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Where To Get Tattoos In Bkk?


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My farang ex-wife spoke of getting a tat a few weeks after I proposed to her. I was appalled and horrified. I managed to divert her from doing so. She would have been the only member of my large family to have one. Mind you that she is a very dumb person with an IQ less than zero and no HS diploma. Basically and factually she is US trailor trash. Anyway, a few years later at our new home, a neighbor was chatting with us one sat afternoon. He was about 60-65 and has an old faded tat on his forearm covered by lots of arm hair. My wife points to it and tells the guy how cool it looks. He comments back how he wished he never got it (he got it in navy). LOL

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Somchai- I don't think it's fair to say that a tattoo is all that you inferred. Different people tattoo for different reasons. Some do do it in order to stick out in a crowd and be different from the "herd", just like you said. It doesn't mean that they're inferior or defunct in anyway. It means that they're individuals. Why do you own a specific vehicle or choose one color over the rest? Why do you wear the style of clothes that you wear? The answer is simple, they are all reflective of your personality. Do any of your choices label you as defunct or inferior? No, those choices let others in the "herd" see who "you" think you are. You should get to know more about a subject or practice before you pass judgement on it.

At one time, I too didn't understand tattooing and the reasoning for it. When I went to a war zone and lived through a few experiences, my thought processes changed. I saw some of my friends getting tattoos and asked them about it. There was a feeling of kinsmenship and pride when we memorialized the situation we found ourselves in. That was my reasoning... right or wrong, that is for me to decide, not the world or people such as you. I chose to get mine in places that weren't visible to the public, those are messages for me, so that I'll never forget. I can't speak for others, nor can you. There is nothing that we do, nothing that we choose, nothing that we wear that isn't reflective of ourselves and our personalities. If everyone in the world were forced to wear a specific uniform, almost every person would find a way to individualize it, even if only in some insignificant way. It's unfair of you to label others based on your choices and values, just as it would be unfair of others to label you based soley on your hairstyle, clothing or jewelry.

Well thought out reply, Soic. The only problem is, you've addressed it to the wrong person!

If you read back, you'll see that it should be my friend the Gent that you are replying to.

I in fact appreciate body art: that's why as I mentioned in my previous post I have my name tattooed on my cock.

Sorry about that, I misread the who...

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Somchai- I don't think it's fair to say that a tattoo is all that you inferred. Different people tattoo for different reasons. Some do do it in order to stick out in a crowd and be different from the "herd", just like you said. It doesn't mean that they're inferior or defunct in anyway. It means that they're individuals. Why do you own a specific vehicle or choose one color over the rest? Why do you wear the style of clothes that you wear? The answer is simple, they are all reflective of your personality. Do any of your choices label you as defunct or inferior? No, those choices let others in the "herd" see who "you" think you are. You should get to know more about a subject or practice before you pass judgement on it.

At one time, I too didn't understand tattooing and the reasoning for it. When I went to a war zone and lived through a few experiences, my thought processes changed. I saw some of my friends getting tattoos and asked them about it. There was a feeling of kinsmenship and pride when we memorialized the situation we found ourselves in. That was my reasoning... right or wrong, that is for me to decide, not the world or people such as you. I chose to get mine in places that weren't visible to the public, those are messages for me, so that I'll never forget. I can't speak for others, nor can you. There is nothing that we do, nothing that we choose, nothing that we wear that isn't reflective of ourselves and our personalities. If everyone in the world were forced to wear a specific uniform, almost every person would find a way to individualize it, even if only in some insignificant way. It's unfair of you to label others based on your choices and values, just as it would be unfair of others to label you based soley on your hairstyle, clothing or jewelry.

Well thought out reply, Soic. The only problem is, you've addressed it to the wrong person!

If you read back, you'll see that it should be my friend the Gent that you are replying to.

I in fact appreciate body art: that's why as I mentioned in my previous post I have my name tattooed on my cock.

Sorry about that, I misread the who...

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somehow I just didn't see it worth replying to the gent ....

same as the guy that married the dumb woman.

