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Where To Get Tattoos In Bkk?

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anyone know where I should go in BKK to get some tattoos? I am looking for the best combination of cost and quality. Good quality, clean and safe, for a good price... I am here for 1 more week and hope to get some done before I leave.


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i have decided to leave Thailand, but would like to get some tattoos before I leave in just over a week. can anyone lead me in the right direction to a combination of good artwork, clean and safe, and good prices in tattoos? in the city of BKK. thankyou


Khoa san rd have a great shop, Price is good and the quality of the tattoos are first class as the artists there are great.

When you walk into the buddy lodge its on the left hand side, there is 2 tatoos shops there, the first one is where I went.

But its always got alot of people and you might have to wait awhile


there is an excellent guy in the sawasdee house - where the airport bus drops you off near khao san. if you walk inside the building past the reception desk (LHS) you will see his shop down the end on the RHS. Very sweet guy whose looks are very deceiving.

his work is excellent.


i have decided to leave Thailand, but would like to get some tattoos before I leave in just over a week. can anyone lead me in the right direction to a combination of good artwork, clean and safe, and good prices in tattoos? in the city of BKK. thankyou

If you head to Kao San road, two of my friend's who are excellent artists work for a shop that's owned by a singaporean. Sorry, just lost my mobile with all the numbers. Anyway, if you make it the shop and either pay the shops prices, which are semi reasonable for western standards, or you can get a referal price 5 times cheaper when they're not on the clock for the shop (they have their own equipment at home, etc.) Can't remember the shop name, not very helpful I know.

Anyway, coming from Burger King side of Kaosan road, walk a little bit past halfway of kao san, passing Sunset bar on your right and Shamrock pub on your left, there's a small soi on your left handside heading to a big hotel, D and R, R and D or something along those lines. The soi is one of those sheltered sois with shops on both sides between Kaosan and the hotel entrance...Once you enter the soi, about 15 or 20 meters on your right side, you'll find the tattoo shop...

My friends, Luang and No are the featured artists, which they only get like a 20 or 30 percent cut from their work at this shop, so if you talk to them if the owner is not there, I'm sure you'd get a better price for independent work..They work that shop on Kao san M-F and have their own little shop inside Jatujak market on the weekends. Ofcourse you could try your luck at JJ market on the weekends as everyone their would know them related to tatoos/peircings.

Go check them out, remember ask for Luang or No and tell them Kiaw (Kee-o) referenced you. They can do everything from freehand to patterns, Thai art and Western, all colors including white, very skilled good guys. Luang has his go-tee tatooed in white color to compliment his real tee, and No you'll see has the steel devil horns surgically implanted to his forhead with tatoos all up his neck and ear, can't miss them!


Good Luck


yeah I've met with one of them at Khao San. someone i know here led me to them. but the price was way too high in that shop. so i did go looking for the one guy at Jatajuk. couldn't find him. i think that maybe he wasn't there that day, Saturday. cuz i'm sure i went to every tatto shop there. but then i thought " do I really want to get a tattoo in Jatajuk? i don't trust the looks of gettin one there. the needles are probably reused, and the ink probably very cheap quality. thinkin bout this made me think about waiting till i get home. but it is so much less here. i just don't want to get a cheap quality tattoo that will look like shit in a few years cuz of the ink. i understand that they may be good artists, but if it's done in those conditions, it makes me think that the quality of ink is cheap. and who knows about getting a blood related ilness... so i dunno. thanx.


thanx guyz. I understand that they may be good artists, but i would like to know about their quality of procedure and ink itself. ya know.... in Thailand and BKK you gota be careful for having tattoos done with cheap ink. don't want it to be a cheap quality tattoo that won't last. also is the health perspective of things. i guess for that i need to just check them out. but i may wait till i get home. i dunno now.


The Dude would like to know what the fascination is with tattooing. He has no shovels for tattoos because he can't figure out why persons like to put permanent marking on perfectly good skin. Can someone help The Dude out on this one?

The Dude would like to know what the fascination is with tattooing. He has no shovels for tattoos because he can't figure out why persons like to put permanent marking on perfectly good skin. Can someone help The Dude out on this one?

Sorry dude, I can't help answer that since I don't understand it myself.

To answer the original poster, the most widely known international tattooist in Bangkok is Jimmy Wong's Tattoo who has as shop on Soi 5 off Sukhumvit in a very small shopping complex, not far from Foodland. His sister has a small shop in the same area.

The Dude would like to know what the fascination is with tattooing. He has no shovels for tattoos because he can't figure out why persons like to put permanent marking on perfectly good skin. Can someone help The Dude out on this one?

