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Industrial estate in Ayutthaya threatened by floods


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TOKYO, Japan – Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, on a visit to Japan, promised on Wednesday (March 7th) that floods would never affect business in Thailand again.

How embarrassing for Yingluck but how devastating for those who are and will be effected in the future.

Following the 2011 flooding in the Ayutthaya industrial estates I remember a couple of businessmen being interviewed on TV, one was Singaporean and the other Japanese, and both were quite definite that if it happened again they would move their businesses elsewhere. The Japanese man added he had no faith in the government to do anything to prevent a re-occurrence. !

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Ah it goes from nothing to worry about as not as bad as in 2011. This puppet government should stop stealing money and wasting time getting dear leader back and tackle real problems like the flooding. They should have done the environmental studies and give openness about spending on the projects then they would have been done. Thing is they can't do things openly because then they can't steal as much. Red thugs not government would be a better name.

They hide everything never give any openness about anything (just look at the rice scam) so much trouble could be avoided if they really did their job. Too bad that the dumb masses that vote for them will never learn and of course are easily pleased with some breadcrumbs.

They can't control the weather can they? So it will flood this year and probably every other year in the future until a new dam is built.

They had 2 years to make improvements and build dams, here in Bangyai they were building a sluice but money ran out (too much stolen hail the red thugs). So now we got a partly build sluice... that is incompetence and theft and falls on the shoulders of the government.

Now there were many projects that were stalled that could have helped all over the country but they could not go on because the government did not do impact studies or and give the required openness about spending.... again that falls on the shoulders of the government.

So no.. they can't control weather but they could have done their job and prepared better. They did not... because its a puppet government that only wants dear leader to come home and does not like openness about anything as it reduces their chances to cheat.

So I am not holding them responsible for the weather but only for their thievery and incompetence.

'here in Bangyai they were building a sluice but money ran out' .......... for me a little north west of you that maybe a good thing, as will be less water backed up in my area...

As for all the money spent, well most of the roads around here have been raised by 50 cm or more, so all the houses will now be flooded even more by 50 cm..

Maybe time to start building houses that in floods will float ? ........ from my Village to main road 2 new small Projects are being built, the land has been built up at least 1 meter higher, than others so maybe that is flood prevention living.

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How unusual!

Yes, in the rainy season, in the tropics, affected by tropical depressions and typhoons with periods of consistent heavy rain.

Been going on for 40,000 years.

Why do you people blame the PM for the weather but hold non of her predecessors accountable ???

What about the mid 90"s when there was severe flooding in BKK for months ???

..............350 billion reasons.......not counting the money and supplies that 'went down the river'(?) 2 years ago.........

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The dear governor forgot to mention Rojana Industrial Park, where Honda is located, which according to the other newspaper, is of high risk of flooding!sad.png

Time for a second car rebate scheme?

"But Khun Yingluck, I can't afford to pay for the first car"

"Mai pen rai Somchai, just sign on the dotted line" whistling.gif

They had 2 years to do something about it, and what happened: Nothing!!

This time I am not sure, that the Japanese investors will be so patient.

Something DID happen, the people in power found they had more money to hide cheesy.gif

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How unusual!

Yes, in the rainy season, in the tropics, affected by tropical depressions and typhoons with periods of consistent heavy rain.

Been going on for 40,000 years.

Why do you people blame the PM for the weather but hold non of her predecessors accountable ???

What about the mid 90"s when there was severe flooding in BKK for months ???

..............350 billion reasons.......not counting the money and supplies that 'went down the river'(?) 2 years ago.........

Other Governments have never spent money on flood limitation? Did the current Govt not come into power about 1 month before the flooding. Lucky the outgoing Government had it all so well organized!

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How unusual!

Yes, in the rainy season, in the tropics, affected by tropical depressions and typhoons with periods of consistent heavy rain.

Been going on for 40,000 years.

Why do you people blame the PM for the weather but hold non of her predecessors accountable ???

What about the mid 90"s when there was severe flooding in BKK for months ???

..............350 billion reasons.......not counting the money and supplies that 'went down the river'(?) 2 years ago.........

Other Governments have never spent money on flood limitation? Did the current Govt not come into power about 1 month before the flooding. Lucky the outgoing Government had it all so well organized!

They had the biggest wake up call ever and they still messed it up.. wonder how you can defend such incompetence.

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They had the biggest wake up call ever and they still messed it up.. wonder how you can defend such incompetence.

No defense for the incompetence, but hold all Governments to the same standard of culpability. At the end of the day, the flooding is horrendous but it has happened for century's and will continue to happen regardless of flood limitation measures. You think if the PTP were given the boot tomorrow that the new Government would cease the projects? Christ they have been trying to stop the infrastructure bill for the last few months and then suddenly announced their new policy which was (drum roll) a 2 trillion infrastructure project.

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They had the biggest wake up call ever and they still messed it up.. wonder how you can defend such incompetence.

No defense for the incompetence, but hold all Governments to the same standard of culpability. At the end of the day, the flooding is horrendous but it has happened for century's and will continue to happen regardless of flood limitation measures. You think if the PTP were given the boot tomorrow that the new Government would cease the projects? Christ they have been trying to stop the infrastructure bill for the last few months and then suddenly announced their new policy which was (drum roll) a 2 trillion infrastructure project.

Then admit they are a scam and not defend them. As for the democrats I can't say how they would behave but any normal government with a wake up call like the 2011 floods would have done everything they could. But this government did not want to do environmental studies and give openness of spending on the projects (cant steal as much then). So it was halted because of greed.

I would condemn the Democrats just as hard if they were in charge.. but they were not and never had such a wake up call as the current government.

