thailand which is why Thailand has the highest percentage of woman in executive potions in corporations and businesses in the entire world,

amazing Thailand!

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There a few politicians around the world who would retain their jobs if they said the identical thing about the highest ranking female in a government? Shame on Abhisit!!!

Silvio called Angela an "unf###able lard arse" and got ousted for completely different reasons, so you are 100% wrong on that.

Plus, AV didn't call her that, it was a comment on her suggesting a "Smart Woman" TV show and the comment was along the lines of "would anyone enter a stupid woman contest?" ..... so you are wrong about that too.

It's either a case of truly pathetic journalism, or cherry picking and twisting the facts to suit a cause.


But the gov. supporters what to twist it as ammo against him if they can.

Thai Politics 101: take anything they say and spin it to be just the opposite,

and tack on any harmful meaning if possible, and then make it theater of the absurd.

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Unfortunately sex is used for almost everything in Thailand, not only in various government sectors, sex is used to get a job, to get a promotion, to get better credit, to get a increase in salary, even to get a degree in education. This is because women have absolutely no value in the eyes of many Thai men excepting for one thing. even some ministers look at phonography whilst in parliament, this is unbecoming conduct from people in in senior positions, and what happens when they are exposed? they just apologise, and what is the response? "Never mind, don't do it again"

"........ministers look at phonography ............"

Is this the kind of phonography you had in mind? rolleyes.gif


How about the “qualities of a true Lady” that acts as a puppet on a string- will she be given trousers, preferably made in Dubai?

Regarding your quote of Churchill in relation to Thailand: The five minutes before or after vote buying?

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"While these women might have succeeded in raising the issue of whether Abhisit should be held accountable for his remark, they also unfortunately succeeded in perpetuating a rigid gender stereotype - perhaps reinforcing the belief that women lack the independence to acknowledge their mistakes."

5555!!! Yeah, 'cos men are always admitting their mistakes, aren't they? Yep, nice and independent, us blokes. What utter nonsense.

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