There are all types of people in the world ... rugged individualists that succeed beyond all expectations ... corporate clones .... etc etc

but it is simply true that all types of people get ink for all types of reasons :o

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I credited you with rather more nous than perhaps you deserved. Oh, well.

To commemorate an event important to one is quite laudable but to do it in a fashion as cheap as a tattoo suggests a shallowness commensurate with the piercing of the epidermic layer to which it has been applied.

But you miss my point. A tattoo is an ostentation. You may well feel gratified in displaying a symbol about which you are concerned but in doing so you presume that the world at large is remotely interested in such a graphic sentimental display. It is nothing more than a conceit similar to, say, a vain menopausal women who buys a new hat thinking that the polloi's supposed appreciation will elevate her reduced self esteem. To do so bespeaks an arrogance on your part. We are esentially ants on the dung heap and no amount of self aggrandisement will alter that beyond real achievement.

A tattoo is simply an epitaph to your own ego.

JDinasia's paltry post is his own.

Edited by the gent
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I credited you with rather more nous than perhaps you deserved. Oh, well.

To commemorate an event important to one is quite laudable but to do it in a fashion as cheap as a tattoo suggests a shallowness commensurate with the piercing of the epidermic layer to which it has been applied.

But you miss my point. A tattoo is an ostentation. You may well feel gratified in displaying a symbol about which you are concerned but in doing so you presume that the world at large is remotely interested in such a graphic sentimental display. It is nothing more than a conceit similar to, say, a vain menopausal women who buys a new hat thinking that the polloi's supposed appreciation will elevate her reduced self esteem. To do so bespeaks an arrogance on your part. We are esentially ants on the dung heap and no amount of self aggrandisement will alter that beyond real achievement.

A tattoo is simply an epitaph to your own ego.

JDinasia's paltry post is his own.

Well Gent... which I use lightly for the moniker doesn't fit the comments. I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your opinion; I'm just thankful that I don't rely on your opinion of me or anyone else that decides to have a tattoo. Your own words bespeaks an arrogance that goes beyond most moral bounds. Your misuse of english aside (you should have used epithet) was essentially correct though not as derogatory as you intended. A tattoo is simply an epitaph to your own ego. Everything we say and do, every choice we make in life is an "epithet" to our egos, even you. Tattoos are cheap and shallow? they're a permanent choice and meant for the individual ego not a method of asking for public approval.

To the point... I know that inspite of your reluctance to admit it, you too are individualistic, we all are. You have your hair cut in a style that you like.(if you have any) You choose clothing that you like for whatever reason, that's an individual choice. I don't believe that anyone is nor should they be, are concerned with anything I do or wear as long as it's not forced upon anyone them. My clothing covers my own, they're not for public display. There is also the methods as allowed by the greatest of all engineers... closing of the eyes, turning of the head or walking away. I don't feel it's fair for you to guage the worth of anyone. Your opinions are reflective of an arrogance that overshoots your social station. I'm sure that there are many other ways that you excersize your individuality as well.

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Dear sweet Soic, it was a metaphor and, if I may say so in my conceit, a rather good one. Your cognitive inability comes as a disappointment but not as a surprise. But you are not alone in the fora so I shouldn't worry too much. Read more, that's the ticket.

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Dear sweet Soic, it was a metaphor and, if I may say so in my conceit, a rather good one. Your cognitive inability comes as a disappointment but not as a surprise. But you are not alone in the fora so I shouldn't worry too much. Read more, that's the ticket.

I don't think that "sweet" is an adjective that anyone here would apply to me. Anyway...Which was a metaphor? epitaph, nous, fora...? Or the entire diatribe? My cognitive abilities are just fine. You seem rather shortsighted and narrow minded. Individualism is expressed in many ways. How a person chooses to personify that is their own choice. Should one ask you what you think about their tattoo or dress, then your opinion would be welcomed. Should someone ask you what their level of self worth should be, then your opinion would be welcome. I didn't see your name in any Bible or as the author of any commandments, so I'm having a hard time guaging my ego or worth by any standard that you set. Should you ever be elected GOD or any other diety, I'm sure that I will then take your judgements more seriously. Your disappointment and surprise rate equally with me, I don't care about either one.

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