One benefit of a tatoo that I've noticed in my observations was when I went to volunteer in Phangna January 2005. That tatooed victims were the easiest to identify after a week of decomposed nature!

thanx guyz. I understand that they may be good artists, but i would like to know about their quality of procedure and ink itself. ya know.... in Thailand and BKK you gota be careful for having tattoos done with cheap ink. don't want it to be a cheap quality tattoo that won't last. also is the health perspective of things. i guess for that i need to just check them out. but i may wait till i get home. i dunno now.

today, I just recovered my friend's numbers...Btw, they work at Max's shop inside the soi going to D and D hotel.

I understand your concerns. All I can say is that Max's shop's standards are at the western standard level...well they claim to be anyway..The shop looks legit, and their customer base is high too. They use only new packaged needles and have a wide selection of inks which they garuntee are all imported European top qaulity...including white ink, which you won't likely find out your streetside shop... Have only seen a few tats with the white ink, but got to say looks a lot more naturally blending than the standard black..

Western standards will ask for western prices...so if you insist on the security of the legit shop, you've got to pay the legit price...which is still cheaper than anywhere back home.

The lead for my friends is legit in that if you are able to arrange an independent hire, than you won't have to pay the shop's security mark up as they'll be being paid directly...I'm sure they'll have access to new needles / ink , as they are the artists of the shop... they obviously know the legit procedures cause they work in a legit shop. it's just your location to do it won't likely be in the shop.

Problem is timing. They work at Max's Monday through Friday, 12 pm till late night...Weekends, they do their own shop at JJ. So, you'll have to be available before 12 pm on weekdays and after 8 pm weekends for their convenience if they agree to hook you up independently.

No's number is 04 800 5661... Luang's is 04797 9056...Give them a call... I'm not their promoter and gain nothing if you go with them or not... but like I said if you want a registered shop's garuntee with procedures and ink, then you're best off at the registered shop's price (Max's)

I've known Luang an No for nearly 5 years...met them back in Phetchburi when they worked a shop there. Max, the owner of the kao sarn shop, is singaporean, but I know simply that he use to run a shop in England and is more of the shop runner...as his hired hands do most of the work...I guess Luang and No average about 4-5 tatoos a day each at Kao Sarn, mostly foreigner clientale. Max's shop has some S. African famous white guy featured artist now, that I believe specializes in dot-art tatoos...

So, what kind of tatoo you gonna get? 'I love mom' in Thai?

Let us know how it ends up.


The Dude would like to know what the fascination is with tattooing. He has no shovels for tattoos because he can't figure out why persons like to put permanent marking on perfectly good skin. Can someone help The Dude out on this one?

One benefit of a tatoo that I've noticed in my observations was when I went to volunteer in Phangna January 2005. That tatooed victims were the easiest to identify after a week of decomposed nature!

In the past, sailors normally have tattoos as a way of them getting recognized if their body were found floating in sea.

To the OP, I think you shouldn't bother about $$$ when you plan to put something permanent on yourself.

If the equipment satisfy you and the artwork is great then money shouldn't be an object.

Explorer :o


The Tattoo shop next to the buddy lodge on khoasan rd is great, there ink is top quality and they cut open a fresh packet of the needle in front of you and when they change a needle to a new one they cut it infront of you.

I got mine there and my friend say its one of the best looking tattoos they have seen.

Even after a few years it looks great

The Dude would like to know what the fascination is with tattooing. He has no shovels for tattoos because he can't figure out why persons like to put permanent marking on perfectly good skin. Can someone help The Dude out on this one?

Ultimately, in the context of this OP and other kindred westerners, it probably resolves to vanity and perceived peer group pressure to follow fashion. I suppose there is also an atavistic desire to distinguish oneself from the herd and a tattoo is perhaps the quickest way of achieving that in lieu of any other ' marker ' such as talent, strength, intelligence or wit.

Personally, I find the current craze for self mutilation, by tattoo and/or head jewellery, quite useful in that it invariably indicates the exponent is somehow deficient and not worth bothering with thereby reducing the risk of engaging in redundant social intercourse. A similar aid in identifying one's social inferiors is that silly coloured rubber band worn by the vacuous on their wrists presumably in some feeble attempt to associate themselves with the worthy slogan inscribed thereon.....more often than not, literally a case of wearing one's heart on one's sleeve.


Can some of you that have had ink done post pictures?

In response to The Gent. I disagree with your connection between tattoos and lacking something 'special'. I have a large and unique tattoo that you wouldn't notice unless you saw me at the beach, so it can't be a 'statement'.

