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What makes the "Perfect Expat"?


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perfect composite expat...lives in Thailand 100% and understands the culture and speaks the language

Part timers like to think they are expats in Thailand...reality is that they are frequent tourists.

People seconded to work in Thailand are "migrant workers"

and tourists are tourists

And as far as Thais are concerned we are all just "farang" whether we live there full time or not.

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any happy expat is a perfect expat

Based on that, I'd like to nominate the majority of the Pattaya Darkside crew on TV as the closest thing we have to 'perfect' expats. How many expats do you know who can laugh in the face of constantly being tagged 'sexpats' purely by virtue of the fact that they share a town with weekend warriors like myself ? Interesting that most of the bitching about Patts seems to come from people who claim they never actually go there .... wink.png

Not a word about Patts on this thread, until you felt the need to defend your lifestyle and even worse justify it!

Wonder why?whistling.gif

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The perfect expat is more or less invisible. He doesn't stick out in public, he isn't loud and obnoxious, he is cognizant of the local customs and adheres to the social norms, he doesn't play grab ass with every woman in sight, he doesn't mooch off the good nature of other expats and locals, he pays his bills and probably moans from time to time, but not incessantly so. Like I said, invisible. Posted Image  

That describes a good citizen/man in any country. You forgot 1 thing perhaps, a good father.
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Though living in Cambodia, not Thailand, I consider myself a good expat. Like Loptr said, I am pretty invisible. I work, drink the occasional beer (but not too many), I try not to step on any toes (local or foreign), I am in a steady relationship, I certainly pay my bills, I love wherever I live, and moan only very rarely. Most of all, I am happy with my lot.

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It seems a definition of Expat would be helpful here:

An expatriate (sometimes shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing. The word comes from the Latin terms ex ("out of") and patria ("country, fatherland").

In its broadest sense, an expatriate is any person living in a different country from where they are a citizen. In common usage, the term is often used in the context of professionals sent abroad by their companies, as opposed to locally hired staff. The differentiation found in common usage usually comes down to socio-economic factors, so skilled professionals working in another country are described as expatriates, whereas a manual labourer who has moved to another country to earn more money might be labelled an 'immigrant' or 'migrant worker'.

There is no set definition and usage varies with context, for example the same person may be seen as an "expatriate" by his home country and a "migrant worker" where he works. Retirement abroad, in contrast, usually makes one an "expatriate".

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according to the thais the only perfect expat is the one actually they see boarding the plane with the one way ticket to farang land but only if they have checked his pockets and suitcases before hand to see if he hasnt stolen any land.

all others are definitely highly suspect until they can confirm as the above.

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any happy expat is a perfect expat

Based on that, I'd like to nominate the majority of the Pattaya Darkside crew on TV as the closest thing we have to 'perfect' expats. How many expats do you know who can laugh in the face of constantly being tagged 'sexpats' purely by virtue of the fact that they share a town with weekend warriors like myself ? Interesting that most of the bitching about Patts seems to come from people who claim they never actually go there .... wink.png

Not a word about Patts on this thread, until you felt the need to defend your lifestyle and even worse justify it!

Wonder why?whistling.gif

Why did you bite then?

Pattaya is FULL of expat perfection btw... especially now that I have moved back to THE DARKSIDE. We are a very BROAD MINDED lot over here, not like those punters on that very narrow soi 41.

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Perfect? Who is doing the scoring?

People like Nadia Comăneci don't come around all that often in one lifetime.

All my life, no matter where I went, no matter who I met, I never saw the colour of a persons skin nor the shape of their eyes. I never rated a person by how much money they had or what job they did.

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