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The local Gazette has this article which makes me wonder if the "experts" on Thai Visa forum are correct in their views that it is totally illegal to do any 'work' unless you have the correct permit.

" A vital missing piece in the jigsaw being assembled to drive Khon Kaen forward to ASEAN has always been, the Governor Somsak Suwansujarit believes, English language skills.

With this in mind he assigned the Provincial Culture Office, led by Mrs. Kesinee Sawadee, the Director of the office, to carry out a survey in every district of expatriate friends who would be prepared to volunteer to join the English teaching drive.

From the survey so far, 119 expatriate citizens have been identified pleased to be associated with this voluntary campaign of which 67 of them will definitely assist with English tuition and the others wwould like to help in alternative disciplines, such as cuisine and life skills."

So the question is, if you are requrested by the Governor to take part in 'volunteer work' is it legal?


A workpermit is required.

The governor is supporting it, so chances of any checks are minimal. But if the governor changes, the volunteer has a falling put with the school/organisers/officials the chances do increase significantly.

Personally I would not take the risk.

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Per above.

Volunteers do not need a teaching license, but do need a work permit. With a work permit volunteering would be legal.

As the governor has direct dealings with the labour office in his province, that should not be a problem. As long as the work permit is arranged, there is no problem.


Per above.

Volunteers do not need a teaching license, but do need a work permit. With a work permit volunteering would be legal.

As the governor has direct dealings with the labour office in his province, that should not be a problem. As long as the work permit is arranged, there is no problem.

If course the governor actaully knows the rules/requirements for WP's that is....biggrin.png


I think this will be like the foreign police volunteers who should have WPs but are unlikely to be arrested by the police for not having them. Anyway it is a positive sign that a governor is taking the initiative and might lead to more legal or quasi legal ways for foreigners to volunteer.


I think this will be like the foreign police volunteers who should have WPs but are unlikely to be arrested by the police for not having them. Anyway it is a positive sign that a governor is taking the initiative and might lead to more legal or quasi legal ways for foreigners to volunteer.

If this initiative forces out the scam "volunteer" programs which relieve many young people of cash I fully support the concept.


There does seem to be a possibility of not requiring a work permit for this based on item 6 below. Clarification?

From WORKING OF ALIENS ACT, B.E. 2521 (1978)

Section 4. This Act does not apply to performance of specific duty by aliens in the Kingdom in the following capacities:

(1) as members of a diplomatic mission;

(2) as members of a consular mission;

(3) as representatives of member countries and officials of the United Nations and specialized institutions;

(4) as personal servants coming from foreign countries to work regularly for persons in (1) or (2) or (3);(5) as persons who perform duty or mission under an agreement concluded between the Government of Thailand and foreign Governments or international organizations;

(6) as persons who perform duty or mission for the benefit of education, culture, art, sports or other activities as may be prescribed by the Royal Decree;

(7) as persons permitted by the Government of Thailand to enter and perform any duty or mission.


There are several "volunteers" where I work and all of them have work permits. How do I know? Because I was getting my WP at the same time. Do people work and volunteer without them? I am sure they do, but to do it according to law, you need a work permit.


If you are that concerned about it, then I am afraid you'll never become a volunteer, because that would require people to do things for you that they hate doing. If you simply take their word for it and do what you love to do, and make them all happy with your productivity, then there will be no problem. (Teaching without a work permit at a government school, or driving a rental vehicle without a license or insurance for example). Be nice and don't get pushy.

Thais usually do not retaliate unless they feel they are being removed from a money making opportunity, or that you are taking away from them something they would rather have themselves; or simply out of spite. If what you are volunteering for is going to help them in something they would not rather do themselves, or that you would raise to a state that they want to kick you out and taker over, and you would be replaced, then there should be no problems throughout and/or up unitl that point.

The agency you would work for will pass the brown envelope when the collectors come by. Everyone knows you are illegally working, but since you make them happy, and the collectors get thier money, then you'll never know.

Like I said, though... do it the legal way and you'll be in queues for the rest of your life, and the Thais will hate you for bringing up subjects they hate simply because doing things legally in Thailand will put you in last place.


I believe that, as a Retirement visa holder, Volunteering is not possible as the retirement visa precludes the issue of a work permit. Would seem to preclude a lot of expats with time on their hands.


If you are that concerned about it, then I am afraid you'll never become a volunteer, because that would require people to do things for you that they hate doing. If you simply take their word for it and do what you love to do, and make them all happy with your productivity, then there will be no problem. (Teaching without a work permit at a government school, or driving a rental vehicle without a license or insurance for example). Be nice and don't get pushy.

Thais usually do not retaliate unless they feel they are being removed from a money making opportunity, or that you are taking away from them something they would rather have themselves; or simply out of spite. If what you are volunteering for is going to help them in something they would not rather do themselves, or that you would raise to a state that they want to kick you out and taker over, and you would be replaced, then there should be no problems throughout and/or up unitl that point.

The agency you would work for will pass the brown envelope when the collectors come by. Everyone knows you are illegally working, but since you make them happy, and the collectors get thier money, then you'll never know.

Like I said, though... do it the legal way and you'll be in queues for the rest of your life, and the Thais will hate you for bringing up subjects they hate simply because doing things legally in Thailand will put you in last place.

Seems like someone has had a rough time, so much vitriol.

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I personally wouldn't be prepared to take the risk.I have found throughout the years,that 9/10 times when you do something in the name of a good cause, whatever that good cause may be, it always comes back to bite you on the arse.

Having said that,I am fully aware that compassionate people, myself included find it hard to change their nature.

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I would think that as long as the Governor arranges for the work permits, everything will be just fine.


If you are that concerned about it, then I am afraid you'll never become a volunteer, because that would require people to do things for you that they hate doing. If you simply take their word for it and do what you love to do, and make them all happy with your productivity, then there will be no problem. (Teaching without a work permit at a government school, or driving a rental vehicle without a license or insurance for example). Be nice and don't get pushy.

Thais usually do not retaliate unless they feel they are being removed from a money making opportunity, or that you are taking away from them something they would rather have themselves; or simply out of spite. If what you are volunteering for is going to help them in something they would not rather do themselves, or that you would raise to a state that they want to kick you out and taker over, and you would be replaced, then there should be no problems throughout and/or up unitl that point.

The agency you would work for will pass the brown envelope when the collectors come by. Everyone knows you are illegally working, but since you make them happy, and the collectors get thier money, then you'll never know.

Like I said, though... do it the legal way and you'll be in queues for the rest of your life, and the Thais will hate you for bringing up subjects they hate simply because doing things legally in Thailand will put you in last place.

Seems like someone has had a rough time, so much vitriol.

I see no vitriol but simple facts, that anyone can see everyday.

Personally I think the KK Governor wil not ever sign any WP (simply because legally he can't), but once his word is given, nothing will ever happen to those who will volunteer and behave as required.

At the same time I would recommend those that are thinking about, to evaluate if it is fair that a politician gains visibility having some Foreigner doing for free somethign that normally is paid, in a region that is having a very high growth rate. As an extreme, there might be even less teachign jobs because of that. Also consider, which acts of generosity Thailand has done to foreigners?


Like I said, though... do it the legal way and you'll be in queues for the rest of your life, and the Thais will hate you for bringing up subjects they hate simply because doing things legally in Thailand will put you in last place.

Your talking through your bottom, you do know that dont you ?

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