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Astrologers warn of impending 'disaster' for Thai govt


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The Nation fortune teller tells

many thais are unhappy with the sharp rise in the cost of living

the household debt is over 80%

many of the cars bought on the 100k scheme are going back as borrows default - this has had a knock on effect with the second hand car sales market - 1000's effected

the floods havent finished and more damage to come - however the big companies have been protected by the 70 klm barrier whilst the rest go pray at the wat (by boat)

many havent been properly compensated from the last floods in 2011

Myanmar is growing at Thailands expense - workers are staying home to build their country

banks are not lending as freely as before

many condo projects have stalled or are stalling

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I love how "vague" all these predictions are lol clap2.gifcheesy.gif

"It could be anything: natural disasters, accidents, tragedies, political conflicts,"

I'm going to try my hand at it . . . according to the "signs" (that I'm making up), there will be some kind of problem, somewhere, at some time, maybe . . . or I could just be talking out of my ass and making things up.

. . and its called arsetrology. . and yes anyone can do it, we all have it in us

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A bit of common sense needed here a good thick sprinkling of fairy dust around Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra office as everyone knows this will cancel out any unspecified disaster happening next month, easy problem solved and another disaster avoided.

Edited by metisdead
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...........this is good bad news....... ....or is it bad good news.......

...if it's just the government.....fine .....if it's everyone..........they have paid and paid and paid already....

....then.......there is something about another solar system entering ours.......as Thailand lies, it would be very bad....

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...then.......there is something about another solar system entering ours.......as Thailand lies, it would be very bad..

Tut Tut ye of little faith. Thailand would declare itself the Hub of The new Solar System.wai2.gif

This of course would put an entirely new slant on the expression ''Alien Laws etc.''giggle.gif

Mysterious Men in Black roaming around trying to capture aliens indeed a wondrous sight. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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After 10 Oct the earth quake about 6-7 Richter scale from Myanmar Yangoon and Northern parts and Bangkok will fell the shake,as the source from planet movement.

I would like there to be a quake of this sort of magnitude much closer to Bangkok. Whose fault will it be when all those high rise buildings collapse and the runways at Swampy finally do what they've been trying to do since it was built...and sink into the mud they are laid on ? Where will the members of this caring Government be when the poop really hits the fan ? Will someone emerge out of the rubble to say 'It's all under control; the media is overstating the situation people ' ? More likely they will be too busy stuffing suitcases with cash and calling the Monk on the run to borrow his Helicopter for a speedy getaway !

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You would like a city of I don't' know how many millions to suffer a major earthquake, causing countless deaths and unimaginable misery, because you think it will embarrass a Government of which you disapprove?

What a profoundly humane and thoughtful individual you must be, with an obvious deep love for the people of Thailand!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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In Asia a prophecy based on astrological principles amounts to little more than a calculated seeding of society with potentially self fulfilling ghost stories that are intended to sabotage the endeavour of higher minds.

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In Asia a prophecy based on astrological principles amounts to little more than a calculated seeding of society with potentially self fulfilling ghost stories that are intended to sabotage the endeavour of higher minds.

Unfortunately there are few higher minds on here that will understand that ;)

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In Asia a prophecy based on astrological principles amounts to little more than a calculated seeding of society with potentially self fulfilling ghost stories that are intended to sabotage the endeavour of higher minds.

Unfortunately there are few higher minds on here that will understand that wink.png

Dude...dunno about that....chill......

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