While there are trends in tattoos, Celtic and native American being two, I know that many people decide on a tattoo that links them to a certain time or event. For example the birth of a child, a life changing trip or, in my case, recovery from an accident.

Having said that there is the knuckle dragging thuggish element with forearms like blotting paper, but you wouldn't need to see them in a t-shirt to know to avoid them. Right?

If you were right then you would have to avoid or look down upon many, many people.


I think that the gentleman that doesn't like tattoos should keep his opinions to himself. My tattoos aren't visible with my shirt on and the only statement that they make is to myself. I got them to memorialize an event in my life on each occassion. I have 4.

I had one put on in the complex that the Ambassador Hotel is in. It's a small shop, it's affordable and it's quality. This tattoo hasn't faded at all. The 3 that I got in the Balkans have faded in spots and I had to have 2 of them recolored. This one is still perfect. The guy there is quality. He's the only one in that complex. It's just past the clothing shops if you're in the lobby of the ambassador, facing the check-in desk, go out the right doors and follow the hallway. You'll like his work and he takes photos of all of his work.



The Dude would like to know what the fascination is with tattooing. He has no shovels for tattoos because he can't figure out why persons like to put permanent marking on perfectly good skin. Can someone help The Dude out on this one?

Ultimately, in the context of this OP and other kindred westerners, it probably resolves to vanity and perceived peer group pressure to follow fashion. I suppose there is also an atavistic desire to distinguish oneself from the herd and a tattoo is perhaps the quickest way of achieving that in lieu of any other ' marker ' such as talent, strength, intelligence or wit.

Personally, I find the current craze for self mutilation, by tattoo and/or head jewellery, quite useful in that it invariably indicates the exponent is somehow deficient and not worth bothering with thereby reducing the risk of engaging in redundant social intercourse. A similar aid in identifying one's social inferiors is that silly coloured rubber band worn by the vacuous on their wrists presumably in some feeble attempt to associate themselves with the worthy slogan inscribed thereon.....more often than not, literally a case of wearing one's heart on one's sleeve.

I have a tattoo that reads 'SOI'.

'Why do you have an English transliteration of the Thai word for street'? an interested observer once enquired.

All became clear to her later that evening when I was rather more aroused.

S-O-M-C-H-A-I she spelled aloud!


The Dude would like to know what the fascination is with tattooing. He has no shovels for tattoos because he can't figure out why persons like to put permanent marking on perfectly good skin. Can someone help The Dude out on this one?

Ultimately, in the context of this OP and other kindred westerners, it probably resolves to vanity and perceived peer group pressure to follow fashion. I suppose there is also an atavistic desire to distinguish oneself from the herd and a tattoo is perhaps the quickest way of achieving that in lieu of any other ' marker ' such as talent, strength, intelligence or wit.

Personally, I find the current craze for self mutilation, by tattoo and/or head jewellery, quite useful in that it invariably indicates the exponent is somehow deficient and not worth bothering with thereby reducing the risk of engaging in redundant social intercourse. A similar aid in identifying one's social inferiors is that silly coloured rubber band worn by the vacuous on their wrists presumably in some feeble attempt to associate themselves with the worthy slogan inscribed thereon.....more often than not, literally a case of wearing one's heart on one's sleeve.

I have a tattoo that reads 'SOI'.

'Why do you have an English transliteration of the Thai word for street'? an interested observer once enquired.

All became clear to her later that evening when I was rather more aroused.

S-O-M-C-H-A-I she spelled aloud!

Metric or imperial ? :o


The Dude would like to know what the fascination is with tattooing. He has no shovels for tattoos because he can't figure out why persons like to put permanent marking on perfectly good skin. Can someone help The Dude out on this one?

Ultimately, in the context of this OP and other kindred westerners, it probably resolves to vanity and perceived peer group pressure to follow fashion. I suppose there is also an atavistic desire to distinguish oneself from the herd and a tattoo is perhaps the quickest way of achieving that in lieu of any other ' marker ' such as talent, strength, intelligence or wit.

Personally, I find the current craze for self mutilation, by tattoo and/or head jewellery, quite useful in that it invariably indicates the exponent is somehow deficient and not worth bothering with thereby reducing the risk of engaging in redundant social intercourse. A similar aid in identifying one's social inferiors is that silly coloured rubber band worn by the vacuous on their wrists presumably in some feeble attempt to associate themselves with the worthy slogan inscribed thereon.....more often than not, literally a case of wearing one's heart on one's sleeve.

I have a tattoo that reads 'SOI'.

'Why do you have an English transliteration of the Thai word for street'? an interested observer once enquired.

All became clear to her later that evening when I was rather more aroused.

