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Thailand lobbies for position on UN Security Council

Lite Beer

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They might have been taken more seriously had Yingluck realised that attendance at the 68 UN Assembly was the most important trip on her list this year....... And she didnt go she sent the FM, the guy that should have been doing all the other trips.

Exactly. It's extraordinary that she can spare the time to visit Passports-R-Us (aka Montenegro) but she isn't going to the one place she should visit...... the UN.... especially if Thailand is serious about applying to be a non permanent member of the Security Council.

Montenegro was for her own application.... forward planning!

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So you want a seat on the security council? So what can your bring to the table, apart from noodles!

Specialist in flood prevention, I see. Special knowledge in Aircraft Carriers with no planes and advanced in submarine warfare, very useful. Excellent record for inflicting sanctions on the Thai poor notably the recent booze tax. A spokes person said "we are big on sanctions, we want to be a hub for sanctions."

Now when is we sharing out the budget, how big is our cut and how often are the parties?

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