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They had the biggest wake up call ever and they still messed it up.. wonder how you can defend such incompetence.

No defense for the incompetence, but hold all Governments to the same standard of culpability. At the end of the day, the flooding is horrendous but it has happened for century's and will continue to happen regardless of flood limitation measures. You think if the PTP were given the boot tomorrow that the new Government would cease the projects? Christ they have been trying to stop the infrastructure bill for the last few months and then suddenly announced their new policy which was (drum roll) a 2 trillion infrastructure project.

Then admit they are a scam and not defend them. As for the democrats I can't say how they would behave but any normal government with a wake up call like the 2011 floods would have done everything they could. But this government did not want to do environmental studies and give openness of spending on the projects (cant steal as much then). So it was halted because of greed.

I would condemn the Democrats just as hard if they were in charge.. but they were not and never had such a wake up call as the current government.

2011 was the first year their were floods? Christ if there was no election for a further month they would have been in power. You can honestly sit there and type you would be as critical of the Dems? I will save and screen shot this post for future reference.

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They can't control the weather can they? So it will flood this year and probably every other year in the future until a new dam is built.

Very true. And all floodwalls do is make it higher outside the area. More dams needed as well as making wider and more canals through Bangkok to allow the water to have a place to go as it did before massive building in and along waterways.

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Really don't want to put a dampener on this topic but when the foreign firms in Ayuddhya were abandoned by the authorities who rushed only to assist the Chinese owned companies and left the others to - literally - sink - they learned a valuable lesson.

When Thai Government officials talk about flood control - they mean to the needy with the biggest red envelope.

Drain offs, side canals, pumps, barriers needed to protect people against the normal "didn't someone tell <deleted> Shinawatra's sister it happens every year?) flooding - are not built, are not available.

As the waters rise - so does the size of the red envelope.

Most of the foreign firms went out and purchased their own equipment having noted the quality of those in authority.

Flood lands / water meadows. These can absorb and divert truly heroic amounts of water. But the landowners - won't permit it - can anyone guess why?

You're not talking small Mom&Pop firms in Ayutthaya industrial estate either. I believe Nikon manufacture in Ayutthaya and were wiped out last time the place flooded. Nikon manufacture some 90% of their cameras in Thailand, I guess a lot from that plant. The previous flooding of that plant was blamed for the poor quality control on a new model of full frame camera, the sensors being dirty coming out of the plant.

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I live in Phitsanulok , one of the provinces alleged to be flooded. It s not. I spent the weekend in Uthai Thani and Ayuthayai.There was no flooding. Can we stop the hysterical nonsense and talk about the actual situation with perhaps reports from those in areas whyich are inundated?

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I live in Phitsanulok , one of the provinces alleged to be flooded. It s not. I spent the weekend in Uthai Thani and Ayuthayai.There was no flooding. Can we stop the hysterical nonsense and talk about the actual situation with perhaps reports from those in areas whyich are inundated?

Looking at the floodmap that was posted here made me worry. You might be lucky and have seen the places that were higher up. I just hope you are right im not in the mood to get flooded again like in 2011.

Edited by robblok
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How unusual!

Yes, in the rainy season, in the tropics, affected by tropical depressions and typhoons with periods of consistent heavy rain.

Been going on for 40,000 years.

Why do you people blame the PM for the weather but hold non of her predecessors accountable ???

What about the mid 90"s when there was severe flooding in BKK for months ???

Who is blaming the PTP or the PM for the weather? The PM is being blamed for the wholesale disregard of the flooding in 2011 which should hav been a huge kick in the governments corrupt arse to take action to mitigate the effects of flooding in the future. Instead little has been done except a lot of rhetoric and lies by ignorant corrupt politicians whilst corruption took the biggest part of the funds set aside to make a start on the problem.

There is no transparency with this government, in fact it is the opposite combined with blatant lies and disinformation designed to hide the truth which would expose their incompetance, there is no humanity for the Thai people shown by this government, there is huge financial indiscipline or worse theft from the national coffers, there is no attempt to lessen corruption, either by changes to the law or by changes inadministrative practices, in fact the opposite with schemes designed to be easily subject to corruption.

In short this government has done nothing but serve itself, has demoted the needs of the country and its people to the needs of the reconciliation bill which has the sole purpose of paving the way or Thaksin to return and is inept to the point of being treasonable. They have put millions into more debt. Conned the farmers with the rice scheme where the proceeds have benefitted the rich millers and friends of the PTP the warehouse owners and transporters. They have put people's expectations for subsidy with no regard to market forces where there can only be a disappointment eventually when those expectations are met with disappointment when reality hits home - probably left to the next administration to take th blame since the Thais are so woefully ill educated and ignorant. They have put thousands into debt to buy new cars they can't afford to appease the car manufacturers. They have the audacity to boast about these things.

I think that is more what people are complaining about but maybe you disagree.

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Ah it goes from nothing to worry about as not as bad as in 2011. This puppet government should stop stealing money and wasting time getting dear leader back and tackle real problems like the flooding. They should have done the environmental studies and give openness about spending on the projects then they would have been done. Thing is they can't do things openly because then they can't steal as much. Red thugs not government would be a better name.

They hide everything never give any openness about anything (just look at the rice scam) so much trouble could be avoided if they really did their job. Too bad that the dumb masses that vote for them will never learn and of course are easily pleased with some breadcrumbs.

They can't control the weather can they? So it will flood this year and probably every other year in the future until a new dam is built.

or hey get those billions of baht skimmed by individuals back out of their personal bank accounts that was allocated after the 2011 floods and actually start doing something.

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