S-O-M-C-H-A-I she spelled aloud!

Metric or imperial ? :D

Colonial. :o


Somchai- I don't think it's fair to say that a tattoo is all that you inferred. Different people tattoo for different reasons. Some do do it in order to stick out in a crowd and be different from the "herd", just like you said. It doesn't mean that they're inferior or defunct in anyway. It means that they're individuals. Why do you own a specific vehicle or choose one color over the rest? Why do you wear the style of clothes that you wear? The answer is simple, they are all reflective of your personality. Do any of your choices label you as defunct or inferior? No, those choices let others in the "herd" see who "you" think you are. You should get to know more about a subject or practice before you pass judgement on it.

At one time, I too didn't understand tattooing and the reasoning for it. When I went to a war zone and lived through a few experiences, my thought processes changed. I saw some of my friends getting tattoos and asked them about it. There was a feeling of kinsmenship and pride when we memorialized the situation we found ourselves in. That was my reasoning... right or wrong, that is for me to decide, not the world or people such as you. I chose to get mine in places that weren't visible to the public, those are messages for me, so that I'll never forget. I can't speak for others, nor can you. There is nothing that we do, nothing that we choose, nothing that we wear that isn't reflective of ourselves and our personalities. If everyone in the world were forced to wear a specific uniform, almost every person would find a way to individualize it, even if only in some insignificant way. It's unfair of you to label others based on your choices and values, just as it would be unfair of others to label you based soley on your hairstyle, clothing or jewelry.


thanx for all the feedback ! all of you have been very helpful. today, I spent a little bit of time looking into a studio inside MBK. I accidently found myself infront of a small studio for Jimmy Wong's tattoos! I wasn't expecting that. with time running out though, and thinking about it a lot, I will probably do this at home, in a more relaxed manner. the tat that I want involves a lot of creativity and time.... I am leaving this weekend. but I found regular priced airline tickets traveling between BKK and LAX, or YVR for only 8000 baht, so I may travel back and forth as much as I please in the future.

thanks for your opinions Somchai. now we all know your social inferiority. it is said by wise men that those who are judgemental or have negative opinions about people, actually suffer from the very things in which they are judgemental about.


dont think anyone has mentioned Mr Jeab of Jeab Tattoo - Suk Soi 8 the soi opposite the Ambassador

ive let him loose on me twice now - once with an 8 hour piece on my back using bamboo and electric

the second time last year - just electric

hes very good. clean and has a genuine reputation - ive seen the guy mentioned on these sort of threads before.

i would highly recommend taking a visit to his shop - if not more than for just a look around.


My friend has his at MBK, He was in pain alot and was bleeding like a pig, I was laughing my ass off because I find those sorts of thigs funny.

Once in Patpong I heard a english guy yell out arrrrr help! I was laughing for atleast 5 mins.


I was pissed when i got that.

I picked a different eagle then the one i wanted when i was straight.

I love eagles, But i orginally wanted one that was flying down about to land. But im happy with it coz i love eagles

Somchai- I don't think it's fair to say that a tattoo is all that you inferred. Different people tattoo for different reasons. Some do do it in order to stick out in a crowd and be different from the "herd", just like you said. It doesn't mean that they're inferior or defunct in anyway. It means that they're individuals. Why do you own a specific vehicle or choose one color over the rest? Why do you wear the style of clothes that you wear? The answer is simple, they are all reflective of your personality. Do any of your choices label you as defunct or inferior? No, those choices let others in the "herd" see who "you" think you are. You should get to know more about a subject or practice before you pass judgement on it.

At one time, I too didn't understand tattooing and the reasoning for it. When I went to a war zone and lived through a few experiences, my thought processes changed. I saw some of my friends getting tattoos and asked them about it. There was a feeling of kinsmenship and pride when we memorialized the situation we found ourselves in. That was my reasoning... right or wrong, that is for me to decide, not the world or people such as you. I chose to get mine in places that weren't visible to the public, those are messages for me, so that I'll never forget. I can't speak for others, nor can you. There is nothing that we do, nothing that we choose, nothing that we wear that isn't reflective of ourselves and our personalities. If everyone in the world were forced to wear a specific uniform, almost every person would find a way to individualize it, even if only in some insignificant way. It's unfair of you to label others based on your choices and values, just as it would be unfair of others to label you based soley on your hairstyle, clothing or jewelry.

Well thought out reply, Soic. The only problem is, you've addressed it to the wrong person!

If you read back, you'll see that it should be my friend the Gent that you are replying to.

I in fact appreciate body art: that's why as I mentioned in my previous post I have my name tattooed on my cock.

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