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I read the same article yesterday on El Reg and I was impressed with his humility. A true professional that kept a cool head as he knew the new system was full of bugs.

It's scary to think what may have happened if a hot head with less computer knowledge had been in that position.


Cripes ! I shudder to consider the outcome , should the shoe have been on the other foot. I think a Nobel prize and a decent pension is the very least this brave and compassionate man deserves. A true hero.


The US had a similar situation with the DEW line. NORAD got a "massive" strike coming from Russia and after a few moments of panic, it was determined the Moon was rising and the DEW radar picked it up.

As a second level of detection, the DSP (Defense Support Program) satellite system HALO (high altitude, large optics) was born to detect launches. Even that has had its issues with oil field flares (burn off of unwanted gas).

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